Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 129 Entering the Temple [Part 4]

Chapter 129 Entering the Temple [Fourth Change]

In a daze, Lin Chen had already rushed out, nearly half of the distance of a hundred feet was covered in one step.

But before Yu Jibo could react, the fox demon guarding the gate had already roared and rushed towards Lin Chen.

Even if it is this fierce arrogance that makes them feel afraid instinctively, but behind them is their god, so why not go all out?

Anyone who wants to get close to the palace will die!

The scarlet pupils looked at Lin Chen with contempt, and let out a loud roar, and the fox demon, who had the strength close to that of a king, also moved suddenly.

Growing up to such a state, any creature possesses considerable wisdom, not to mention tearing apart all intruders, this is an instinct deeply planted in the blood.

Although Lin Chen's realm is low, the threat from him is not even much lower than that of Yu Jibo, so the strongest fox demon also made a move in an instant.

Feeling the increasingly violent fluctuations of the treasure map of immortality in his bosom, Lin Chen saw that there were streaks of light wandering above the gate that was nearly a hundred feet long, which was miraculous.

As long as you get close to the gate, you must be able to enter the palace with the help of the treasure map. However, a huge body, full of violent aura, jumped up and stood in front of him. Make waves.

Wow. .

His figure instantly turned into misty smoke and disappeared in place. Lin Chen rushed towards the gate regardless of everything, and with a wave of his hand, the wooden sword man flew out and blocked the fox demon. The puppet of Sen Luo also jumped. In the meantime, he came to the back of Lin Chen.

In just a few breaths, Lin Chen was extremely close to the gate!
Yu Jibo snorted coldly, took a step forward, his figure also soared, and headed for the gate. How could he be an extraordinary and strong man, how could Lin Chen take the lead.

These fox demons are nothing in his eyes, and the first one he wants to kill is definitely Lin Chen!
At the same time as the murderous intent surged, he waved his palm, and also released the wooden swordsmen. There were ten wooden swordsmen with extraordinary strength, all of them brandished the wooden swords in their hands, and slashed at the fox demon.

Zhao Zixuan's wooden knife man was originally bought by his Zhao family from Yu Jibo, and it was not too strong. It was smashed by the palm of the fox demon at this moment, and the ten swords that Yu Jibo carried on his body The wooden knife man is stronger and stronger.

It didn't matter whether he killed the fox demon or not. Yu Jibo didn't even take a look. He stepped forward and he was already in front of Lin Chen.

Without the slightest nonsense, the wooden knife in his hand slashed down with all his strength, an astonishing knife energy fell magnificently, and a shining white awn flashed across, facing Lin Chen Tianling Gai.

If he was hit by this knife, Lin Chen would definitely be cut in half!
"Severing life and death with one knife! Kid, die!"

The wind of Sen Luo swirled and stood in front of Lin Chen, but the sword glow hadn't fallen yet, and the black tornado, which had no disadvantages, had already been chopped into pieces by the terrifying sword energy, and it was not a match at all.

The handprint changed, and the golden scale change was cast in an instant. The steps moved towards the gate, the magic halberd danced, and black tornadoes surged up one after another. The palms were clenched tightly. In Lin Chen's palm, a golden stone would be crushed at any time. .

"It doesn't matter how many means you have, you will definitely die today!"

With a cold snort, looking at Lin Chen who was struggling under the light of the sword, Ji Bo felt a sense of joy in his heart.

There is no doubt that Lin Chen is a monster-like genius. If he grows up, he will definitely have unlimited possibilities. But at this moment, such a genius is going to be cut by his sword!
Killing a genius is Yu Kebo's favorite thing, and this feeling makes him obsessed.

As if he had seen Lin Chen's body divided into two halves under the light of the sword, Yu Jibo couldn't help sneering.

If he added a few more sword lights at this moment, Lin Chen would surely die. However, he was too careless. He thought that Lin Chen would never be able to stop this powerful sword light, so he also gave Lin Chen Dust a chance.

Lin Chen knew very well in his heart that this knife was Yu Jibo's full-strength blow. The knife cut life and death.
Continuously retreating, he was already very close to the gate, and Lin Chen even felt that the treasure map in his arms was about to fly out uncontrollably, emitting a scorching heat.

Puff puff.

Where the sword light passed, a deep gully was drawn on the ground, and black tornadoes reaching the sky, under the sword light, could not support even a breath of time before they all dissipated.

Finally, it slashed fiercely, and a dazzling white knife light flashed across the night sky, like a galaxy hanging upside down. This knife light slashed fiercely at the chest of Sen Luo Zhipuppet. The incomparable sharpness brought a strong impact, and instantly Through the body of Sen Luo Zhipuppet, hit Lin Chen.

A look of ruthlessness flashed in Lin Chen's eyes, and Lin Chen crushed the golden stone without hesitation. Suddenly, a golden tornado appeared out of thin air. Unlike Lin Chen's Wind of Forest, this tornado was full of Sacred and guarded.

The puppet of Sen Luo was thrown out, and finally a hole was cut in the chest, and the darkness inside the body could be seen faintly, but the knife glow remained undiminished, and continued to chop towards the golden wind whirlpool.

"Goldwind Chamber of Commerce? This kid is actually connected with the Goldwind Chamber of Commerce!"

Yu Jibo was shocked. He had seen this golden tornado before. This is the golden wind guard that only the core members of the Golden Wind Chamber of Commerce can have. Lin Chen also has it!

For Yu Jibo, this protection was nothing, but under such circumstances, it undoubtedly played a role in turning the world around!
This time, the sword light slashed, but it finally stagnated, unable to break through the golden wind immediately, and taking advantage of this gap, Lin Chen also used his speed to the limit, his footsteps fell, and finally reached under the gate.

Take out the treasure map of immortality, and shoot at the gate without hesitation, this is the stepping stone to open the palace!

Light patterns flowed, and in an instant, above the gate, the dazzling cyan brilliance exploded, directly enveloping Lin Chen's body.


This scene made Yu Jibo turn pale with shock. At this moment, the sword light had already pierced through the golden wind, but it continued to move forward and fell on the blue brilliance, but it was like a mud cow falling into the sea, and it didn't have the slightest effect.

With a swipe of the palm, Lin Luo's puppet was put into the wooden card, and Lin Chen's figure disappeared in a flash. When everything was still, there was nowhere to see him!

He was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood, Yu Jibo immediately flew towards the gate, but a huge body exploded towards him, accompanied by a violent roar, at this moment, all the fox demons went crazy.

Including the fox demon who was frantically fighting in the darkness, all the fox demons on this dark red land, at this moment, rushed towards Yu Jibo in unison!

(End of this chapter)

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