Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 139 Self-explosion [Part 3]

Chapter 139 Self-destruction [Third Update]

At this moment, Yu Jibo has lost much power, and the power of the sword of life and death can no longer affect Lin Chen. This is a rare opportunity.

And looking at Lin Chen's smoky figure, a crisis of death finally appeared in Jibo's heart.

There was a lack of strength in his body, and he felt a sense of weakness. Ever since his arm was bitten off outside the palace, he had not been able to recover well, and at this moment he had reached the point of being overdrawn.

Even if he is an extraordinary and strong man, he can't hold it anymore!
As for Lin Chen, he had absorbed the power of Yu Jibo, and his golden scales had grown exponentially. At this moment, he was full of vigor.

The magic halberd waved, the wind roared, and two tornadoes of forest winds, flanking back and forth, blocked Jibo's escape route, while Lin Chen was already close.

The cyan scales glowed with a cold light, and there was still a very familiar force of life and death in them, which made Yu Jibo feel cold all over his body, and there was no way to retreat, so he could only fight recklessly.

The wooden knife slashed down, and black and white rays of light appeared on the edge of the blade, colliding with the Senluo Demon Halberd, but it was instantly canceled out, and the power on the Demon Halberd became more powerful and huge, shaking his arms numb, the power of life and death Strength is no longer enough.

A dragon's cry resounded in Lin Chen's body, and a pure black death surged out, spreading along the edge of the wooden knife to Yu Jibo's arm, instantly turning his arm gray!
Lin Chen turned out to be purely displaying his death intent, controlling the power of life and death freely, even no less than him or Jibo!
The strong death energy quickly engulfed Ji Bo, even if he frantically exerted the power of life and death, there were signs of being unable to resist it, which made his heart sink again.

"Little bastard, I'm going to chop you up!"

With a roar, the ruthlessness in Yu Jibo's bones was also stimulated, and he swung his knife with all his strength and slashed at Lin Chen regardless of the erosion of death.

Under any circumstances, a person's dying counterattack is extremely terrifying, let alone an extraordinary strong man, Lin Chen's pressure suddenly increased.

Boom boom boom!
The magic halberd and the wooden knife kept colliding with each other, making loud noises and strong fluctuations, and the already crumbling high platform was even more shattered.

hum. .

As the starlight circulates, while the formation is rotating, there is already a wave of spatial fluctuations escaping. Undoubtedly, if you want to leave, you must pass through this formation.

Gritting his teeth, his eyes were fierce, and Yu Jibo slashed out again. His arms were all infected by death at this moment, dry and ashamed, his voice was hoarse, staring at Lin Chen, he said: " Boy, don't force me to destroy the formation, and no one will leave when the time comes!"

Hearing this, Lin Chen snorted coldly, and said sarcastically, "You can try, will you die first, or the formation will be destroyed first!"

Lin Chen's words undoubtedly aroused Yu Jibo's fury and killing intent even more, and he was already desperate at this moment.

In the rear, a demon's wings whizzed, and Mei Wu'er had brought Song Tiancheng and He Xiao to the high platform. Seeing Lin Chen's bravery, the two of them were completely stunned.

Face off against superpowers!
Even if this extraordinary powerhouse is at the end of his strength, it is still unimaginable.

The extraordinary and strong, walking in the air, this is no longer within the reach of ordinary people. The innate realm, in front of the extraordinary, has no power to fight back at all, but at this moment, Lin Chen is ruthless against these so-called rules. Break hard.

Helping Ji Xue up, Mei Wu'er's beautiful eyes were also full of complexity. She looked at Lin Chen, even though she had already guessed that Lin Chen was destined to be extraordinary, but the speed of her growth still exceeded her expectations.

The magic halberd slashed down, and black flames shot up into the sky. Accompanied by shocking fluctuations of death energy, it hit hard on the wooden knife, and it was about to crack Jibo's tiger's mouth. The wooden knife even flew out of his hand.

Hoo hoo. .

Panting heavily, the only remaining arm was dry and weak. In Jibo's eyes, there was also a bit of despair. He never imagined that Lin Chen was so strong. Whether it was strength or perception, he was definitely far beyond Reached the limit that a congenital kid can achieve!

Such an evildoer is simply terrifying.

The repeated confrontations not only drained Yu Jibo's little remaining strength, but also destroyed his confidence.

The desire to die was lingering and affected, and a desire to die was born in his heart, but even if it was death, Lin Chen must not be allowed to leave safely!

Thinking of this, all the power in his body roared at this moment, becoming more violent and raging. Regardless of Lin Chen's attack, Yu Jibo rushed towards the starlight formation. He actually wanted to destroy the formation by self-destructing. To prevent Lin Chen from leaving!
"Quickly enter the formation!"

His pupils shrank suddenly, and with an angry shout, Lin Chen turned into misty smoke and came inside the formation. In the sea of ​​stars between his eyebrows, the power of the stars surged and poured into the formation without reservation. Immediately, the whole city The formations spun suddenly, and the fluctuations in space swept away.

Facing the self-destruction of an extraordinary and strong man, no matter how confident Lin Chen was, he did not dare to resist rashly. He could only fight, trying to trigger the formation to teleport before Jibo self-detonation.

Hearing Lin Chen's words, Mei Wu'er supported Ji Xue, Song Tiancheng and the two carried Meng Xing'er's body on their backs, and quickly ran towards the formation. When they came behind Lin Chen, they were also swept in by that wave of space fluctuations. .

hum. .

The formation rotated rapidly, and the power of space surged. Under the support of Lin Chen's star power, a space passage was also built, which slowly took shape and wrapped everyone in it.

The figure gradually disappeared and was surrounded by the power of space. When leaving this high platform, the entire palace also began to collapse irreversibly.

And just when everyone was about to leave, Yu Jibo finally came to the side of the formation, and the tyrannical energy in his entire body exploded.

"Little bastard, don't let any of you leave, leave it to the old man!"

A roar, accompanied by the sound of explosion, suddenly reverberated from the high platform, and then, there was an extremely violent wave, sweeping away, covering the entire high platform!

It is absolutely difficult to resist the self-destruction of a super-level powerhouse. Even if the formation has been activated at this moment, it is still affected instantly.

The violent fluctuations covered the entire formation. Immediately, the solid foundation of the formation also shook violently. The stable space fluctuations became more and more shaky. Everyone who should have entered the space channel, at this moment, forcibly Shengsheng was squeezed out!


On the star formation, a crack spread rapidly, and soon, spider web-like lines covered the entire formation. Finally, under the astonished eyes of everyone, the formation shattered in response, and the violent fluctuations, Also shrouded them in.

With a sinking heart, Lin Chen protected Mei Wu'er behind him and stood in front of him, his complexion turned extremely ugly.

The formation collapsed, which also means that they will be trapped here!

ps: Thank you book friend Li Jindong for your reward!
(End of this chapter)

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