Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 125 Blood glows in formation, weird fox demon!

Chapter 125 Blood glows in formation, weird fox demon!

Lin Chen had been hiding the treasure map of immortality in the Ruomu card, but what he didn't expect was that Yu Jibo also had a piece of it!
Unlike Lin Chen, Yu Jibo is very clear about the value of this treasure map. It can be said that he can get to where he is today, thanks to the treasure map.

Therefore, he had to kill Lin Chen and take away this treasure map. In contrast, even if Lin Chen belonged to Song Buping, he would never keep it.

Looking at the pool with gloomy eyes, murderous intent raged in Jibo's eyes.

But at this moment, in the pool, Lin Chen frowned.

The pool was not deep and the area was not large, but when he dived down, there was no trace of the green-scaled crocodile at all, not even half a scale!

"how can that be?!"

Surprised in his heart, Lin Chen searched carefully while being cautious in the pool.

When he was fighting just now, he saw the green-scaled crocodile dive into the pool with his own eyes. This big guy can't disappear out of thin air, he must still be in the pool!

The water in the pool was clear and the visibility was extremely high. Lin Chen quickly searched the entire pool while swimming, but he still didn't notice any trace of the green-scaled crocodile.

Instinctively feeling something was wrong, Lin Chen stood at the bottom of the pool and began to think.

The Zhetian Mountain Range is vast and boundless, and there are many secrets hidden in each mountain peak. Last time, according to Mei Wuer, it was the reality of the demon saint relic. In the hands of Lin Chen.

And there is Ye Tianchen's inheritance hidden in the mine, so at this moment, will there be a treasure land connected to this pool?

Heartbroken, Lin Chen searched more carefully, even the mud at the bottom of the pool was spared, but there was still nothing to gain.

"No, even the green-scaled crocodile can find the hidden mechanism, so I have no reason not to!" His brain was spinning rapidly, and he was thinking about the difference between him and the green-scaled crocodile.

First of all, the green-scaled crocodile is a monster, and he is a human being. If only monsters can enter this hidden treasure, then Lin Chen will fail no matter what.

But if this is the case, then the green-scaled crocodile may have escaped into it long ago, it will not wait until now, and it will not be planted with a golden token in its body.

difference, difference. .

While meditating in his heart, he continued to meditate, and the appearance of a green-scaled crocodile appeared in front of his eyes. After a few breaths, Lin Chen's eyes lit up, and he wanted to shout, but he directly drank a few sips of water.

But this didn't affect him at all, and he was ecstatic in his heart. If he was right, then the key to the matter was blood!

That's right, the green-scaled crocodile was pierced in the belly by Lin Chen with a halberd before, and blood flowed out. Then this blood may be the condition to trigger the secret mechanism. Apart from this, Lin Chen really can't think of any other reason.

Without the slightest hesitation, he bit his finger directly, and the blood overflowed. At the bottom of the pool, it slowly dissipated, like a smear of red smoke, changing its shape and becoming lighter and weaker.

The blood on the finger was forced to flow out continuously as the Yuan force was running, adding a strange red color to the clear pool water.

Staring at the blood in front of him with piercing eyes, Lin Chen suddenly noticed that as the blood diffused, a faint wave that seemed to be there gradually dissipated!
"it works!"

Excited in his heart, he pointed a knife and made a cut on the palm of his hand. Immediately, blood gushed out in streams, wrapping around Lin Chen like a bright red curtain.

At the same time, the fluctuation became more and more intense, and a nowhere to be found energy drew Lin Chen's blood, and in front of him, a complex light array of bright red color, with uncertain brightness and darkness, slowly took shape.

Staring wide-eyed, Lin Chen looked at this scene in disbelief, and his heart was deeply shocked. Such a mystery can be called a coincidence!

The blood is in formation!
Using blood as a guide to build a teleportation formation at the bottom of this pool, if there is no great opportunity and the mind of a monster, how can it be discovered?
Suppressing the excitement in his heart, the blood on Lin Chen's palm continued to flow towards the light array, and the fluctuations in the space became thicker and thicker. Finally, a strong blood light enveloped Lin Chen's whole body. In a flash of brilliance, his figure , also instantly disappeared at the bottom of the pool.

Immediately, the blood disappeared, there was no fluctuation, and the pool was still silent without leaving any traces. Who would have thought that such a secret was hidden here!
Chirp, chirp. .

Beside the pool, Xiao Yu screamed anxiously, fluttering her wings, very anxious.

"It's been so long, why hasn't Lin Chen come out?" Song Tiancheng paced back and forth, his eyes flashing with worry.

"It stands to reason that killing the green-scaled crocodile is nothing to Lin Chen. Even in the water, the green-scaled crocodile is dominant, but it is definitely no match for Lin Chen. What's more, the water is calm, and it doesn't seem like there is a battle at all. ah!"

He Xiao hit the point in one sentence, Song Tiancheng slapped his thigh, feeling a bad premonition in his heart.

"Why didn't the battle happen?!"

He jumped directly into the pool, but was choked on water, forced to suppress the shock in his heart, searched carefully, and when he floated up again, Song Tiancheng's expression was like seeing a ghost.

Looking at this appearance, He Xiao also realized something, but he was not sure. Looking at Song Tiancheng, he pointed at the water pool with trembling hands, and Song Tiancheng took a deep breath, nodded slowly, and between his mouths, he also confirmed that out of his conjecture.

"It's gone, Lin Chen and the green-scaled crocodile are not in the pool..."

Even though he saw it with his own eyes, Song Tiancheng still couldn't believe it. When he came out of the pool, his whole body trembled. After all, it was too unbelievable.

But before the two of them could make a move, a figure in sackcloth flew straight down on the top of the mountain, and in an instant came to the side of the water pool, and an aura that belonged only to the extraordinary powerhouse spread out.

Yu Jibo couldn't sit still anymore, as time passed, the feeling in his heart became more and more intense, and when he saw Song Tiancheng's reaction, even a fool could understand what happened, so he rushed down immediately .

He rushed into the pond, but of course he couldn't find anything. Yu Jibo was stunned for a moment, and then became violent. He felt that he might have passed the treasure map of immortality.

The crazy bombardment of the pool made the mountain of the lion and tiger tremble a little, and under Jibo's fury, it showed its power.

Right under his nose, Lin Chen just disappeared!

But at this moment, Lin Chen's figure was wrapped in a blood light, and he was moving through a mysterious passage. There was a fierce roar in his ear, which made his whole body tense.

Soon, the blood glow dissipated, and the spatial fluctuations disappeared, replaced by a far-reaching and wild aura. His figure flew and appeared on an ancient land. Lin Chen's eyes shrank suddenly, Also saw a shocking scene.

Not far ahead, a green-scaled crocodile ran away at high speed, but it was surrounded by a group of half-human, half-fox monsters, roaring continuously, and many fox monsters rushed up, their sharp claws pierced the air, making a sound of explosion, and even a claw You can scratch the scales of the blue-scaled crocodile!

In just a few breaths, this green-scaled crocodile, screaming in mourning, turned into fragments of flesh and blood, and entered the belly of this group of fox demons, leaving only bloodstains on the ground, which proved that what happened just now Things really happened.

His scalp was numb, and he didn't dare to take a breath. Lin Chen immediately took the steps of misty smoke and ran away desperately.

ps: The fox demon reappears, everyone knows who is going to appear, hehe.In addition, tomorrow, this book will be on the shelves. Friends who like Shenglong and Lin Chen must come and subscribe. There will be a big explosion tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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