Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 118 Dao Duan Lives and Dies in Jibo [2 more]

Chapter 118

The carriage drove, passed through the city gate, and finally entered the city, heading towards the Zhao Mansion.

"Brother Lin Chen, you are a guest. This time, I will treat you well!" When we arrived at Tianyuan City, it was Zhao Zixuan's territory.

As long as Lin Chen enters Zhao's house, he has full confidence in taking Lin Chen down.

Although the puppet is strong, can it be stronger than many extraordinary powerhouses of his Zhao family? As for Lin Chen's innate elementary strength, he directly ignored it.

"I'm a rough person, so I won't bother Brother Zhao. Besides, I have someone who wants to ask Brother Zhao." Lin Chen opened his mouth and entered Zhao's residence, but he couldn't help himself. He wouldn't be so stupid as to go to Zhao House as a guest.

"Brother Lin Chen, it doesn't matter. My Zhao family still has a certain prestige in Tianyuan City. It shouldn't be difficult to inquire about someone." Zhao Zixuan raised his eyebrows, with a gloomy look in his eyes.

"I don't know if there is an old Mr. Jibo in Tianyuan City?" Lin Chen said lightly.

This Yu Jibo is the person Song Buping met. At the beginning, Song Buping planned to come to Tianyuan City to join Jibo. According to what Song Buping said, the two were inseparable, they were life and death friends.

"Knife cut life and death by Jibo?!"

Hearing this, Zhao Zixuan was shocked, why should he ask about Yu Jibo, he is a legend in Tianyuan City.

At the beginning when one person came to Tianyuan City with one sword, Yu Jibo insisted on using the sword in his hand to cut off life and death, and earned a great reputation. He was a figure second only to the city lord. For this selection, the city lord let go and handed over everything Yu Keeber.

"Brother Lin Chen, do you know Senior Yu?" Zhao Zixuan's heart suddenly hung up. If this kid has any relationship with Yu Jibo, then even his Zhao family would not dare to touch him!

"Hehe, I don't know anything. It's just an elder. Please send me a message to pay a visit to Senior Yu." Lin Chen spoke, which made Zhao Zixuan heave a sigh of relief, but he still didn't dare to do it lightly.

Originally, according to his plan, bringing Lin Chen into the Zhao Mansion was almost done, but now it seems that it needs to be reconsidered.

Yu Jibo, in Tianyuan City, represents a kind of strength!
"It seems that Senior Yu is very famous, so there is no need to bother looking for it. I will pay a visit without delay." Lin Chen said, leaving the carriage and walking towards the city.

Although there is the puppet of Sen Luo, but here, an extraordinary combat power is no longer enough to be unscrupulous, Lin Chen must act carefully.

He intends to let Lin Chen go to the Zhao Mansion, but Zhao Zixuan also understands that this kid is very slippery, so don't be impatient, it's a big deal, wait until he enters the top of the competition, and then make plans.

Song Tiancheng and He Xiao also followed Lin Chen, and Xiao Yu landed from the sky, she was as tall as a person, standing beside Lin Chen, she was very handsome.

"Brother Lin Chen, I'll wait for you at the Zhao Mansion with a banquet!" Zhao Zixuan said, watching Lin Chen leave.

After walking a certain distance, Lin Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

Dealing with Zhao Zixuan was very tiring. He had to be on guard against him all the time. At this moment, he regretted it a bit. Back then in Heifeng Mountain, he would be fine if he killed them directly.

However, having said that, it may not be an easy task to keep them with just relying on a puppet of Sen Luo.

Shaking his head, Lin Chen headed towards the place where Yu Jibo was while Lin Chen asked, while on the other hand, Zhao Zixuan returned to the Zhao Mansion, and told his father, Zhao Han, about the series of things.

In the study, Zhao Han narrowed his eyes slightly, smoked a pipe, and said in a deep voice: "The puppet of the extraordinary realm, it is very likely that he caused the collapse of Heifeng Mountain, and it has something to do with Yu Jibo?"

"what is his name?"

"Lin Chen."

"Lin Chen, you said his name is Lin Chen?!" Zhao Han was startled when he heard this, the pipe fell to the ground, and the ash was splashed.

Zhao Zixuan went out to practice and didn't know anything about Pingshan City, but he, Zhao Han, knew it very well.

A junior named Lin Chen almost destroyed Pingshan City by killing a superpower with one palm, and then there was a powerful king who shot and saved him!

If it was this Lin Chen that Zhao Zixuan wanted to deal with, then Zhao Han would never allow it. After all, the Zhao family only had three superpowers. We must take it seriously.

"Don't act rashly, it's just an eagle. I'd rather not have it than offend Lin Chen." Picking up the pipe, Zhao Han said to Zhao Zixuan.

At this moment, Zhao Zixuan was stunned. He thought Lin Chen was just a country boy, but he didn't expect that this name made his father so dignified.

. .

"Junior Lin Chen is here to visit Senior Yu, and I would like to inform you." Standing outside a mansion, Lin Chen said to two guards.

"Visiting? Who do you think you are? Get out!" The guard glanced at Lin Chen and didn't give him a good look.

People who want to visit Yu Jibo every day are lined up. You are a genius, and you also want to see Yu Jibo?

Lin Chen smiled, and did not have the same knowledge as these two, but took out a few top-grade spirit essence from the Ruomu card and handed it over.

"Please inform me, both of you, that they are people from Lingtian Mansion, Pingshan City, who have brought tokens." Lin Chen now has three Ruomu cards, one from Cui Yuan, and the other two from Yan Yi and Hei Feng. Great King Liu Junyu, he naturally has no shortage of spiritual essence.

Seeing that Lin Chen didn't seem to be lying, and that he had received the spirit essence, the two couldn't refuse, so they immediately changed their smiles.

"Brother, wait a moment, I'll report right away!"

With a chuckle, Lin Chen secretly thought that if he took out the essence from the beginning, he would not be scolded. In this world, money can make ghosts grind.

And soon, the guard who went to report came back and looked at Lin Chen in surprise. Unexpectedly, Yu Jibo actually agreed to meet Lin Chen.

"Brother, please come inside, please come inside!" The guard changed from the smiling face just now to a flattering look, very flattering.

Lin Chen cupped his hands: "This is my friend, and they are all from Lingtian Mansion, so we should be able to go in together."

"Naturally, naturally..." the guard replied hastily.

Nodding his head, Lin Chen took a step and walked into Yu Jibo's mansion. Similarly, they all have martial arts arenas, and after the martial arts arenas are the main hall and living rooms.

When he came to the Martial Arts Arena, Lin Chen also saw many people practicing. There were wooden stakes placed on the field, and many people were holding wooden knives, chopping forward and learning from each other.

Daoduan lived and died in Jibo, so he was naturally a good swordsman, and the people here also learned swordsmanship from him.

As Lin Chen stepped into the martial arts arena, all of these people stopped their movements and looked at Lin Chen. At the same time, eight wooden figures suddenly flew out from the edge of the martial arts arena.

Hoo hoo. .

The wooden man held a wooden knife in his hand, and as he waved it, there was a constant sound of wind, sweeping towards Lin Chen from all directions. Every wooden man had the strength no less than that of a congenital powerhouse!

(End of this chapter)

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