Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 130 Illusion Array Forest of Steles [Part 5]

Chapter 130 Illusion Array Forest of Steles [fifth update]

Wow. .

There was a blue brilliance in front of his eyes, a bloodstain was cut on Lin Chen's chest, blood was flowing, and he was holding the treasure map of immortality tightly in his hand, but his eyes were full of unconcealable excitement.

This time it was really a matter of life and death. If it wasn't for Yu Jibo, he would not have been able to enter the palace. Although Yu Jibo's appearance brought him greater danger, in the end, it also made him a success.

At this moment, Yu Jibo was being attacked by thousands of fox demons outside the palace!

Even in the extraordinary realm, it would be difficult for him to survive unless he could enter the palace. However, he was surrounded and impenetrable, and he couldn't move at all.

But before Lin Chen's eyes, the green glow flashed by, and the sky was spinning, as if he had traveled through time and space again.

Looking around, in front of him, a sky-reaching stone tablet of a thousand feet manifested, covered with great inscriptions, filled with endless mysteries.

Standing under this stone tablet, Lin Chen was as insignificant as an ant, insignificant.

Looking at the stele, it was frozen and could no longer be moved away. A breath of aura of charm enveloped it, and in an instant, Lin Chen sank into the deepest level of perception.

With his eyes closed, Lin Chen was so immersed in this realization that he almost lost himself.

And around the body, there are layers of blue mist, enveloping him, as if to swallow him up, this blue mist carries a strange fragrance, pours into his body along Lin Chen's nostrils.

His face turned blue at this moment, but Lin Chen didn't know it, he was attracted by the stone tablet, and he didn't notice anything strange.

The cyan mist billowed, and in front of Lin Chen, a cyan face was transformed into a beautiful woman. People would be fascinated by it just by looking at it.

Breathing out the cyan mist, the woman's face was full of sadness, streams of pure energy, carrying vitality, flowed out from Lin Chen's body, entrained by the mist, and finally entered the woman's mouth!
She is devouring Lin Chen's vitality!
Since ancient times, there has been a saying that fox demons seduce men and absorb essence, but unexpectedly, it is true.

There was something weird here, but Lin Chen didn't notice it at all. If it went on like this, he would soon be sucked dry, and if he could disperse the mist, he would be able to see that the surroundings were all dry. The skeletons, with a lost face, piled up into a hill.

These people must have entered this palace and were sucked dry to death, and until they died, they were still obsessed with this stone tablet avenue without knowing it.

If things go on like this, Lin Chen's fate will definitely be the same as these people, and at this moment, in the dantian, between the golden koi swimming, a golden glow instantly flows towards Lin Chen's body, turning that weird Cyan mist, expel them all!
The golden light bloomed all over his body, Lin Chen suddenly opened his eyes, and was surprised to find that there were waves of weakness coming from his body, and the blue mist in front of him, under the golden light, came out bursts of shrill screams Voice.

The woman's face broke instantly, turned into a thick mist, receded, disappeared, and showed the bones all over the place.

At this moment, no matter how stupid Lin Chen was, he understood in an instant, and couldn't help being afraid for a while. At the same time, the huge stone tablet burst open with a loud bang!

The space in front of him changed again, and when Lin Chen saw the scene in front of him clearly again, his heart was also filled with a deep shock, which could not be calmed down.

Dry skeletons are scattered all over the place. Among the skeletons, black steles one person tall stand tall, exuding the aura of avenues. If you look around, there are thousands of stone steles, forming a forest of steles!
In front of Lin Chen, on a taller stone tablet, there are four big characters, full of deterrent force.

Immortal Monument Magic Formation!

Obviously, Lin Chen just now fell into this so-called fairy stele illusion and almost died.

And under these four big characters, there are a series of names, a total of hundreds of people.

Lin Chen looked up from the bottom, and the hundredth place was a man named Zhao Gu. After the name, there was a word of "Hundred Breaths". Obviously, this Zhao Gu passed the magic formation of the immortal stele in a hundred breaths. one hundred!
One hundred breaths, 98 breaths, ninety breaths. .

Looking up, when he saw No. 30, Lin Chen's eyes froze for a moment, filled with an unbelievable color.

Meiwuer, 21 breaths!
Although Mei Wuer did not tell Lin Chen her name, after investigating the Seven Shows organization, it was Mei Wuer who was marked with a rose.

Thinking of that sweetly smiling figure, and the words "little man" still vaguely echoing in his ears, Lin Chen couldn't help but smile.

"Why did she come here? There are so many skeletons. It can't be that they all entered with the treasure map of immortality!" Lin Chen murmured and shook his head. Obviously, he couldn't find the answer.

And continue to look up, above Mei Wu'er, are the names of the other two Qixiu members.

Ji Xue, twenty breaths!

Meng Xing'er, nineteen breaths!
At the same time, Lin Chen also noticed that most of the names were gray and without brilliance, only the names of Mei Wu'er and Ji Xue shone with brilliance, and even that Meng Xing'er was gloomy and dull.

Moving his gaze, Lin Chen found himself at No.10.

Lin Chen, ten breaths!
Such a speed is really fast. Looking at the skeletons scattered all over the place, one can know how many people have broken through the magic formation of the fairy stele.

And those who are qualified to enter the top [-] and have their names engraved on the stone tablet are rare, and those who break into the top ten are all peerless talents.

Further up, these names are all grayed out, until No.1.

Li Funan, take a breath!
This name is extremely shining, as if through the stone tablet, it can be transmitted with a shocking edge, which makes people dare not look directly at it.

Lin Chen was very aware of the horror of the phantom formation just now. If he hadn't possessed the koi spirit, his fate would have been the same as those skeletons on the ground, and breaking through the phantom formation in one breath would definitely be an extremely terrifying situation. concept.

Looking away from the stele and looking at the forest of thousands of steles ahead, Lin Chen couldn't help but flash a glimmer of brilliance.

After the phantom formation, there was this forest of steles. His intuition told him that the Heaven-reaching Stele just now was not an illusion, but a real existence, and it was composed of these thousand steles right in front of his eyes.

Ordinary people can't comprehend such a terrifying avenue, so dismantling it and storing it in thousands of stone tablets naturally reduces the difficulty.

This is definitely a great opportunity that can't be met, Lin Chen didn't hesitate at all, just took a step, came to the front of the first stone tablet, stretched out his palm, and pressed it.

In an instant, a deep brilliance flashed across, also enveloping Lin Chen's entire consciousness in an indescribable aura.

This kind of perception turned out to be somewhat similar to the idea of ​​sneaking into the Senluo Demon Tablet, but inside the Senluo Demon Tablet is a black torrent that encompasses everything in the world, and in this stone tablet, there are one after another that have been disassembled. Come to realize.

It's hard to tell what kind of perception this is, it's not the law of the great way, nor is it a martial skill, it's just a pure perception, it can't help warriors advance, but it can subtly influence and lay an extremely solid foundation for the future foundation.

His thoughts sank into it, and in just a few breaths, Lin Chen suddenly opened his eyes. In an instant, a burst of brilliance shot up from the stele, illuminating the entire forest of steles!

(End of this chapter)

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