Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 131 Raising Martial Soul!

Chapter 131 Raising Martial Soul!

The dazzling brilliance rose from the stele, illuminating the entire forest of steles, and reflected Lin Chen's eyes with more depth and wisdom.

Without hesitation, he took a step forward and came to the second stone tablet. Pressing down with his palm, Lin Chen began to continue to comprehend.

If there were other people present, they would definitely cry out in surprise. Such a speed is no longer terrifying.

The brilliance of the first stele had not completely dissipated, and a more dazzling brilliance rushed up from the second stele. Without hesitation, Lin Chen walked towards the third stele!


Such a speed is absolutely monstrous.

The stele of the Great Dao was disassembled and turned into thousands of copies. Every stone stele is connected. If one comprehends it alone, it is impossible to realize the real Dao. Derived a complete Dao.

But actually, what is Tao?
Demon way, right way?
Regarding this question, Lin Chen already had the answer in his heart. There are many ways, and he only cultivates himself!
Self is the strongest way!
The power enlightened from the stone tablet surrounded his body, making his whole body radiant and full of an indescribable divinity.

In other words, fairy machine!
Brilliance shot up all over the sky one after another, illuminating the space, and Lin Chen was dressed in a green shirt, full of a kind of demeanor, like an exile.

In the blink of an eye, he had comprehended dozens of steles, but such a terrifying speed did not slow down at all.

But at this moment, behind Lin Chen, there was a figure in a state of embarrassment, his whole body was covered with blood, holding a knife in his right hand, his left arm was broken at shoulder length, the cut was bloody and his muscles and bones were broken, it was too horrible to look at.

This person is Yu Kebo!
With his appearance, the ranking on the stele also changed.

Yu Jibo, 58 breaths!

Such a ranking is really not low, but at this moment, Yu Jibo didn't have the heart to care about these things, his face was pale, and he looked at Lin Chen in the forest of steles ahead, and the murderous intent in his heart surged.

Deep in the boundless group of fox demons, facing the crazy fox demons, even though Yu Jibo used all his means, he was still bitten off an arm when he entered the palace!
He had never suffered such a big loss, and all of this was because of Lin Chen.

Ignoring the sense of weakness coming out of his body, Yu Jibo rushed towards Lin Chen with a saber, the blade whistling, far less tyrannical than before, but he still overdrawn his strength.

He wanted to see Lin Chen die with his own eyes, and only Lin Chen's blood could quench his anger.

Unfortunately, he was doomed to fail.

The blade flashed across, and it was about to hit Lin Chen, but suddenly, a thin green mist rose from the forest of steles, wrapping around Lin Chen's body and protecting him.

There was a loud noise, and the green smoke was hit by the knife light, but the imaginary momentum did not appear, but was directly bounced back, hitting Yu Jibo!


Turned pale in shock, he raised his wooden knife to resist. This force was only strong but not weak. Yu Jibo, who was already seriously injured, suffered a strong impact, stepped back again and again, and sprayed blood.

At the same time, he immediately understood the mystery here.

This is obviously a place of chance, and the perception inside the stele must be extremely precious, and under such circumstances, those who enter here are not allowed to fight with each other, so his attack just now was bounced back.

With a gloomy complexion, he forcibly suppressed the murderous intent in his heart. Yu Jibo took out the healing elixir and took it. He sat quietly and adjusted his breath for a while, and then he walked into the forest of steles and came to the front of the first stele.

Stretching out his remaining right hand, he touched the stele, and suddenly, there was a cold touch, with a breath of charm, which immediately fascinated Yu Jibo.

Unlike Lin Chen, he is already in an extraordinary state, and this kind of perception can arouse deep feelings, and resonate with the Dao of the Sword he has cultivated.

Trembling all over, Yu Jibo immediately understood that this was definitely a unique opportunity, calling it a fairy chance is really not an exaggeration!

He realized with all his heart that even if he could kill Lin Chen at this moment, he would probably be too lazy to do it. Compared with this opportunity, other things are not so important.

Ten short breaths later, Yu Jibo opened his eyes, and he immediately walked towards the second stone tablet in a flash of light. It was only then that he finally realized how terrifying Lin Chen's speed was!
Already nearly 100 yuan stone tablet!
What's more, Lin Chen's speed has always been one breath and one breath, which is simply like a monster, which made Yu Jibo's whole body tremble.

wow wow wow.

The dazzling brilliance never stopped, and Yu Jibo was dazzled by seeing it, and the aura above the figure in the green shirt became more and more mysterious, even carrying a demeanor that even Yu Jibo was afraid of.

On Lin Chen's side, he didn't care about Jibo. Every time he took a step, his body and mind experienced a great sublimation. Undoubtedly, there are huge benefits.

The 100th yuan!

Finally, when the brilliance rose above the 100th yuan stele, Lin Chen let out a long breath and stopped. He felt that such a feeling had reached a bottleneck. If he could not digest it in time, it would be difficult to continue. go down.

Sitting cross-legged, Lin Chen looked inside, concentrating all his attention on the two martial spirits.

Since one's own way, one's own way, is to cultivate one's own body, then there is no doubt that the martial soul is the foundation, and the strong martial soul is the real strength.

Thinking of this, the koi is also jumping happily, and the eight sharp claws under the belly are even more majestic.

Until now, Lin Chen still doesn't know what level of martial spirit the koi is. The only thing he can be sure of is that it must be no worse than any super martial spirit.

While sitting cross-legged, behind him, there were also two extremely blurred lights and shadows, which gradually appeared, one gold and one green, which were particularly miraculous.

This scene once again gave Yu Jibo a new kind of shock. Even if he didn't want to believe it, he had to admit that at this moment, Lin Chen was actually using this insight to catalyze the upgrade of his martial soul!

This can no longer be described as a monster, it is against the sky!

Martial spirit levels are destined to be born, and changing them forcibly is against the sky. He Yu Jibo just got some new ideas from such insights, so as to strengthen his own sword skills, and compared with Lin Chen. Get up, it's too far away.

Not to mention that the insights he has obtained are not enough to improve his own martial spirit, just this idea alone is something he absolutely dare not think about.

And just before Ji Bo fully recovered from the shock, there was already a shocking dragon chant resounding through the air!
ps: This subscription really makes me unable to write. .

(End of this chapter)

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