Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 140 The Secret

Chapter 140 The Secret
Undoubtedly, the fluctuation of self-explosion by an extraordinary powerhouse is very terrifying.

At the same time as the formation collapsed, the completed space channel also collapsed suddenly, completely cutting off the way for Lin Chen and others to leave.

And most importantly, everyone at this moment has been enveloped by this terrifying explosion wave!

Even Lin Chen, who had performed the Dragon Tribulation Transformation, had streaks of blood burst out of his powerful body in an instant, the cyan scales were shattered, blood flowed, and the flesh was mutilated.

Most of the impact was blocked, and the people behind Lin Chen were not too strongly affected. However, feeling the fluctuation, they all changed color.

"Little man..." Mei Wuer's eyes were red, and she wanted to help Lin Chen, but with her physical strength, I'm afraid it would only add to the chaos.

"Lin Chen, if you don't die this time, my life, Song Tiancheng, will be yours!"

"Me, He Xiao, too!"

If it was said that before, these two people still had some thoughts of catching up with Lin Chen, but now they are completely looking up to them.

It is simply a miracle that the congenital second-order hard regret transcendental powerhouse has crossed a big realm, which they dare not even think about!

Although Yu Jibo's left arm was broken and his vitality was exhausted, it was still very rare for Lin Chen to fight him like this.

After all, that is an extraordinary powerhouse!

Feeling the terrifying waves that swept across his body, Lin Chen gritted his teeth. He must hold on. In order to protect the people behind him, he must not fall down.

Almost all the scales on his body were shattered. If he hadn't absorbed the power of life and death sent by Yu Jibo just now, it would be difficult for Lin Chen to hold on until now. Almost all the skin on his body was cracked, and he was holding on completely with one breath.

"I can't fall!"

This was the only thought in Lin Chen's mind.

There was constant buzzing in his ears, as if a heavy hammer was constantly beating on his chest, hammering his internal organs. Everywhere in his body was filled with unbearable pain, and blood flowed from his nostrils and ears.

It took less than half a stick of incense, but it seemed as hard as half a century. When the explosive storm finally subsided, Lin Chen's body was covered with blood, like a blood man, and fell to the ground.

If it wasn't for the faint breath, everyone would have thought he was dead.

At this moment, the top of the entire statue is already in a mess, and it is on the verge of falling, and it may collapse at any time.

And the formation has collapsed, and everyone has no way to leave at all. If you want to be trapped here, although you have a charming heart, you don't need to be afraid of these fox monsters, but staying in this space forever, what's the difference with death? respectively?
"Lin Chen..."

Hearing the call in his ear, Lin Chen tried his best not to faint, his eyes were a little blurry, but he still looked around, his eyes on the stone platform, the star array had completely collapsed, leaving no traces.

Digesting the power of the elixir and desperately recovering from his injuries, Lin Chen also saw that not far ahead, a treasure map of immortality was lying quietly on the ground.

"Tian Cheng, bring back the treasure map."

Entering the palace is because of this treasure map. Right now, the two fragments of the map are combined into one, and perhaps they can also find an opportunity to leave from it.

The treasure map is still there, but Yu Jibo's body doesn't even have scum left. Such a result, it can be said that no one has thought of it. The majestic superpower can cut life and death with a knife, even the entire Tianyuan City. One of the best figures, but now this is the end.

Struggling to sit up, taking the treasure map, Lin Chen saw that the many lines on it finally became clear after combining the two fragments of the map. It seemed to be a terrain of a mountain range, but there was still nothing clue.

"How did you get in here?"

Shaking his head, putting away the treasure map, Lin Chen looked at Mei Wuer and asked.

Lin Chen entered this space because of the pool on the hillside of Shihu Mountain. He was able to enter the palace because of the treasure map of immortality. But how did Mei Wuer get here?

"We, Qixiu, have accepted a mission to come to this palace to take away the Charming Heart. The reward is a Chiba Cloud Root Grass. I need it to heal my brother's broken dantian..." Mei Wuer's eyes flashed guilt.

If it wasn't for the Qianye Yungencao, they would not have accepted this task, then Meng Xing'er would not have died, and everyone would not have fallen into the current situation.

"This mission was assigned by the Cui clan of the Dayan Dynasty. We came here because the Cui clan had a formation map that directly sent us over." Lin Chen stopped breathing.

His intuition told him that there must be some kind of conspiracy in it.

The Cui family covered the sky with one hand in the Dayan Dynasty, and there were as many masters as clouds, so why did they need to appoint others to come to such a secret place? Moreover, the Fox Immortal Palace, which requires a treasure map to enter, can be teleported in through a formation?
"We also know that there is something strange about this matter, but I was eager to get the Chiba Cloud Root Grass, so I didn't think too much about it. The explanation given by Cui's side is also very vague." Mei Wuer said.

Lin Chen frowned. Since Mei Wuer entered through a formation, the line was broken, and how to leave this space became another problem.

"I also entered here by accident, and there is no way to leave. What do you know about this space?" Lin Chen asked.

"This should be a lost continent, which survived the ancient war. This palace is called the Fox Immortal Palace. It seems to be related to the legendary fairy machine. I don't know more about it." Mei Wuer answer.

Shaking his head, Lin Chen's mind was also in a mess. Everything here is shrouded in a huge mystery, including the treasure map of immortality and the heart of charm, which are not within his reach now.

After all, it is not difficult to infer from Mei Wuer's words that all of this is related to ancient events.

Looking inside, Lin Chen's body was already scarred by the previous impact. It is a miracle that he survived. Even if his physique is abnormal, it may take a long time to recover.

There is also some disorder in the star sea, but it's nothing serious. The star soul rotates, echoing the star-studded vision, which seems quite mysterious, and beside the star soul, there is a slowly rotating teleportation formation!
With a flash in front of his eyes, Lin Chen slapped his thigh, how could he forget it!
When he was teleported to the top of Lion Tiger Mountain, his star-scattered vision directly imprinted that formation and stored it in the sea of ​​stars. Now it seems that perhaps this formation is the key to getting out.

Seeing Lin Chen's appearance, everyone was also taken aback for a moment, and immediately, hope rose in their hearts. Although Lin Chen's realm is not high, at this moment, he is undoubtedly the leader everyone expects.

Everyone naturally put their hopes on him.

And under such gazing, there was a wave of starlight on Lin Chen's body, and then, a slowly swirling mysterious star array appeared out of thin air.

(End of this chapter)

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