Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 127 Killing Night [Part 2]

Chapter 127 Killing Night 【Second Update】

Get up!

This majestic and majestic ancient palace, almost rising from the ground, appeared in Lin Chen's field of vision. Looking around, the cracks on the ground spread, and the trembling fox demon silhouettes appeared one after another. All prostrate and worship.

Looking around, this palace, which is more than a thousand feet long, exudes a misty blue light, and on the top of the palace, a mysterious statue stands, it is a nine-tailed demon fox that reaches the sky!

The whole body is blue in color and is completely in the form of a monster. Unlike these foxes, the statue of the nine-tailed fox does not have that bloodthirsty and violent nature, but is peaceful and peaceful. Under the calm, it hides the power to destroy the world.

The nine tails seemed to be still swaying, and this statue seemed to still have life. The majestic and domineering emanating from its body also made all the fox demons on this land surrender.

It was difficult to conceal the shock in his eyes, Lin Chen looked at the palace with fiery eyes.

Such a majestic relic must have been left by the great power of the ancient times. This must be a great opportunity, but it may not be so easy to obtain this opportunity.

Even if ordinary superpowers come, it may be difficult to survive the siege of these monsters.

At this moment, although these guys all surrendered and lay on the ground, as long as Lin Chen dared to approach the palace and violate the gods in their hearts, he would definitely suffer the most fierce attack!
Looking around, Lin Chen realized that he had no choice.

There are definitely many crises hidden on this land, and the edge can't be seen at a glance. Where is the way out?
If he wanted to go out, he might have to enter the palace. Besides, the opportunity was also in the palace. Lin Chen had already arrived, so how could he just give up like this.

Moreover, just as he was thinking about it, the Ruomu tablet in his arms also felt a vibration, and Lin Chen suddenly discovered that the broken treasure map of immortality was actually shining with light at this moment, and on it There are many weird lines, and they can't stop wandering!

This is the first time such a situation has occurred since Lin Chen obtained the treasure map of immortality.

Judging from Xia Xinxuan's attitude at the beginning, this treasure map is definitely extremely precious, and it will definitely not be an ordinary thing that can make extraordinary powerhouses pay so much attention to it.

He took out the Immortal Machine Treasure Map and looked at it carefully, but he still couldn't figure it out. It was only a corner, and the damage was so serious that nothing could be seen.

However, after taking out the treasure map, Lin Chen also suddenly felt a summoning feeling coming from the palace in the distance, which resonated with the treasure map in his hand.

This palace is definitely a must!

But it's just that Lin Chen would definitely not choose to go now and just go for it. I'm afraid he won't be able to die even if he has a hundred lives. He has to wait for the night to fall.

After swallowing the inner alchemy of the Phantom Beast, Lin Chen in the shadows is like a fish in water, and by then, it will be much easier!
Fortunately, this mysterious land also has day and night. Not long after avoiding the extraordinary fox demon and sitting cross-legged to adjust his breath, the sky gradually darkened.

A large number of fox demons were still prostrate on the ground, kneeling down to the distant palace, and did not care about Lin Chen, which was why he could wait until night fell.

However, with the arrival of night, this piece of land seemed to be shrouded in a strange atmosphere, and a bewildered atmosphere pervaded, making Lin Chen feel a little restless.

Compared with Lin Chen, the reactions of these fox demons were even greater, and their eyes were redder. In the dark night, they formed a sea of ​​red, filled with a coquettish and terrifying beauty.

The low-pitched roar became continuous, and what emanated from the red pupils was clearly an irrepressible bloodthirsty ferocity!
Under the darkness of night is the carnival feast of these fox demons. It is the interweaving of bloody massacres and delicious meals of flesh and blood, and it is also the real reason for this red land.

The ground here is clearly the blood that has been spilled over the years, rendering it this dark red color!
Even if it is suppressed by the divine power of the palace, the killing intent deeply buried in the bottom of my heart is unstoppable.

Accompanied by a violent roar full of madness, these demons who had been suppressed for a long time finally couldn't bear the sudden bloodthirsty killing intent in their hearts, and the red light in their eyes became more intense. moved.

A thin and weak fox demon with innate strength desperately bared his fangs and bit an extraordinary fox demon beside him. The madness in his eyes made people startled.

With a roar, the extraordinary fox demon grabbed it and tore it into two halves with a snort. Immediately, hot blood sprayed down, and the strong bloody aura intensified the intent to kill. The surrounding fox demons were all completely Crazy.

This scene also made Lin Chen stunned for a moment.

Moreover, he instinctively noticed that this aura had also affected him, causing a violent killing intent to rise in his heart for no reason.

This is very similar to the effect of Sen Luo Arrogance!
Everything can be invisible, causing killing intent and losing control, which is really terrifying.

What is hidden under this dark red land?

Before he had time to think about it, it was already two powerful fox demons coming at him, with the stench coming from their huge mouths. Without hesitation, Lin Chen used the shadow-escaping magical power, retreated into the shadows, and headed for the palace .

Shadow escape is a very special supernatural power. Until now, Lin Chen still can't figure out why his figure can be hidden in the shadows without revealing anything.

He was only relying on the original power of the Phantom Beast's inner alchemy that was integrated into the flesh and blood, but he didn't understand it. At the same time, he also guessed that if he really understood this method, it might not be the case at all. easy.

In an instant, the distance of tens of feet had been swept away. Lin Chen was pleasantly surprised to find that these red-eyed fox demons didn't notice his existence at all, but continued to kill the same kind.

Even though he was hiding in the shadows, Lin Chen still felt a strong bloody aura rushing towards his face. A scorching blood splashed on the shadows. Lin Chen even had the illusion that the blood was slapped on his face. face.

The fairy treasure map in his bosom trembled more and more, his figure flickered, walking through the shadows, and soon, Lin Chen was only a hundred feet away from the palace.

But this hundred feet is not so easy to pass.

Above the main entrance of the palace, a series of brilliance wandered around, illuminating the area within a hundred feet like daylight, shrouded in a divine light, the fox demons within a hundred feet did not fight, but guarded around the gate, be careful on guard.

In the outermost area, there are dozens of innate fox demons, and further inside, there are two extraordinary fox demons, wagging their two tails, like the most loyal watchdogs, and in front of the door, a cyan figure with a height of three meters, As if it were a hill, the third tail has already stretched out halfway under the two tails behind the buttocks!

This turned out to be a fox demon close to the realm of a king!

(End of this chapter)

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