Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 144 The Soul of Senluo

Chapter 144 The Soul of Senluo
As if grabbing a life-saving straw, Lin Chen looked at Mei Wu'er.

Xiao Yu's soul suspended in the air also looked at Mei Wu'er, her eyes filled with hope.

Xiao Yu wanted to follow Lin Chen all the time and be his right-hand man. It was not easy to break into the innate with the body of the eighth-level extreme wind-controlling eagle. It would be a pity if she fell down here.

Whoever changes it will be unwilling.

"any idea?!"

He opened his mouth very quickly, but Lin Chen noticed that after killing Zhao Zixuan completely, with the help of the power of the Senluo Demon Tablet, he had already begun to weaken, and what was replaced was a strong sense of weakness. The already serious injury became even more painful up.

But at this moment, how could he care about these things, he couldn't wait to know how to save Xiaoyu.

"It stands to reason that the soul body is indeed difficult to survive, but I have obtained a secret technique before, which can help the soul body lose its body!" Mei Wu'er was also unambiguous, and immediately got to the point, "Now we just need to find a suitable body, It is to help Xiaoyu seize the house and be reborn!"

Take home and rebirth!

Lin Chen also knew that when a martial artist was strong enough to a certain level, he could ignore the death of his body. Even if he suffered an irreparable physical injury during the battle, as long as his soul remained alive, he could be reborn.

At this moment, Xiaoyu naturally cannot reach such a level, so she needs the help of secret techniques and manpower.

Hearing this, Lin Chen was not overly surprised, but instead frowned.

Xiaoyu's soul body is very weak right now, and she probably won't be able to hold on for long, and in such a short time, where should she go to find a suitable body for her to seize?
Humans definitely won't work. If you want to find them, you have to find similar eagle monsters. Only in this way can the success rate be guaranteed to the greatest extent.

And eagle monsters are relatively rare, so the difficulty is naturally conceivable.

"How to do how to do.."

Lin Chen pulled his hair in pain. Although Mei Wuer provided a solution, it was still illusory.

"Chirp Chirp..." Xiao Yu twittered in a low voice, as if she wanted to comfort Lin Chen, but his soul body was fading rapidly, obviously it couldn't last long.

Originally, warriors and monsters at the innate level did not have a soul, because they were too fragile, and with the death of the body, the soul would naturally dissipate.

And Zhao Zixuan used sorcery to forcibly absorb Xiaoyu's soul, in order to strengthen his own Death Eagle martial soul, which made Xiaoyu's soul appear.

According to this speed, Xiaoyu probably won't be able to last half a stick of incense!

Looking around, it's a pity that the monsters on the top of the lion and tiger mountain have been almost killed. Even if they had reservations, they fled in a hurry under Lin Chen's amazing arrogance just now. Where would there be any monsters? , not to mention eagles.

But when he saw a wooden sign on the ground, Lin Chen's thoughts penetrated into it, but he was still disappointed.

In Zhao Zixuan's Ruomu card, there are many things related to eagle monsters, and there is even a complete corpse, but of course, the corpse cannot be used to seize the house.

The so-called seizing a house is naturally taking away the body of a living creature. There is no soul in a dead body, so naturally there is no word for seizing.

"Sen Luo Demon Tablet, Sen Luo Demon Tablet, you must have a way, help me, help me again!"

The magic flame rose again in his eyes, Lin Chen was desperate, roaring crazily deep in his heart, and as if he had noticed something, the Sen Luo Demon Tablet, which had just calmed down, trembled again!

hum. .

The magic flame rolled and swept out from the magic tablet again, making Lin Chen's whole body tremble with excitement.

Right now, I can only look at the Mori Monument.

And as an astonishing black arrogance erupted from his entire body again, everyone around him also became dumbfounded.

For Lin Chen to have such terrifying combat power, and to kill Zhao Zixuan despite being seriously injured and overdrawn, it must be because there is an extremely powerful treasure in his body, and now, he seems to want to use this treasure again to help Xiaoyu.

Thinking of this, everyone was also a little nervous. At this moment, everyone could see that Lin Chen's state was very pessimistic, but no one dared to speak. They all knew that Lin Chen would not stop no matter what.

As Lin Chen said, Xiao Yu was never a pet to him, not a monster, but Lin Chen's relatives and partners!
At this moment, the parents were wrapped in the Spring of Broken Body, waiting for him to retrieve the thousand-year-old Tianshan lotus seeds for treatment. Li Lianyu was taken away by the powerful King Violet, and Xiao Yu was the only one left by his side. He would never allow Xiao Yu to die like this!

Boom boom boom. .

The black torrent dissipated crazily at this moment, surging out from Lin Chen's body, enveloping Xiao Yu's body in the midair, and instantly, a strong demonic nature drove straight into Xiao Yu's body.

It seemed to be very painful, Xiaoyu's soul body let out a shrill cry, which made Lin Chen's heart tighten, but at this moment, he could only resign himself to fate.

No matter what Senluo Mobei wants to do, he probably won't be able to stop it.

"Xiao Yu, hold on!"

With Lin Chen's encouragement, Xiao Yu also endured the pain by force. The desire to survive made it persist. It wanted to continue to follow Lin Chen, so it didn't allow itself to fall down here!

hum. .

The magic tablet trembled, and a strong suction came. This torrent, wrapping Xiaoyu's soul body, returned to Lin Chen's dantian again, and floated beside the magic tablet.

Lin Chen noticed that Xiaoyu's soul had stopped dissipating and became more solid after entering his dantian, or because of the manipulation of the Senluo Demon Tablet.

At the same time, a new message appeared in Lin Chen's mind.

The soul of Sen Luo!

According to the introduction of this secret method, Lin Chen paused in his heart, and immediately opened his mouth in disbelief. This secret method was to refine Xiaoyu and become Lin Chen's third martial soul!
He, Lin Chen, with twin martial souls, was enough to shock the world. Unexpectedly, there is such a secret method that allows him to have a third martial soul, which is simply unheard of.

However, just to be surprised, Lin Chen didn't intend to refine Xiao Yu into his own martial soul at all. If he did, what would be the difference from Zhao Zixuan?
He wants to become stronger, but he doesn't need the sacrifice of those around him!

"Hehe, Senluo Mobei, thank you this time, but I won't let you dictate!" With a firm heart, Lin Chen confirmed once again that Xiaoyu's soul would not just disappear, so he was relieved.

And with this slack in his breath, he finally couldn't hold on any longer, and when his eyes went dark, he passed out.

At this time, the ten-day period came, and on the top of the mountain, a shining star array descended suddenly with spatial fluctuations.

(End of this chapter)

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