Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 145 Chen Ling, Ambition

Chapter 145 Chen Ling, Ambition

When Lin Chen became conscious again, it was already five days later.

After waking up, the first thing he did was to check his dantian, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he found that Xiao Yu's soul hadn't dissipated.

Youyou opened his eyes, and Lin Chen found that he was lying on a bed. Song Tiancheng, He Xiao, Mei Wuer, and Ji Xue were all in the room.

"Lin Chen, are you awake?!"

Sensing that Lin Chen opened his eyes, Song Tiancheng shouted in surprise, and everyone surrounded him.

He was helped to sit up, although there was still some pain in all parts of the body, but there was no serious problem, and the root of the disease was not left behind, but it was due to the overdrawing of the Yuanli, which made the Yuanli capacity in the body even stronger at this time. too much.

With a thought, within the five days, the spontaneously recovered Yuanli roared and galloped, making Lin Chen very comfortable.

Everyone also noticed that Lin Chen's complexion was not bad at the moment, and they couldn't help but secretly sighed with emotion at his abnormal recovery ability.

In fact, Lin Chen at this moment is not far from the third level of Xiantian.

"Lin Chen, you killed Zhao Zixuan. Now, people from the Zhao family are shouting to kill you, but the City Lord's Mansion and the Wooden Sword Dojo are protecting you."

Wooden knife dojo?

Lin Chen raised his eyebrows, a little surprised, but soon, he understood.

Yu Jibo showed his true face, but no one else noticed, so the people in the wooden sword dojo must also think that Lin Chen is Song Buping's person and has a relationship with Yu Jibo, so he must be kept.

It's ridiculous that Jibo was forced to self-destruct by Lin Chen, and in the end his wooden knife dojo had to protect Lin Chen!
This may be self-inflicted, and he cannot live.

As for the City Lord's Mansion, every genius should have been kept. After all, according to the rules, killing someone during a battle is nothing.

And that day when Lin Chen bombarded and killed Zhao Zixuan on the top of Shihu Mountain, everyone saw it, and naturally they couldn't cover it up. After the Zhao family got the news, they definitely wouldn't let it go.

"People from the Zhao family, what strength?" Lin Chen asked.

If the members of the Zhao family are not very strong, I am afraid that with the strength of Mei Wuer and Lin Chen, they can destroy them. After all, Mei Wuer and Ji Xue have extraordinary combat power, and With the background of Qixiu, if she wants to come to the Zhao family, she should be a little apprehensive.

"The Patriarch of the Zhao Family, Zhao Han, is around the fifth level of Transcendent, comparable to Ji Xue. There are two other extraordinary combat powers, Zhao Haibo, the second level of Transcendent, and Zhao Shan, the third level of Transcendent." Mei Wuer said.

And what followed, this passage made Lin Chen fall into deep thought.

"However, the Zhao family has a backer. Among the Cui family, they are quite favored. He is a popular person next to Cui Zheng, the ghost hand. It is said that this time, the Zhao family has passed on the news and intends to use the power of the Cui family. to deal with you."

Choi. .

Whispering softly, murderous intent flashed in Lin Chen's eyes.

He and Cui Shi have long been immortal.

"Isn't your task assigned by Mrs. Cui? Is Mrs. Cui going to deal with you instead?" Lin Chen asked.

"I don't know..." Mei Wu'er couldn't think of any clues, but this situation is really complicated.

"No, I can't wait until Cui Shi comes. I still have to look for eagle monsters to prepare for Xiao Yu. The quota for Tianyuan City has already been obtained. I just need to go to Dayan King City when the time comes." Lin Chen stood Get up and look out of the house.

"Lin Chen, your quota has been suppressed..." Everyone hesitated after hearing this, and then told Lin Chen.

"What?! What's going on?" Lin Chen became anxious immediately. There is no room for error in the quota, which is related to the lives of his parents.

The golden token that Zhao Zixuan got was in Lin Chen's hands at the moment. Logically speaking, there would be no problem with this quota, but it was suppressed unexpectedly.

"The key person this time is Yu Jibo. Someone saw him disappearing into the pool with us, but we showed up, but he never came back. The interior of the Wooden Knife Dojo is already a bit chaotic."

Hearing this, Lin Chen suddenly realized.

The so-called Wooden Knife Dojo kept him, and it seemed that they just wanted to get news about Yu Jibo from him. If Lin Chen couldn't give a satisfactory answer, it would be difficult to keep this spot.

"We unified our caliber and said that Yu Jibo is still cultivating in the mysterious space and got a great opportunity, and the one who has the most contact with him is you, the Wooden Knife Dojo, if you need you." Mei Wuer said.

Lin Chen had a headache. Yu Jibo died without even the scum left. I don’t know if he can hide the past. If he can’t, it’s a small matter to offend the Wooden Sword Dojo, but it’s a big deal to lose his quota. What’s more, there are Zhao family and Cui family. They are all staring at each other.

This situation is very unfavorable to him.

"Lin Chen, don't worry, in fact, as long as the quota of the Great Yan Dynasty is not in the final competition, there is still a lot of controllability. For example, someone will sell their quota at a high price. It is really impossible. Let's help you buy one together. !"

Hearing this, Lin Chen felt a little relieved. If this was the case, he would not have to worry too much about this quota when necessary. However, if he had no choice, he would not give up. After all, buying There will be many more variables in terms of quota.

Just as everyone was discussing, the door of the room opened, and a middle-aged man who was a bit fat came in.

"Brother Lin Chen, you're awake!" The man stepped forward quickly, with a surprised expression on his face, and held Lin Chen's hand.

"I'm Chen Ling from the Wooden Knife Dojo. I have to ask brother Lin Chen about my old age."

Chen Ling rubbed his palms, but there was an inexplicable color in his eyes.

"That water pool is connected to a mysterious space. Mr. Yu should have had a great opportunity at this moment and is currently cultivating. As for how to enter that space, I don't know." Lin Chen sealed everything with a word.

This also brought a smile to Chen Ling's face. He didn't care about it, and his intuition told him that there seemed to be some secrets in it, and, regardless of Jibo's life or death, what he wanted was some rights.

"Brother Lin Chen, did Mr. Yu entrust you with a message, who will be responsible for the affairs of the dojo during this time?"

Speaking of this, Lin Chen already knew well that this Chen Ling actually wanted to take advantage of this vacancy to take power, presumably he was also an ambitious person, and it was not a day or two before he wanted to occupy the Wooden Sword Dojo.

"Mr. Yu seems to have said that senior Chen Ling should be in power temporarily!" Lin Chen looked at Chen Ling and smiled.

He was already sure that the so-called suppression of the quota was actually caused by this guy, and he just wanted Lin Chen's words.

"Brother Lin Chen is indeed young and promising. He is a rare genius. I will see who can hold down the quota this time! Don't worry, with Chen Ling here, this quota is no problem!" Chen Ling was full of joy, and patted Said with chest.

(End of this chapter)

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