Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 121 Capture the Golden Token

Chapter 121 Capture the Golden Token
Liger Mountain.

The extraordinary monster that was entrenched on this mountain before was a liger, but in fact, it was this big guy who injured Mei Wuer when she attacked her.

But now, for this time's quota selection, the people of Tianyuan City directly killed the liger, captured the mountain, and sealed off the place to control all the monsters.

Returning to the Zhetian Mountain Range, Lin Chen naturally remembered a series of previous events. Here, he met Xiaoyu, everyone in Lingtian Mansion, Yu Dong, and Mei Wuer.

Lin Chen still remembers this mysterious woman, as well as the Qixiu Assassin Organization, and if he hadn't had the jade pendant left by Mei Wu'er when facing Hei Lian's attack, he might have died.

Whether it was killing Yu Dong or dealing with Hao Yongqiang, Mei Wuer contributed a lot. Standing under this hill, Lin Chen couldn't help but miss him.

"Lin Chen, it's that Zhao Zixuan!"

Song Tiancheng's voice interrupted Lin Chen's thoughts, and under Lin Chen's reminder, Song Tiancheng and He Xiao also secretly guarded against Zhao Zixuan. They are now extremely convinced by Lin Chen's words.

Looking around, sure enough, Zhao Zixuan was walking with the three of them, Lin Chen couldn't help sighing softly in his heart.

Judging from this posture, Zhao Zixuan still seemed to be looking for trouble.

"Brother Lin Chen, you are really extraordinary. I heard that you have made a splash in Yu Jibo's wooden sword dojo!" Zhao Zixuan greeted enthusiastically and leaned over.

Seeing this person, Xiao Yu immediately became alert, let out a deep roar, and stood behind Lin Chen.

Xiao Yu's reaction to Zhao Zixuan has always been very strong, but when seeing Xiao Yu, Zhao Zixuan's eyes flashed a hint of greed.

"Brother Lin Chen, as far as I know, if you want to enter the top five this time and get a place, you must get a golden token. There are only three golden tokens, so you must get it as soon as possible!"

While speaking, Zhao Zixuan turned his palm into a knife, and slashed towards the air ahead, a murderous intent overflowed.

However, Lin Chen knew that this killing intent was probably not aimed at any monsters. .

"Okay, then I'll give up my life to accompany the gentleman, I haven't paid attention to this innate monster!" Lin Chen said while laughing, patting Zhao Zixuan's shoulder.

Indeed, although this time was an experience, these monsters were all controlled below the fifth innate level, so they wouldn't be too strong. For Lin Chen, it was easy to catch.

Since Zhao Zixuan wants to use this to kill monsters to set up a trap to kill himself, then play with him!

Song Tiancheng and He Xiao immediately understood Lin Chen's intentions, and followed Lin Chen to the mountain ahead.

But at this moment, the fierce fighting has already begun!
Everyone scrambled to attack the monster, snatching the token from the monster's body, some fought with their enemies, and some fought halfway to grab the token, and the whole mountain fell into a scuffle.

Disdainful of this, Zhao Zixuan sneered and continued to go up.

How could people who are really qualified to get the quota fall into such a petty fight? At this moment, the real geniuses have already gone to the three innate fifth-order monsters with golden tokens.

Tokens are divided into gold, silver, and yellow. If you get a golden token, you will definitely be able to get a quota. For others, it depends on the quantity.

"Brother Lin Chen, on the mountainside in front, there is a green-scaled crocodile of the fifth rank, which is the target this time. If you get the golden token in its body, you can get a quota!" Zhao Zixuan said.

Squinting his eyes slightly, looking ahead, a deep pool has come into view, Lin Chen can feel a fierce aura hidden in the pool, this is definitely a tyrannical monster.

However, compared to this monster, Lin Chen was more attracted to the three people standing by the pool.

The leader, wearing a gorgeous brocade robe, stood proudly by the edge of the pool, looking down at the people below, with a haughty look on his face, and his brows were full of arrogance.

"Zhao Zixuan, I, Wu Zhuoheng, want this golden token!"

Wu Zhuoheng spoke, his voice was also full of arrogance, and he looked at Zhao Zixuan, Lin Chen and others.

"It turned out to be Wu Zhuoheng..." While muttering, Zhao Zixuan also looked at Lin Chen, "Brother Lin Chen, this Wu Zhuoheng is from the City Lord's Mansion, and his strength is not inferior to mine. I didn't expect him to be one step ahead!"

There seemed to be some fear of Wu Zhuoheng between the words, Zhao Zixuan asked Lin Chen's opinion.

Squinting his eyes slightly, looking at Wu Zhuoheng, Lin Chen smiled lightly in his heart.

On the surface, it seemed that this was a competition for the golden token, but Lin Chen was as bright as a mirror in his heart. He had been on guard against Zhao Zixuan for a long time, and had already seen his and Wu Zhuoheng's eyes intertwined. How could Lin Chen not understand.

This Wu Zhuoheng was bought by Zhao Zixuan at all. This was a game set up by Zhao Zixuan for Lin Chen!

"Hehe, since someone took the lead here, why don't we go to the next place." Lin Chen said with a smile.

And hearing this sentence, Zhao Zixuan was also taken aback, he didn't expect Lin Chen to give in!

Geniuses are generally arrogant. In this case, Lin Chen and Zhao Zixuan have a total of six people, and there is also a monster beast in the innate realm. What's more, Zhao Zixuan also knows that Lin Chen has a powerful puppet. , no matter what, Lin Chen has no reason to retreat!

This, this is not playing cards according to common sense!
While speaking, Lin Chen wanted to leave with strides. Seeing that the momentum was not right, Zhao Zixuan quickly gave Wu Zhuoheng a wink, and the latter spoke immediately.

"Wait a minute, are you that Lin Chen?"

Hearing this, the playful smile in Lin Chen's eyes became stronger, he turned around, looked at Wu Zhuoheng, and opened his mouth.

"I'm Lin Chen, what's the matter with you?"

Seeing Lin Chen's calm and composed look, Wu Zhuoheng snorted coldly: "I heard that you once beheaded a superpower. I don't believe it. I'm going to try it with you today!"

Before he could finish speaking, he had already bullied himself up, his energy surged, and behind him a huge tiger with a white forehead and stern eyes appeared, it was his martial soul, Violent Tiger.

And in a sense, this kind of martial spirit can barely be regarded as the descendant of the white tiger among the four elephants, so its power is extraordinary.

The reputation of the violent tiger Wu Zhuoheng is indeed no less than that of Zhao Zixuan in Tianyuan City.

His face was still calm, and his figure was as motionless as a mountain. Lin Chen looked at Wu Zhuoheng who was flying towards him, and stood there dumbfounded as if he was frightened.

Lin Chen's reaction also made Zhao Zixuan's heart hang even more. Lin Chen's performance was too abnormal no matter what.

And there was no time, just when he was wondering, Wu Zhuoheng's attack had already reached Lin Chen, punching hard, making the sound of an angry explosion, Wu Zhuoheng's punch was enough to seriously injure anyone who was a beginner.

Unfortunately, except for Lin Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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