Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 128 Yu Jibo Appears! 【Part 3】

Chapter 128 Yu Jibo Appears! 【Third update】

Frowning tightly, hiding in the shadow, watching the palace, Lin Chen felt anxious.

Without the shadow, he has nowhere to hide, and can't force his way through. Then this last hundred feet becomes an insurmountable moat.

How could he be willing to retreat so close to the palace, and even if he left, would he have another place to go?
There is no water, no food, and no way out here. Could it be that he is going to be reduced to being with this fox demon?
The congenital fox demon, he himself can deal with it, the Misty Step and the Senluo Demon Halberd are no problem, the two extraordinary fox demons, the Senluo Puppet and the Wooden Swordman, can resist one or two, but the only one who cannot stop , is also the strongest, what about the fox demon who is close to the king?
Thinking about it, whether it is the puppet of the forest or the wooden knife man, it is definitely not its general, and Lin Chen himself is probably not enough for a slap in the face.

And if he waited until dawn like this, with no shadows to hide in, and these red-eyed guys swarming up, Lin Chen's fate would definitely not be better than that of the green-scaled crocodile.

The situation seems to be unresolved.

Just when Lin Chen was burning with anxiety, there were waves of fluctuations in the distant space, and then, a short figure in a long robe fell from the air.

Covering his chest, blood was still flowing from the corner of his mouth. It was obvious that He Xiao had suffered a serious internal injury, but at this moment, He Xiao dared not be distracted. He immediately released the giant black stone martial soul to protect himself, and looked at the distant area. The sea of ​​red, smelling the terrible smell of blood in the air, his whole body trembled.

Looking at this figure from a distance, Lin Chen couldn't help but be surprised that He Xiao also came?

However, this was not the end, two more waves spread, Song Tiancheng fell, and finally, an old man in sackcloth came from the sky, it was Yu Jibo!

The pupils shrank suddenly. In Lin Chen's place, Yu Jibo's threat was far greater than these fox demons. It seemed that they came here because of Yu Jibo's handwriting.

But in fact, it was exactly the same, Yu Jibo vented his anger on He Xiao after a furious investigation was fruitless.

Pressed to ask He Xiao about Lin Chen's whereabouts, but He Xiao couldn't say anything. He shot out angrily, directly beat He Xiao to a serious injury, vomited blood, and fell into the puddle, but the blood in the puddle once again built the Formation came out.

Therefore, all three of them came here.

It's just that Yu Jibo, an old guy, didn't use his own blood, but forced Song Tiancheng to give out double blood. At this moment, Song Tiancheng's complexion was extremely pale.

Standing with He Xiao, the two of them dared not speak out. Looking at Yu Jibo, they did not expect that this highly respected swordsman in the wooden sword dojo in Tianyuan City would be so unbearable.

Standing in the air, he didn't care about the two of them, Yu Jibo's eyes were full of fire.

The fragments of the Immortal Treasure Map in his arms buzzed, echoing the distant palace. Yu Jibo was so excited that he couldn't help himself. After decades of waiting, he finally found the Immortal Chance!
"This should be the Fox Immortal Palace of the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox. With the residual map in my hand, I should be able to enter!"

With an extremely excited expression, Yu Jibo took a step forward and quickly rushed towards the palace.

"There is a play!"

With the appearance of Yu Jibo, Lin Chen was worried but also excited. If Yu Jibo joined, he would definitely attract the strongest fox demon. palace!

Although this fierce business is full of dangers, isn't the so-called great opportunity all obtained by risking one's life?

Lurking in the shadows, Lin Chen hid all his breath and looked at Yu Jibo above the sky, but what he didn't notice was that the treasure map of immortality in his arms was getting hotter and hotter.

What Lin Chen didn't know was that it was this fairy treasure map that triggered Jibo's murderous intentions. Both of them had broken treasure maps, so when they were very close, they would feel a sense.

Therefore, when Yu Jibo flew to the outside of the palace, he also froze, the corners of his mouth slowly raised, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

Without hesitation, he swooped down, and a wooden knife appeared in his hand, slashing fiercely at the shadow where Lin Chen was hiding. With the induction of the treasure map of immortality, Yu Jibo could know Lin Chen's whereabouts without any effort. position.


Shocked, Lin Chen didn't expect that Yu Jibo would discover his traces, and this knife was fierce, containing the power of an extraordinary and powerful man, and it was far from what Lin Chen could resist at this moment.

The figure appeared from the shadows, and with a wave of his hand, Sen Luo's puppet flew out, facing the knife, while Lin Chen took the opportunity to retreat, he was completely exposed among the group of fox monsters!

hoo hoo hoo!
The ear-piercing roar was continuous, and when they sensed Lin Chen's aura, these fox demons became even more crazy. There were several bloody cuts.

On the other side, Sen Luo's Puppet blocked the knife with his body, was hit in the chest, and smashed hard on the ground below, forcibly smashing an innate fox demon into minced meat.

A white mark appeared on the chest, and the puppet of Sen Luo stood up again, blocking Yu Jibo.

This scene made Yu Jibo's pupils shrink suddenly.

If he had replaced his wooden knife man, the knife would definitely be scattered into a pile of parts, but Lin Chen's puppet was fine?
Feeling the terrifying arrogance of this puppet, Yu Jibo was shocked to find that the innate fox demons around him were all scared and dodged away, even the extraordinary fox demons did not dare to act rashly.

It seems that their ferocity is not worth mentioning in front of this austere puppet.

"Lin Chen, hand over the treasure map of immortality, this is not something you can get your hands on!"

Yu Jibo spoke in a deep voice and looked at Lin Chen.

It wasn't until this moment that Lin Chen suddenly realized that Yu Jibo's murderous intentions towards him and his ability to accurately detect his position were all due to the treasure map of immortality!

With a wry smile, it was really a crime to conceive Bi, Lin Chen was still wondering why this old guy's killing intent was incurred, it turned out that it was because of the treasure map of immortality.

It's just that the palace here is obviously related to the treasure map of immortality, how can such an opportunity be given up at will?
At this time, he finally felt the resonance between the treasure map in his arms and Yu Jibo's part. The Senluo Demon Halberd appeared in Lin Chen's hand, lying in front of him, and a black arrogance emanated from his whole body.

It's not that Lin Chen has never killed a superpower, even if he doesn't have that kind of power at the moment, but if Yu Jibo simply thinks that relying on the coercion of his realm, he can make Lin Chen submit, it is a big mistake .

The Mori Demon Halberd and Lin Chen's own arrogance completely suppressed the surrounding fox demons. When confronting Yu Jibo, Lin Chen's figure suddenly turned into a cloud of mist and walked towards the gate of the palace!

Fighting head on with Yu Jibo is a dead end, and only with the help of the fox demon who is close to the realm of a king, can he make a deal. As long as the scene is chaotic, there is a chance.

The magic halberd waved, and a black tornado appeared out of thin air, covering Lin Chen's body. Under Yu Jibo's astonished eyes, he rushed towards the gate of the palace!

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(End of this chapter)

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