Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 132: Tribulation Dragon Transformation!

Chapter 132: Tribulation Dragon Transformation!
The dragon chant swayed, even penetrated this palace, and passed it to the red land outside.

Countless red-eyed fox demons were frightened by the roar in an instant, and lay down on the ground involuntarily. Unstoppable fear emerged from their scarlet pupils.

Compared with the appearance of the palace before, although they are all kneeling in fear, these are two completely different reactions.

If it is said that the palace statues made these guys extremely reverent, then the dragon chant at this moment deeply affected their blood and even their souls, making them have to bow down!

The dragon chant soared into the sky, and behind Lin Chen, the sleepy dragon martial soul tightly bound by the black chain became more and more clear. Lin Chen felt that the restraining force was loosening.

As he practiced the Sleepy Dragon's Ascension to Heaven Jue and the Myriad Phenomena Senluo Jue, the chains of the Sleepy Dragon were constantly loosening. At this moment, he completely released the insights he got from the 100 yuan stone tablet, and all of them acted on this martial spirit. Above, an unprecedented change has taken place.

It has already accumulated to a certain level, but now, the loosening of the chains has finally reached a stage, making the entire Wuhun completely different from before!

Although the dragon is still entwined, the chain can no longer completely control the power of the dragon. Therefore, the natal soul skill that should have been awakened when Lin Chen was at the seventh level of the day after tomorrow, finally at this moment, Shanshan late!

Sitting cross-legged on the spot, Lin Chen suddenly opened his eyes, and there seemed to be a cyan dragon shadow wandering inside, showing ecstasy. What Lin Chen didn't expect was that under such circumstances, the sleepy dragon spirit would go one step further, even Awakened the soul skill of life!

Jielong Transformation!
As the message hidden deep in the Kunlong's martial soul flooded into his mind, Lin Chen finally understood that the so-called Kunlong's body was not a green dragon, but a tribulation dragon!
The so-called Tribulation Dragon, as the name suggests, needs to go through catastrophe before it can truly soar to the nine heavens. Correspondingly, this natal soul skill also needs to go through catastrophe before it can be used.

The Golden Scale Transformation can directly double its own strength against the sky, but Jielong Transformation needs a prerequisite, that is Jie.

Lin Chen needs to constantly search for the most powerful and holy power between heaven and earth, refine it into his body, and turn it into his own power. When he casts the Dragon Tribulation Transformation, this power will be revealed, and it will be even more powerful. For tough.

For example, ordinary people dare not touch the thunderbolt falling from the sky, but Lin Chen can use the natal soul skill of Dragon Transformation to introduce it into his body to refine it. , he can use the power of this thunder!

One must know that anyone who is not the owner of a Thunder attribute martial spirit cannot manipulate Thunder, but this Jielong Transformation directly and forcefully breaks this rule!

Although he hasn't started to practice yet, Lin Chen has a vague feeling that the Tribulation Dragon Transformation will not be inferior to the Golden Scale Transformation when it is used.

The light receded, Lin Chen only felt refreshed, and the vitality in his body was tumbling, and he was one step closer to the innate second level.

And until now, he finally had the time to look at Yu Jibo.

Although he has been comprehending the stele, Yu Jibo still pays attention to the movements on Lin Chen's side. When the dragon chant sounded just now, he was really shocked.

The two looked at each other, and sparks flickered faintly in the air.

"Out of this forest of steles, I will kill you."

Knowing that it was impossible to kill Lin Chen here, Yu Jibo had no choice but to say a harsh word.

Lin Chen's performance shocked him. If such a genius cannot be eliminated as soon as possible, it will definitely be a nightmare.

Moreover, on the previous stone tablet, Lin Chen was ranked tenth, and he also saw that this talent was unmatched.

Uncompromising, Lin Chen just gave Yu Jibo a deep look, then turned and walked towards the one hundred and first stele.

Time is precious and cannot be wasted. In Lin Chen's heart, what is really important is the Battle of Dayan King City half a year later. He must get the quota and the thousand-year-old Tianshan lotus seeds!
The belief in becoming stronger was surging in Lin Chen's heart, and as the light of the one hundred and first stone tablet lit up, Lin Chen's speed became even faster.

Shocked, Yu Jibo didn't dare to take it lightly, and he realized it with all his strength. If he was thrown too far away by Lin Chen, when everyone left, he was still in the forest of steles, so why would he want to kill someone?

In the huge forest of steles, among the thousands of stone steles, two figures, one in front of the other, lit up with mysterious lights, trying to comprehend the laws of the great way hidden in the stone steles.

Lin Chen used it to strengthen his martial soul, while Yu Jibo used it to strengthen his Dao of the Sword.

Even if the previous stone tablet was dismantled into thousands of pieces, it was still as vast as a sea of ​​smoke. With Lin Chen's current state, even a genius in the sky could not fully comprehend it.

200 yuan, 300 yuan!
Finally, when Lin Chen stood in front of the 300th yuan stele, he also understood that this was probably a limit, his mind was about to explode, if he couldn't sort it out in time, he would most likely die here.

With such an understanding, how can you be greedy?

Yu Jibo barely stopped at the 100th yuan stele, and was digesting cross-legged, while Lin Chen had a trace of unwillingness in his eyes.

This kind of good luck is rare, if you leave this time, it may be difficult to have a chance in the future, 300 yuan, not even half of it, he is not reconciled.

During the change of handprints, Lin Chen sat cross-legged, and the energy in his body roared. He actually wanted to forcefully break through to the second level of innate at this moment, in order to continue to comprehend the stele!


Under such circumstances, to force a breakthrough, I have to say that Lin Chen is really crazy. Once he fails, it is very likely that he will die. However, there is a flash of almost crazy paranoia in his eyes, and Lin Chen does not allow himself to fail.

He can feel that if he is only a little bit short, he can have a greater harvest, so he must not stop here.

Hush. .

The kung fu was running crazily, and at this moment, the energy in Lin Chen's body was constantly washing away at the invisible barrier, and the fluctuations that came out were even more shocking.

Even Yu Jibo was aware of Lin Chen's actions and couldn't help but secretly startled.

This son is extremely talented and able to obtain the treasure map of immortality. He is obviously a person with great opportunities. More importantly, he is too cruel to himself. As long as this kind of person does not fall, he must be able to stand on the top of the mainland .

But now, he and Jibo had made an enmity with such a person. .

There was already some regret in his heart, but it was too late, Yu Jibo shook his head, and he had already decided in his heart that as soon as Lin Chen walked out of the forest of steles, he would leave immediately and kill Lin Chen, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

However, just as he was thinking this way, there was a soft sound in Lin Chen's dantian, and then, the momentum rose, and a completely different breath spread out.

Innate second level!

(End of this chapter)

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