Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 116 Zhao Zixuan

Chapter 116 Zhao Zixuan

Woohoo. .

The feathers all over the body are shining with a deep black luster at this moment, very deep, Xiao Yu's voice is low and deep, and the momentum is also in the breath, climbing to the innate realm!
This imposing manner was released, causing heavy sand and dust, and the eagle's cry was loud and clear, echoing.

Seeing this, Lin Chen's eyes became more joyful. You must know that this Wind Condor does not have the innate ability to grow into an innate ability. Its limit is the eighth level, and at this moment, Xiao Yu has obviously broken the limit!
Although this has something to do with the Innate Monster Beast Neidan and the Hundred Year Spirit Grass, the most important thing is Xiaoyu herself, which means that it can continue to grow and have more possibilities.

Looking at that taller black shadow in the smoke and dust, filled with an aura that pierced the sky, Lin Chen was really happy for Xiaoyu from the bottom of his heart.

Such joy even surpassed that of subduing Sen Luo's puppet. Xiao Yu has always been a partner and relative in Lin Chen's heart.


Xiaoyu was also extremely excited. Following the baptism of this breakthrough, her entire body has undergone earth-shaking changes compared to before. The feathers on her body are sharp, as if they can cut through the sky.

This is the Condor of the Wind, the handsome and extraordinary, the overlord of the sky!
Coming to Lin Chen's side, he rubbed his head affectionately against Lin Chen. This scene also made Song Tiancheng and He Xiao even more surprised. They felt that the aura emanating from this condor could definitely crush them both. people.

Not even an eagle. .

Song Tiancheng was very ashamed, as if he was with Lin Chen, he was a good-for-nothing, even Lin Chen's eagle was stronger than him, and He Xiao was not much better, facing Lin Chen, he was not arrogant at all stand up.

Feeling Xiao Yu's aura at close range, Lin Chen was also extremely satisfied. Obviously, Xiao Yu's strength has also doubled with this breakthrough.

After touching Xiao Yu's head, Lin Chen also patted the dust on his body, took out the healing elixir and took it. This time, it was really a thrilling experience. If it wasn't for the last moment, he would have fallen here.

However, such danger finally paid off. Seeing the puppet of Sen Luo standing in place like an iron tower, Lin Chen also grinned.

With this trump card in hand, even a strong player in the early stage of Transcendence would dare to fight!
Lin Chen speculated in his heart that the Senluo Demon Halberd and the Senluo Puppet should all be left behind by Ye Tianchen. This guy who almost unified the mainland a hundred years ago is really unfathomable.

Not far away, Song Tiancheng and He Xiao came closer, with horror in their eyes, they looked at the puppet of Sen Luo.

"It's okay, this guy is under my control!" Lin Chen waved his hand, and they breathed a sigh of relief.

Without asking too much, they also understood that this must be Lin Chen's secret. This young man never seemed to be short of cards, and they had never seen Lin Chen display his martial spirit until now!
Lin Chen was also unfathomable in their hearts.

And at this moment, in the distance, that train team finally arrived.

From a distance, he saw Heifeng Mountain turned into ruins and the cracks spreading on the ground, even Zhao Zixuan couldn't help being speechless.

"What exactly happened?"

With disbelief in his eyes, Zhao Zixuan swallowed a mouthful of saliva as he looked at the collapsed mountain.

Although Heifeng Mountain is not high, only less than a hundred feet, it is still a mountain after all, and it collapsed right away?

Unless it is a high-level extraordinary powerhouse, it is possible to cause such a scene during the battle, and as far as Zhao Zixuan knows, there is only one ridiculous black wind king entrenched in this Black Wind Mountain. .

Unable to resist stepping out of the carriage, Zhao Zixuan took a step forward and walked forward. Behind him, the old man was inseparable, his feet were hanging in the air, and he possessed extraordinary strength.

What made Zhao Zixuan so anxious was not only the collapse of Heifeng Mountain, but also the resonant cry of the eagle!

With the Death Eagle Martial Soul in his body, if he can subdue an eagle monster as a battle pet, then Zhao Zixuan will be able to greatly increase his strength.

And eagle monsters are rare, and it is even more difficult to find those that can reach the innate state. Even if his Zhao family is powerful, he can't buy one, but today, he came across it.

As he approached quickly, Zhao Zixuan became more and more sure that this was an eagle-type monster that had reached the innate realm, and the martial spirit in his body could hardly be restrained from being released.

"Be sure to get it!"

Looking at the faint figures in the distance, Zhao Zixuan walked faster, and at this moment, Lin Chen and the three finally realized that someone was coming.

Looking at Lin Chen, at this moment, Song Tiancheng and He Xiao naturally only followed Lin Chen's lead, as if Lin Chen already had an aura that made people submit.

Xiaoyu's feathers stood on end, showing an astonishing sharpness, and the aura of an innate monster, which even made Song Tiancheng and the two on the side feel intimidated.

From Zhao Zixuan's body, Xiaoyu felt a threat, as if this person was its natural enemy.

Sensing Xiao Yu's reaction, Lin Chen also became alert, ready to control Sen Luo's Puppet to make a move at any time.

Finally coming in front of everyone, Zhao Zixuan's eyes lit up, looking at Xiaoyu, he was extremely excited.

"It's the Wind-Controlling Condor, who has grown to the innate realm!"

Whispering, he already had the determination to win this Wind-Controlling Condor in his heart.

Originally, according to his temperament, he wanted to kill these three people directly and take away the Condor, but he instinctively felt a sense of danger. It seemed that the young man in green shirt in front of him was not simple, so Zhao Zixuan stopped for a moment.

And the old man also immediately sent a voice transmission: "Master, these people are not simple, they are probably the children of a big power, and the strength of that puppet may be comparable to mine!"


Shocked, Zhao Zixuan looked at Lin Chen and the puppet of Sen Luo, and speculated in his heart that the collapse of Heifeng Mountain must be related to them, so he couldn't help but be more careful.

In the face of the weak, he can be extremely arrogant and show his brutal nature, but in the face of a strong enemy, he is a dormant poisonous snake. This kind of person is the most terrifying.

"Brother, Zhao Zixuan is at the Zhao family in Tianyuan City. I'm passing by here. I don't know what happened here. How can I help?" Zhao Zixuan immediately changed his face and said with a smile.

From when he flew here, when he figured out the situation, to when he said these words, it was all in an instant. Such a reaction was really fast, but unfortunately, Lin Chen still saw the depth of his eyes. The sinister look at her, and the desire to possess when she looked at Xiaoyu!

He secretly snorted in his heart, if this person is sensible, he naturally doesn't want to cause trouble, but if he wants to play some tricks, Lin Chen doesn't mind teaching him a profound lesson!

ps: I saw some readers asking me about the book friend group today. In fact, there is a group, and there are not many people. It is a bit deserted. If you want to join, the group number is 52599347.In addition, there will be an explosion tomorrow. In addition, I recommend a few books from friends. They are all high-quality fantasy books. Brothers who are in the shortage of books can go and read them.

(End of this chapter)

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