Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 141 The Taste of Death

Chapter 141 The Taste of Death

Covering the sky mountain range, lion and tiger mountain.

At this moment, a full eight days have passed since the ten days. The monsters on the mountain have almost been killed, and those tokens have all been taken out.

Some people are competing for the tokens in the hands of others, and some people openly auction the tokens they get in exchange for some benefits.

As for the three golden tokens, one was lost in the red land with the green-scaled crocodile, and the other two were obtained by Zhao Zixuan and another.

Of the ten silver tokens, Wu Zhuoheng monopolizes seven of them, and he is absolutely sure of this quota.

At this moment, on the top of the mountain, Zhao Zixuan's eyebrows were beaming. In front of him, a black shadow was bound tightly. No matter how hard he struggled, it was useless.


"Hahaha, this time, Lin Chen and others disappeared unexpectedly, which allowed me to get this Wind Condor. Since it is not willing to become my battle pet, then I practiced it, which just happened to make my Death Eagle martial The soul goes one step further!" While laughing triumphantly, Zhao Zixuan's eyes flickered with a cold light.

"Don't be too complacent. Lin Chen and others suddenly disappeared. In my opinion, there must be a big secret in it. Moreover, someone once saw that old fellow Yu Jibo disappeared in that pool of water." Wu Zhuoheng Sitting aside, his expression was very serious.

His intuition told him that there must be a secret in it, but he explored the pool no less than ten times, but still found nothing.

"It's best to die. If Yu Jibo dies, the Wooden Knife Dojo will definitely be divided up. How can your city lord's mansion and my Zhao family's share be missing!" Zhao Zixuan's eyes were full of greed while speaking.

"Idiot!" He secretly scolded Zhao Zixuan for being so stupid. Wu Zhuoheng was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, so he immediately waved his hand, signaling him to quickly refine the Wind-riding Condor.

One must know that the depth of the Wooden Sword Dojo is unique in the entire Tianyuan City. As the saying goes, a centipede is dead but not stiff, and if Yu Jibo just folded one, he wants to annex the Wooden Sword Dojo. I can only say that Zhao Zixuan is too naive .

This time he was bribed to deal with Lin Chen, but he suffered heavy losses. Not only was he beaten, but he also spent a Yuan Sheng Pill, Wu Zhuoheng felt very unlucky.

Right now, there is obviously a mystery hidden in the pool at the top of Lion Tiger Mountain. This matter must be reported to the City Lord's Mansion as soon as possible. Wu Zhuoheng just wants to end the cooperation with Zhao Zixuan as soon as possible and stay away from this guy.

Zhao Zixuan looked at Xiaoyu with a happy face, not thinking about Wu Zhuoheng's thoughts, he rubbed his palms and looked at Xiaoyu, as if looking at a beauty who had taken off her clothes.

"Hey, then brother Wu will protect me."

After all, Zhao Zixuan also sat down cross-legged, and at the same time as the handprints changed, behind him, the Death Eagle Martial Soul appeared screaming, and a dead air spread, enveloping Xiaoyu.

Xiao Yu screamed sharply, struggling violently but to no avail, feeling the spread of this dead air, her heart was also icy cold.

If nothing else happened, all of Xiao Yu's life essence, including the soul, would be absorbed by Zhao Zixuan to strengthen his Death Eagle martial soul.

Although the level of the martial soul is destined, there are still many ways to strengthen it, just like Lin Chen, in the forest of steles, forcibly awakened the natal soul skill of the trapped dragon martial soul.

This Zhao Zixuan has a more insidious method. He can improve his martial soul by absorbing the blood and life of eagle monsters. He has grown to this point, and he has killed many eagle monsters.

However, it was the first time for him to absorb a monster like Xiaoyu that had broken into the innate realm, and his eyes glowed with excitement. Zhao Zixuan was looking forward to how far he could grow after absorbing Xiaoyu.

The cold black dead air spread like a mist, turned into black ropes, entwined towards Xiao Yu, the iron-hard feathers were directly corroded at this moment, exposing flesh and blood!
The black mist rose, and after touching Xiaoyu's flesh and blood, it became more active, as if a crazy suction force was born, and began to devour the essence of Xiaoyu's flesh and blood.

On the opposite side, Zhao Zixuan was excited, and his pupils were strangely red, which looked very bloody. Feeling the pure energy transmitted back from the black mist, the Death Eagle Martial Soul behind him was also frantically absorbing it.

Wu Zhuoheng on the side shook his head secretly. This kind of sorcery is extremely detrimental to the development of warriors. It may be of great benefit in a short period of time, but it is obviously drinking poison to quench thirst.

Directly absorbing the power of monsters will also cause the savage aura of beasts to penetrate into the body and affect the warrior's will. If things go on like this, Zhao Zixuan's final fate may also become a strange appearance of human beings and beasts.

It's just that, at this moment, I'm afraid he won't stop whatever he says, and Wu Zhuoheng doesn't want to give him any pointers.

Xiao Yu's whole body trembled, and as she struggled, she realized that her entire life was passing away rapidly, absorbed by this black mist, and transmitted to Zhao Zixuan.

At this moment, the pain it endured was no different from cramp and peeling. If possible, Xiao Yu would rather choose to die directly.

Lin Chen's figure appeared in front of his eyes, and Xiao Yu's cry suddenly rose high, as if calling Lin Chen. At this time, the only thing he was looking forward to was this young man in green shirt.

It would be enough to see him one more time before he died.

As if aware of Xiaoyu's thoughts, Zhao Zixuan sneered again and again, before opening his mouth, there was a sinister smile.

"What, are you calling for your master? Lin Chen is already dead! Hahaha, even if you yell out your throat, he won't show up!"

Zhao Zixuan was very proud. He was suppressed and beaten by Lin Chen before, and he felt a sense of hostility in his heart, but now, he wanted to vent all of this on Xiaoyu.

The handprints accelerated, and the black mist seemed to turn into a devil, whistling wildly, covering Xiaoyu tightly, absorbing its life essence.

The sound of the chirping became weaker and weaker, the look in Xiao Yu's eyes gradually dimmed, and the struggle of the body turned into convulsions. If it continued like this, it might not be able to last half of the incense stick.

Zhao Zixuan became more and more excited, even a little crazy, his eyes were red, he yelled hysterically: "Suck it up, suck it up! Hahaha, this is the end of following Lin Chen, I want you to die! What, The taste of death is good, you can go to see your master soon, hahahahahaha!"

His face was hideous and terrifying. Zhao Zixuan's insanity had reached a certain level, and he was so cruel and bloody to a monster.

However, just before his insolent shout fell, above the sky, a spinning star formation suddenly appeared out of thin air, bringing a wave of spatial fluctuation.

Immediately afterwards, a figure in green shirt jumped down from the air, and suddenly came to Zhao Zixuan with endless murderous intent.

"The taste of death? Don't worry, you will taste it soon."

ps: Thanks to book friends LOVE and Wu Han for their rewards!And every friend who subscribes to this book and votes!

(End of this chapter)

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