Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 150 Extraordinary Chaos!

Chapter 150 Extraordinary Chaos!
Coincidentally, Xu Tianyuan, the lord of Tianyuan City, had an old grievance with Yang Shouyang. Now that Yang Shouyang was refining an army of tens of thousands of corpses, even though he rushed to Tianyuan City, he did not expect that Lin Chen was still here.

After all, based on the normal time, if Lin Chen could pass the assessment, he should have left Tianyuan City by now. However, Lin Chen was in a coma for a few days, and the other geniuses had already rushed to Dayan Imperial City .

This extra quota is destined to make the occasional meeting and stir up the entire Great Yan Dynasty!

The purpose of this trip was not Lin Chen, because in Yang Shouyang's heart, even if Lin Chen rushed to the imperial city, he would be nothing more than a turtle in an urn. His ambition was far from this corner, but the entire Great Yan Dynasty!

Flying in the air, Yang Shouyang and Yang Yong behind him had arrived at the sky above the city in an instant.

Seeing Lin Chen at a glance, a flash of surprise flashed in Yang Shouyang's eyes, followed by an astonishing murderous intent.

"That idiot Liu Junyu really couldn't keep you, it's okay, I'll go to the imperial city to catch you if it's spare!" Baoyue opened his mouth, and a wave of Yuan Lian was already thrown out, hitting Lin Chen.

This scene stunned Xu Tianyuan. He wanted to respond to Yang Shouyang just now, but he didn't expect that Lin Chen would have a grudge with Yang Shouyang in such a posture.

This kid, it turns out that he doesn't stop wherever he goes!

Crash. .

The astonishing Yuan Li pierced through the sky, vaguely, and even caused fluctuations in the space. Feeling the spread of the cold corpse, Lin Chen's heart tightened.

This guy is not even a little bit stronger than before, this blow alone is definitely at the level of a half-step king.

Such a breakthrough speed is even faster than Lin Chen's. The only possibility is that the evil method he practiced has miraculous effects.

There are tens of thousands of corpses outside the city, and the scale is far from comparable to that of the last attack on Pingshan City.

Lin Chen took a misty step under his feet, and was about to dodge, but a beautiful figure flew over at this moment, blocking Lin Chen's front, and then, with a wave of his jade hand, a violent force was brought up, which even caused space to explode. The fluctuations directly shattered this Yuanli training!
Rose dancer!
Her long hair turned emerald green, and her whole body was filled with an indescribable aura, like an ancient monster, full of wild wildness.

On the snow-white skin, emerald green patterns flow, which is a kind of bewitching beauty. The jade hands protrude, the nails are amazingly long, full of an indestructible sense of sharpness, which can shake the mountains!
The entry of that charming heart seemed to give her unprecedented power, and she could even directly counteract the power of the half-step king.

However, at this moment, Mei Wu'er's mind was blank, as if she had lost all consciousness, only killing remained!
Everything around, including Ji Xue, seemed to have become hideous, and she couldn't help but want to tear it apart. This is why Cui Zheng sent Cui Chenlin to leave quickly.

If there is no accident, today's Tianyuan City will be turned into a real hell on earth in the hands of Mei Wuer, but accidents still happen, people are not as good as heaven, Cui Zheng can never imagine that Yang Shouyang, an idiot , unexpectedly at this time, hit the muzzle of the gun.

Roaring up to the sky, Mei Wuer felt a terrifying aura all over her body, instantly locking onto Yang Shouyang.

Even though her consciousness is almost completely occupied, in Mei Wuer's subconscious mind, she does not allow anyone to hurt Lin Chen!

The butterfly bones on the back spread out, and a pair of dark as ink demon wings unfolded quietly, with mysterious emerald green patterns on them, making it even more strange and powerful. The soles of the feet stomped the ground fiercely, and the delicate body shot into the sky , Take Yang Shouyang directly.

The sudden attack completely stunned him. Only now did he realize that the biggest threat in Tianyuan City might not be Xu Tianyuan, but this woman.

