Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 126 The Mysterious Palace 】

Chapter 126 The Mysterious Palace 】

Just as Lin Chen took a step, these fox demons had already sensed his existence, and immediately rushed over with strange screams.

"Ow, ooh!"

I just ate a green-scaled crocodile, but there were dozens of fox demons, and the flesh and blood that each one got was pitifully small. I'm afraid it wasn't enough to fit between the teeth. Now that Lin Chen appeared, how could they let it go.

Running away at top speed, Lin Chen looked around the land, cursing secretly in his heart.

I thought it would be some kind of great opportunity, but who would have thought that when he just appeared, he encountered such a situation, if he reacted slowly, that green-scaled crocodile might be his fate!
Stepping forward, his body turned into smoke, and in a blink of an eye, he had already swept away tens of feet, but the speed of the fox monsters behind him was not slow at all, and Lin Chen could even smell the stench of their bodies following closely behind.

"What the hell is this?!"

While startled, his steps became faster, and Lin Chen was deeply shocked by this fox demon.

The upper body is a fox with a ferocious face, thick arms, covered with blue fur, especially the sharp claws, which seem to be able to cut gold and stones, and the lower body is a human body with two legs, but the feet are hoof claws The shape is also very sharp.

This kind of monster is simply unheard of. It cannot be called a human, nor can it be called a monster. It can only be called a monster.

The long and narrow eyes are bright red, extremely bloodthirsty, and there is a blue tail swaying behind the buttocks, which is full of strength, which may be enough to blow away ordinary innate powerhouses.

He took a leap and tried to open the distance, but Lin Chen found out with some despair that these guys were like maggots attached to the bones, they were like shadows, and it was difficult to get rid of them.

Moreover, the most serious question at the moment is where to go!

Looking around, there is a vast expanse, with no end in sight, coming from the blood formation at the bottom of the pool, it seems that he has returned to the ancient times, which made Lin Chen feel dizzy.

The land is vast, with cracks and cracks moving around, pieces of cracks, showing a dark red color, and there is not even a single weed. It is hard to imagine how these fox monsters survived under such circumstances.

But just thinking of this, Lin Chen quickly got the answer.

On the ground in front of it, there was a bang from a thick crack, and then, a fox sprang out, with three scars on its body where the bones were deep, and blood flowed, seeping into the ground below.

And behind this fox demon, a bigger and stronger figure flitted out, fully larger than these ordinary fox demons, with a fierce breath filled with bloody smell. Behind the buttocks, there are actually two blue tails!

Transcendent realm!

Lin Chen's pupils shrank suddenly, and he immediately realized that this fox demon with two tails was a demon of the extraordinary realm.

The big palm of the cattail fan slammed down, causing a gust of wind, and the sharp five fingers radiated a cold light. There was no doubt that such claws could tear apart an ordinary superpower.

The fox demon who was running away in a hurry didn't even have time to take a step, but was hit on the back of the head by this palm, and with a crisp sound, the whole head exploded like a watermelon, splashing red and white.

Without even a scream, the innate fox demon died tragically, and the extraordinary fox demon's eyes were red, and with a big hand, he grabbed the fox demon by the waist, opened his huge mouth, and bit it down.

The sharp fangs glowed pale, and with one bite, the upper body of the innate fox demon disappeared, leaving jagged teeth marks on the waist, and red intestines flowing out, the scene was bloody and cruel to the extreme.

It turns out that these guys have been relying on cannibalism to survive. The fox demon in the innate realm is probably a very low-level existence, so just now they fought for a green-scaled crocodile to look like that.

The poor green-scaled crocodile, after being stabbed by Lin Chen, fled back to the pool, teleported here in a daze, and was torn apart by a group of innate fox monsters almost immediately, presumably even the golden token in its body was bitten to pieces .

Feeling cold all over his body, Lin Chen immediately thought that under such circumstances, the number of fox demons must be getting smaller and smaller, and those who survive in the end will be extremely powerful, the most fierce and bloodthirsty. Raising Gu is a truth.

It's hard to imagine how many terrifying fox demons are hidden under this land, how long they have been killing each other, and what kind of terrifying existences are born in the end.

The only thing that is certain is that the strongest combat power here is probably definitely not this extraordinary fox demon, because on its face, there is also a hideous scar, which spreads and climbs like a centipede. Neck, chest, diffuse to the whole body!
The scar is still very new, and the blood scab has not completely fallen off. This is definitely the injury caused by the attack of a fox demon that is stronger than it.

Facing this fox demon, Lin Chen might only be able to resist it by releasing the Sen Luo Puppet. What if two, three, or even more appeared at the same time?
Licking his lips, sweat dripped from Lin Chen's forehead, and he didn't dare to continue thinking about it.

At this moment, the group of congenital fox demons who had been chasing Lin Chen earlier were so frightened that their livers and gallbladders were torn apart, they screamed and fled in all directions, how could they dare to stay.

Lin Chen didn't dare to take a breath, and stepped back slowly, but it was a pity that this extraordinary fox demon locked him at the first time.

Raising his palm, he stuffed the remaining half of the Xiantian fox demon's body into his mouth and chewed it. The stench of blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth. The sound of bones being bitten off made Lin Chen's heart shudder.

Looking at Lin Chen with scarlet eyes, the two cyan tails swept, and the wind and sand were blown up, and the fox demon roared excitedly.

It noticed that Lin Chen's meat was very fragrant, and his blood would be even more delicious, much tastier than this stinky similar kind!


With a loud roar, the extraordinary fox demon kicked the ground with its feet, and a crack was formed. Its figure also jumped out, jumped towards Lin Chen in the air, opened its huge mouth, and bit down.

Without the slightest hesitation, Lin Chen summoned the Puppet of Sen Luo with a wave of his hand, followed by smoke under his feet, which turned into an afterimage and disappeared on the spot.

The huge palm slapped down angrily, and when it collided with Sen Luozhi's fist, this extraordinary fox demon also took a few steps back, but this powerful impact directly made Senluo Zhipiao fly backwards. out!
Sen Luozhi's puppet is already burly enough, but compared to this fox monster, it is still a circle smaller, and this is the first time that Senluo's puppet has been at a disadvantage in battle.

His pupils narrowed slightly, Lin Chen's figure flickered, and his heart sank more and more.


With a roar, looking at the puppet of Senluo who was surrounded by arrogance, the fox demon seemed to hesitate a little. This is a creature it has never seen before, and it has never felt the arrogance. Shares involuntarily. .fear.

Two tails swayed, the forelimbs lay on the ground, stinky saliva flowed out, and the paws scratched the ground. This extraordinary fox demon was ready to go.

Lin Chen gritted his teeth, made a move with his palm, and the Senluo Demon Halberd appeared. In the current situation, if he didn't kill this guy, it would be difficult to leave, and things would change later, he didn't dare to stay here.

boom boom. .

And at this moment, the ground under his feet trembled violently, and the spider web-like cracks spread rapidly, and there was a loud noise, and at the same time the ground in the distance suddenly collapsed, smoke and dust splashed everywhere.

Immediately afterwards, a majestic and majestic blue palace soared upwards, emerging from the ground, and a vast and ancient atmosphere spread.

Woohoo. .

With the appearance of this palace, the extraordinary fox demon's eyes flashed red, and he immediately threw himself on the ground, whimpering, showing absolute surrender.

Lin Chen also heaved a sigh of relief when his eyes lit up.

It seems that this palace is the core of this trip.

(End of this chapter)

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