Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 120 Star Formation, Lion and Tiger Mountain

Chapter 120 Star Formation, Lion and Tiger Mountain

There was nothing to say that night, but under Jibo's persuasion, Lin Chen and the others had a meal and were arranged to stay.

The second day is the day for quota selection, and if Yu Jibo has any plans, he will not make a move at this moment.

As for the Zhao Mansion, Lin Chen also bribed a guard and went to report the news. Hearing that Lin Chen was staying at the Ji Bo Mansion, Zhao Han and Zhao Zixuan's thoughts were further extinguished.

Obviously, Lin Chen also has a relationship with Yu Jibo, coupled with his own terrifying strength and background, no matter what, he can't offend him for a Wind Condor.

But what they don't know is that Yu Jibo is also harboring evil intentions at this moment.

When the sun rose slowly on the second day, this Tianyuan City suddenly boiled up, and the geniuses who came from various cities gathered together, and everyone showed their sharpness!

The three of Lin Chen also walked out of the room, came to the martial arts arena, and saw Yu Jibo's figure.

"Little friend Lin Chen, this time there are three people participating in my Wooden Knife Dojo. I hope you will take care of me when the time comes." Yu Jibo said with a smile.

Hearing this, dissatisfaction flashed across the eyes of the three teenagers standing behind Jibo. Even though Lin Chen was very eye-catching, his words still hit them.

Who needs your care of Lin Chen?
Geniuses have arrogance. Although Lin Chen fought against the eight wooden swordsmen by himself yesterday, in their hearts, they were still unconvinced.

The wooden knife man is okay to deal with some novices, but real geniuses can crush them. After all, they are just mechanical puppets, not only lacking wisdom, but also not flexible enough.

As for the rumors about Lin Chen, about destroying Chaofan with his hands, they couldn't stop laughing, and listened to it as a joke. After all, if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, who would believe that a talented kid could kill Chaofan? ?
With a chuckle, Lin Chen ignored them, and Yu Jibo led the crowd away from the Wooden Sword Dojo and came to the square in the center of the city.

The crowds were already crowded, and everyone's eyes were on a gorgeous formation in the center of the square.

I saw that this formation is entirely composed of the power of the stars, and the starlight is still dazzling even in the daytime, and the complex lines are outlined, which makes people dazzled and fascinated when they look at it, as if it contains the essence of the universe. reason.

Lin Chen stared at this star array with piercing eyes. The power of the stars circulated in the sea of ​​stars between his brows, which seemed to resonate, especially the star-studded vision, which turned out to be operating independently.

hum. .

One after another starlight surged crazily in Lin Chen's sea of ​​stars. In the depths of his eyes, there seemed to be a miniature light array that had shrunk countless times, perfectly replicating the array in the center of the square.

And in the sea of ​​stars, finally at this moment, an identical array of light quickly condensed, exuding star brilliance, and between the transfers, there was a space fluctuation that moved Lin Chen.

Lin Chen was immediately dumbfounded, he is just a junior star soul master, and he has just condensed the star soul not long ago, and now he directly engraved a teleportation formation in the sea of ​​stars?
Could it be that the visions scattered all over the world are really so strong?
You must know that the power of space is the exclusive power of the king's power, which cannot be touched by extraordinary powers, and the star soul master has broken this rule.

The third-level star soul masters can jointly construct star formations for teleportation, while the fourth-level star soul masters can even build space transmission formations alone.

And in Tianyuan City, there are five third-rank star soul masters. At this moment, these five people are wearing moon white robes, and they all have three star marks on their chests.

Seeing this, Yu Jibo also scanned the audience, looking at the many geniuses, his energy was rolling, and when he opened his mouth, his voice rang out and echoed in everyone's ears.

"The rules this time must be known to everyone, so I won't say much. After ten days, at the top of the mountain, the teleportation array will be activated. Those who have not returned by then will have no chance. Moreover, This time, regardless of life or death, this competition is not like your usual petty fights!"

Regardless of life or death. .

Lin Chen's eyes froze, which meant that there might be many deaths in this test.

Many geniuses also have their own thoughts.

Fortunately, this time there are no restrictions on treasures, puppets, and battle pets, so Lin Chen can bring Senluozhipuppet and Xiaoyu with him, and with the existence of Senluozhipuppet, there must be a great guarantee.

After calming down, Lin Chen saw that Yu Jibo already had a genius when he waved his hand, and entered the star array with a few steps.

At the same time as the stars were spinning, a wave of extreme mystery was generated, and a passage suddenly appeared in the space ahead, which was deep and far away, leading to the peak of the trial in the sky-shading mountain range.

One step fast, one step fast, the first step is to seize the opportunity. Dozens of geniuses swarmed towards the passage of the light array. Seeing this, Lin Chen also took a step. stepped into this channel.

As Lin Chen entered the passage, Zhao Zixuan immediately took a step, followed closely behind with the two behind him, and also followed.

But what no one noticed was that looking at Lin Chen's back, a murderous intent flashed quietly in Jibo's eyes.

Even if Lin Chen is Song Buping's person, and Song Buping really has saved his life, but in the face of absolute interests, what is this?
Seeing the gradually dissipating star teleportation array, while sneering at the corner of Yu Jibo's mouth, he also decided that Lin Chen must be left this time.

Wow. .

The power of space was surging, and there was also the soft power of stars. Lin Chen felt that in the sea of ​​stars, the copied and engraved formation was also rotating at the same time, which was very mysterious.

After a few breaths, the fluctuation disappeared. Lin Chen tried his best to capture the movement of the rhyme, but it was difficult to succeed, so he had to give up.

The scenery in front of him changed, and there was no Tianyuan City Square. In the middle of the mountains, there was a tall mountain in front of him, which was as tall as two Heifeng Mountains, and it was more than several times wider.

The roaring sound of the monster beast echoed, accompanied by bursts of screams, and even a battle broke out, and many geniuses rushed to kill the monster beast.

The token planted in the monster's body is the key to this competition, but, not only do everyone want to kill the monster to get the token, but they can also snatch it from others!

What this competition needs to test is not pure combat power, but many methods, even if you use treasures or puppets, it is still your strength, so these things are not prohibited.

Taking a deep breath, he raised his head and looked at the top of the mountain. On top of the towering peak, there was lush greenery. At the foot of the mountain, a brand new stone tablet stood, with four large characters on it, which were particularly eye-catching.

Liger Mountain.

ps: The fourth update arrives, do you have any support~
(End of this chapter)

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