At the same time, a bad premonition arose in his heart, and his mouth was bitter. Yang Shouyang felt that this time, he seemed to come at a very bad time.

Just like the last attack on Pingshan City, it seems that as long as Lin Chen is present, Yang Shouyang will be deflated!

"Damn, you shameless boy, do you only hide behind women?" Yang Shouyang roared angrily, dodging his figure, but he was still caught off guard when his face was cut by Mei Wuer's nails, A bloodstain appeared.

Lin Chen ignored him at all. Speaking of it, it seemed that it would be embarrassing for this guy to use the strength of a half-step king to deal with a congenital boy like himself.

Looking at Mei Wu'er, Lin Chen's eyes were full of deep worry.

His intuition told him that this charming heart might not be a good thing. At this moment, Mei Wuer's strength was improved, but it almost made her lose her mind, and it was more likely to cause unknown harm to Mei Wuer!
"Yang Yong, grab that kid, tens of thousands of corpses, attack the city!" The palm suddenly pressed down, and at the same time as the order was issued, all the corpses roared at this moment, like hungry locusts, swarming in into Tianyuan City!

His palms danced in the air, streaks of dark green corpse energy condensed in his hands, and Yang Shouyang's handprints changed, and a dark green spear appeared in his hands.

Compared with the emerald green that filled Mei Wu'er's body, his dark green color, full of cold corpse aura, actually had a hint of being suppressed.

Annoyed in his heart, Yang Shouyang attacked Mei Wu'er fiercely, and attacked Mei Wu'er step by step, causing her to retreat steadily. She was also wounded by the dark green spear. However, unlike Yang Shouyang, Mei Wu'er at this moment, It's a completely desperate way of playing.

The more wounds on her body, the more ferocious her spirit was aroused. In the dantian, a heart-shaped emerald green crystal slowly danced, and green silk threads spread out, spreading all over Mei Wuer's body. , are absorbing the origin of her martial soul, and... life!

The more Yang Shouyang fought, the more frightened he became, and many wounds had been scratched on his body. Mei Wuer's condition would not be much better than him, but, as if she didn't know the pain, Mei Wuer became more courageous as she fought.

The astonishing fluctuating dissipation, this kind of battle has already shocked everyone in the city.

However, having seen quite a few big scenes, the city lord Xu Tianyuan was the first to come to his senses, and immediately deployed. Tens of thousands of corpses attacked the city, which would definitely be disastrous. To be destroyed!
Flying straight up, he understood that the corpses were controlled by Yang Shouyang. As long as Yang Shouyang was killed, these corpses would be nothing to worry about. He went straight to Yang Shouyang, and he joined the battle circle.

On the other side, Yang Yong rushed towards Lin Chen at high speed, and his third-order transcendent cultivation completely exploded. Among him and Yang Shouyang, Lin Chen was the one who must be killed.

Seeing this, Mei Wuer let out an angry roar, and was about to withdraw to deal with Yang Yong, but Yang Shouyang immediately stopped her firmly. At the same time, Xu Tianyuan's attack came, and in cooperation with Mei Wuer, Yang Shouyang was immediately overwhelmed.

"Yang Yong, hurry up!" shouted angrily, Yang Shouyang also fired a real fire, his whole body strength was unreserved, half-step king's aura, combined with the terrifying corpse aura, actually barely blocked Mei Wu'er and Xu Tianyuan attack.

Seeing this, Ji Xue from below also made a move: "Don't be distracted Wu'er, I'll protect Lin Chen!"

While speaking, she was about to block Yang Yong, but the Zhao family and Zhao Han also moved immediately, even though Yang Yong and his group's goal was to destroy Tianyuan City, but as long as Lin Chen could be killed, Zhao Han would not care other!
The weakest and extraordinary level melee, deeply shocked everyone, the scene became extremely chaotic, Lin Chen's situation became extremely dangerous, not to mention, there was Cui Chenlin watching over him.

Gritting his teeth tightly, a black arrogance quietly boiled in Lin Chen's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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