Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 143 The rage shook the sky, beat Zhao Zixuan to death!

Chapter 143 The rage shook the sky, beat Zhao Zixuan to death!

An astonishing murderous intent rose from the sky at this moment. Lin Chen was so sad that he stomped the ground with his foot, and his whole body was already shot up like an arrow from the string. The magic halberd in his hand was glowing with fierce flames.

With a violent flick of the arm, the magic halberd turned into a black light and shot out. Wherever it passed, even the air was burned alive, and black smoke came out, which was shocking.

And where Lin Chen stepped on the soles of his feet, cracks spread and opened, and at the top of the mountain, they went in all directions, making the entire mountain of Liger and Tiger crumbling!
It's hard to imagine what kind of power it is that can cause such a scene.

However, while gaining such power, Lin Chen was also enduring an inhuman pain. His injuries were not healed, and he was in serious overdraft. It penetrated into every corner of his body, as if to completely erode him!

At this moment, I can't take care of these anymore, Lin Chen only has one thought in his mind, and that is to kill Zhao Zixuan!

The puppet of Sen Luo and the wooden sword man have been lost in the space of the red earth and torn to pieces by the endless fox demon. Even if there are still these two puppets at this moment, Lin Chen will not use them. He will kill them himself. This bureaucrat!

Bringing up a long black tail, like a divine soldier descending from the sky, the Senluo Demon Halberd came to Zhao Zixuan in an instant, and he couldn't avoid it. He wanted to use martial skills to resist, but his legs were already weakened by fright , before the handprint can be pinched, the magic halberd has already passed through the chest.

Severe pain accompanied by terrifying black flames filled his body in an instant. Zhao Zixuan's face was horrified. Zhao Zixuan opened his mouth wide. It could be seen that his mouth was instantly covered with black flames!

He wanted to vomit blood, but at this moment, the blood in his body had been completely burned, so how could he vomit it out.

The figure flew upside down, was lifted up by the powerful impact of the magic halberd, and was firmly nailed to a boulder. Zhao Zixuan struggled unconsciously with his limbs, but it was in vain.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Chen's figure swooped in!

The extremely intense murderous intent completely enveloped Zhao Zixuan in an instant. He was already certain to die, but how could Lin Chen allow him to die like this.

Without hesitation, he raised his hand and punched, bringing nine layers of dark energy, and blasted into Zhao Zixuan's body, but suppressed it deliberately, not letting the dark energy explode immediately, Lin Chen threw out both fists, like a violent storm, punching to the flesh .

The sound of cracking bones was continuous, playing a symphony of death, which was creepy but pleasant to the ear.

The entire mountain of lions and tigers was enveloped by this terrible hostility. The black flames were like a prairie fire, which made people stop. No one dared to act rashly, and everyone was suppressed.

"Little man, how many secrets do you have?" While whispering softly, Mei Wu'er's beautiful eyes glowed with splendor.

Wu Zhuoheng, who avoided far away, was even more frightened this time. The last time he was pressed and beaten, he had already cast a shadow in his heart. Indelible impression.

Lin Chen couldn't remember how many punches he had punched. There seemed to be lightning and thunder in his ears, and the burning pain in his body almost made people crazy, but he still didn't stop.

Nine layers of dark energy crazily poured into Zhao Zixuan's body. Under extreme suppression, once it exploded, the damage caused would definitely be beyond what words can describe.

Zhao Zixuan's body's muscles and bones were not intact, and his internal organs had already been burned by the terrifying flames. In fact, he was already dead at this moment.

But how could Lin Chen let him go.

Even if you die, I still want to hit you deep in your soul, and you will tremble, so that you will live in such fear even in the next life!
With a roar, the last punch hit Zhao Zixuan's head fiercely. There was a loud bang, and the head shattered in response, but no brains burst out, because it had already been burned away.

Zhao Zixuan at this moment is just an empty shell with a skeleton added, and his skeleton has been burnt black and broken.

All the internal organs, blood vessels, and muscles in the body have been turned into fly ash, and replaced by an extremely terrifying and powerful dark force.

At this moment, with the detonation of the last punch, all the tens of thousands of dark energy contained in the previous hundreds of punches exploded at this moment!

Boom boom boom!
The deafening explosion shook the entire mountain. The boulder behind Zhao Zixuan suddenly shattered and turned into broken stones, and the broken stones disintegrated again in mid-air, and finally turned into stone powder.

This is just the power leaked out, one can imagine how terrifying the power acting on Zhao Zixuan will be.

The whole body suddenly vibrated at a terrifying frequency, a piece of human skin swelled and made a piercing sound, which could faintly suppress the crackling sound, Zhao Zixuan's headless corpse, under the effect of the sudden explosion of dark energy Under the force, it actually flew up in the air.

Everyone was stunned by this weird scene, even Lin Chen did not expect that this extreme dark energy could lead to such consequences.

And after the sudden lift-off, these dark forces finally erupted completely. Immediately, a black rainbow of light shone, filling the entire Lion Tiger Mountain, and at the center of the light rainbow, Zhao Zixuan's headless corpse was instantly blown up. There is not even slag left.

"It's terrible, it's terrible, Lin Chen is a devil, a devil!" Someone shouted first.

Immediately afterwards, the vast majority of people shouted in terror and fled for their lives. On the top of the mountain, the ground was still trembling, black flames were everywhere, how dare they stop.

For a moment, most of the geniuses avoided from a distance, looking at Lin Chen in fear.

Panting heavily, Lin Chen didn't have any joy in his heart, but was filled with sadness, because Xiao Yu died.

The soul was taken out by Zhao Zixuan's evil method, and the essence of the body had already been completely absorbed away. Lin Chen couldn't imagine that there was any possibility for Xiaoyu to survive.

Chirp. .

However, at this moment, a very faint cry sounded, and Lin Chen saw that in front of him, a somewhat thin and transparent soul body was looking at him.


Stepping forward quickly, he stretched out his palm, trying to touch Xiaoyu, but it directly penetrated the soul body, and the light in Lin Chen's eyes suddenly went out.

The existence of the soul is doomed to be short-lived, such a Xiaoyu, I am afraid that it will not be long before she dies and dissipates completely.

Grabbing his hair, Lin Chen fell into pain. He practiced desperately, seized every opportunity, the first purpose was to protect the people around him, but now, he wanted to watch Xiao Yu die.

"Don't worry, little man, I may still have a way!" Mei Wu'er's eyes lit up, and when she spoke, a glimmer of hope arose in Lin Chen's heart.

ps: Thanks to book friend LOVE and book friend Li Jindong for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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