Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 138 Life and Death Tribulation Dragon!

Chapter 138 Life and Death Tribulation Dragon!
Cut life and death with a knife!
Yu Jibo didn't hold back his knife at all, and slashed hard into Lin Chen's chest. Although the violent force was barely blocked by the blue scales, the knife intent to cut off life and death drove straight in.

Lin Chen felt that his whole body was surrounded by black and white fluctuations of life and death. Half of his body was filled with vitality, while the other half was filled with endless death, heading towards a polarization.

"Little man!"

"Little bastard!"

. .

What echoed in his ears were the calls of Mei Wu'er and Yu Jibo, but to Lin Chen, it seemed to be coming from an infinite distance, without root or source, very ethereal.

On the stone platform, I could vaguely see a little bit of starlight. Yu Jibo also believed Lin Chen's words. If he wanted to leave here, he might really have to rely on the power of a star soul master. If Lin Chen died now, he would There is really no place to cry.

Yu Jibo stepped forward quickly, pressing his palm on Lin Chen's chest.

Mastering the knife of life and death, it is not difficult for him to reverse the life and death in Lin Chen's body.

In the palm of his hand, black and white rays of light flowed into Lin Chen's body.

At this time, inside Lin Chen's body, life is on the left and death on the right, the left side is vitality, and the right side is death intention, so Yu Jibo injects death intention into the left side, and implants vitality into the right side to neutralize, in order to offset Lin Chen's suffering. s damage.

Sweating profusely, this kind of treatment consumes more of Kibo's strength than performing a tyrannical attack, but at this moment, he has no other choice.

If Lin Chen died, he would also be trapped here to die!

Sensing yet another powerful force of life and death pouring into his body, Lin Chen instinctively used the Dragon Tribulation Transformation in a blur of consciousness. Suddenly, in his flesh and blood, the sleepy dragon martial spirit roared, and he directly used a In a state of devouring, frantically absorbing this power.

Use the power of life and death to enter the body of the robbery dragon and use it for your own use!
Hoo hoo. .

A torrent of black and white light flows out of Jibo's palm, converges into Lin Chen's body, and is absorbed by him. Before he knows it, life and death in Lin Chen's body have reached a delicate balance .

The Jielong trapped by the chains was tirelessly absorbing Jibo's power. On the blue scales of the dragon, even black and white faintly appeared. The meaning of life and death!
It wasn't until this moment that Yu Jibo realized that something was wrong.

It stands to reason that although his knife was tyrannical, it had already injected so much power of life and death, which was enough to offset the impact on Lin Chen, but the suction from Lin Chen's body became more and more tyrannical. .

How is this going? !
Shocked in his heart, Yu Jibo wanted to withdraw his palm, but was shocked to find that with a shocking dragon chant, a majestic suction from Lin Chen's body had already enveloped him tightly.

On the side, Mei Wu'er, who was pear blossoms and raining, also noticed something abnormal. The vigorous vitality of Lin Chen's left body gradually stopped, while the almost dead body on the right began to plump up and gradually recovered.

Even the knife wound on his chest, bloody and bloody, is recovering quickly!
Life and death robbing the dragon!
With the help of Jibo's life-and-death sword power, Lin Chen also completed the first practice of Jielong Transformation at this moment, and the effect was even better than expected. In his body, within the trapped dragon spirit, there was already It is the essence that contains the power of life and death.

At this moment, Lin Chen exerted the power of life and death, probably not much worse than Jibo.

The violent suction gradually stopped, and while Yu Jibo secretly breathed a sigh of relief, he was also shocked to discover Lin Chen's change. However, at this moment, Lin Chen's eyes suddenly opened, and in his eyes, black and white The color light flashes, extremely frightening.

A powerful force erupted, and Lin Chen threw out both fists. The Sen Luo Nine Breaking Fist, strengthened by the Golden Scale Transformation and doubled, hit the unprepared Yu Jibo's chest fiercely with a fierce black magic flame.

click. .

The sound of bones breaking was extremely pleasant, and blood gushed out from Jibo's body.

Even though he has an extraordinary realm, at this moment, he is already at the end of his strength. Killing ten fox demons has consumed most of his energy, and the rest, just now, have been absorbed by Lin Chen and exhausted. do.

Unknowingly, Yu Jibo has put himself in an extremely dangerous situation.

The sole of his foot stomped the ground fiercely, his figure soared up, holding the Senluo Demon Halberd in his hand, Lin Chen pointed directly at Yu Jibo, that terrifying murderous intent instantly made Yu Jibo's mind go blank.

Years of fighting instinct caused his body to deflect a little bit, but he narrowly escaped the blow, struggled to get up, and Jibo was terrified.

No matter what, he never imagined that Lin Chen could use his power to recover from his injuries. Under the changing conditions, he, Yu Jibo, might really be left here!

"Take away the heart of charm!"

Shouting to Mei Wu'er without looking back, Lin Chen's figure turned into mist and disappeared in place.

Hearing this, Mei Wu'er came back to her senses, walked quickly to the front of the stone platform, stretched out her jade hand, and grabbed the cyan clear crystal.

She had already made preparations, so Mei Wuer was naturally not affected by the illusion, and she successfully put the charming heart into the wooden card, and immediately retreated.

Rumble. .

As the heart of charm was taken away, the huge statue of the nine-tailed fox fairy became precarious in an instant, and at the same time as the stone platform collapsed, a star-studded formation emerged.

Turning his head, he looked down at the red land below. Looking into the distance, Lin Chen also saw two helpless figures who were surrounded by heavy siege.

As the heart of charm was taken away, those fox demons who were respectfully worshiping the statue also started to run away at this moment. Undoubtedly, Song Tiancheng and He Xiao were surrounded.

"Wu'er, go save the two of them, and leave this old dog to me!"

Naturally, it is impossible to give up these two people, Lin Chen said to Mei Wuer, but for some reason, Mei Wuer obediently obeyed, the wings of the devil spread out behind her, and she had already flown away from the high platform.

Only Ji Xue, who was seriously injured, was left, looking at Lin Chen in shock.

The appearance of this young man has already brought her too many surprises. It turned out that the little man Mei Wuer had been obsessed with had such power.

"Little bastard, do you think you can keep me? At worst, I will die with you!" Yu Jibo took out the pill and swallowed it, with a ruthless look in his eyes.

In most of his life, he has never seen any storms. Yu Jibo has survived even more dangerous situations than this one. Right now, he will never give up.

The Immortal Treasure Map is in his arms, if he stops now, he will not die in peace.

On the other side, holding a charming heart, the fox monsters would bow down wherever they passed, not daring to move rashly. Mei Wuer successfully rescued Song Tiancheng and the two, and hurried back, while Lin Chen took a step, already Once again shot.

He will never let this old dog go away!

(End of this chapter)

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