Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 117 Arriving at Tianyuan City [Part 1]

Chapter 117 Arriving at Tianyuan City 【First Update】

"Lin Chen, a nobody."

One more thing is worse than one less thing. Naturally, Lin Chen would not choose to turn his face immediately. Since the other party chose to pretend, then he doesn't mind playing with this Zhao Zixuan.

It would be best if there was nothing wrong with each other, but if Zhao Zixuan wanted to put his hand on Lin Chen, then Lin Chen would not be polite.

forest dust. .

The old man murmured softly, but in his impression, there was no such a genius, nor a clan with the surname Lin.

Following Zhao Zixuan to go out to experience, they did not hear about the deeds of Pingshan City. In fact, Lin Chen's name has already been buzzing at this moment.

"Haha, Brother Lin Chen is going to Tianyuan City if he wants to come, and I am also going along the way, so let's go together!" Zhao Zixuan said with a smile.

On the surface, this person is very friendly and enthusiastic. If Lin Chen hadn't really seen the insidiousness deep in his pupils, he might have been deceived by him.

Uncompromising, Lin Chen raised his hand, and the puppet of Sen Luo immediately stepped forward, standing behind Lin Chen like a black iron tower, and Zhao Zixuan's whole body was stunned instantly by a fierce demonic energy.

Even the old man behind him felt a strong threat. The power of this puppet was definitely not something he could resist.

Eyes full of fear, looking at this puppet of the forest, Zhao Zixuan had an incredible thought in his heart.

Perhaps the collapse of Heifeng Mountain was caused by Lin Chen!
The most sensible decision right now is naturally to give up this Condor of the Wind and not to provoke Lin Chen, but Zhao Zixuan's desire for this Condor immediately suppressed his fear.

Take the risk!
Zhao Zixuan immediately decided that no matter what, he wanted to get this Wind Condor.

Lin Chen's move is already very obvious. What he means is that if you want to find trouble, you have to weigh it carefully!

However, he still underestimated Zhao Zixuan's greed. Seeing the change in this guy's eyes, Lin Chen also understood that this matter should not end here, and Zhao Zixuan will definitely find a chance to make a move.

With a chuckle, Lin Chen didn't rush to tear his face, but pretended not to know anything.

"Hehe, since Brother Zhao invited you, I'd rather be respectful than obedient. To tell you the truth, we are also going to Tianyuan City." Lin Chen cupped his hands and beckoned Song Tiancheng and the others to follow.

At this time, the convoy from the rear also came, and under Zhao Zixuan's order, the group continued to move towards Tianyuan City.

Originally, it would take two days to walk, but now, with this carriage, it takes one day.

Zhao Zixuan enthusiastically invited the three of them to enter his carriage, and Lin Chen did not refuse, and when he entered the gorgeous carriage, which was half the size of a house, Lin Chen was also shocked.


As the son of a coachman, Lin Chen lived a poor life since he was a child, and he has opened up a lot of horizons along the way, but at this moment he is still shocked by the magnificence of the carriage.

The floor is covered with a gold silk carpet, which is soft and comfortable to step on. The walls are dotted with huge luminous pearls and various spiritual jade gems. Some of the various decorations Lin Chen can't name, but there is no doubt that they are all valuable. Liancheng.

The most important thing is that when entering the carriage, a strong aura of heaven and earth surges in, as if entering a secret realm. Just by breathing, Lin Chen realizes that the energy in his body has been exhausted. , is recovering rapidly.

Similarly, Song Tiancheng and the two also showed joy. If they practice here, one day is enough to equal ten days!
A flash of complacency flashed in Zhao Zixuan's eyes, and he secretly ridiculed that the three of them were ignorant. At the same time, he also concluded that they did not come from any great power. As for the extraordinary puppet, Lin Chen should have been lucky enough to get it.

In this case, you can do it with more confidence!

The three sat down, and Zhao Zixuan also ordered someone to serve them delicious food and wine, while Xiaoyu was very resistant to Zhao Zixuan, as if there was an aura in this guy that made him feel disgusted, so Xiaoyu stood alone in the sky. circling.

Picking up a glass of blood-red wine, Zhao Zixuan sneered.

"Brother Lin Chen, this time it should be for that quota too!" Zhao Zixuan said after taking a sip of wine, feeling the hotness flowing down his throat and spreading all over his body.

"That's right, after Tianyuan City, there is Wangcheng, so the competition must be extremely fierce." Lin Chen said.

"Yes, this time, it is said that there are three people in each of the small towns around Tianyuan City. Including the geniuses in Tianyuan City, there may be dozens of people participating. However, there are only five places for Tianyuan City to go to the Royal City." Zhao Zixuan said. .

These figures immediately made Song Tiancheng's heart sink.

Given their less than innate strength, it may be difficult to get a place, and the next selection will only continue with geniuses like Lin Chen.

Sighing in his heart, they were all top-notch people in Pingshan City, but compared with Lin Chen, they fell too far, and this Zhao Zixuan even reached the third level of congenital. From this, it can also be seen that Tian Yuan The geniuses in the city must be like this.

"This time when we return to Tianyuan City, the competition will start a day later. Unlike the previous group arena competitions, it is said that some changes have been made in this selection." Zhao Zixuan said.

After his explanation, Lin Chen also understood.

The elimination of the arena is too monotonous, so this time, the city lord of Tianyuan City changed the competition system and set aside a hill as the venue for the competition.

This mountain is located in the Zhetian Mountain Range. The teleportation array built by the star soul master is connected to Tianyuan City. The mountain has been blocked, and a large number of monsters have been arranged, and tokens are planted in each monster.

What these geniuses have to do is to kill monsters, get the tokens in their bodies, and finally decide the ownership of the five places!

This also made Lin Chen speechless. Sure enough, the strength of Tianyuan City cannot be compared with that of Pingshan City.

It is said that only star soul masters who have reached the fourth level have the capital to build a teleportation array, and forcibly occupying a mountain in the Zhetian Mountains is bound to kill the original owner of the mountain, at least it is extraordinary Level monsters.

It seems that for this selection, Tianyuan City also put in good intentions.

While the carriage was driving, everyone arrived at Tianyuan City very quickly. Along the way, Zhao Zixuan was very polite, as if he wanted to make friends with Lin Chen, and deceived Song Tiancheng and the two of them. Only Lin Chen understood , this guy is a poisonous snake.

After understanding the rules of the competition, Lin Chen also concluded that Zhao Zixuan would definitely find a way to make a move within that hill!

Looking at the tall city wall in front of him and feeling the majestic momentum, Lin Chen's heart was also hot.

He is naturally bound to win this spot, and if anyone is not open-minded, he wants to try the power of the puppet of Sen Luo!
(End of this chapter)

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