Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 151 Face off against the extraordinary powerhouse!

Chapter 151 Face off against the extraordinary powerhouse!
Seeing Mei Wuer's battle made him worry. Lin Chen worked so hard to protect the people around him, not to be protected by others.

It's not that he hasn't killed extraordinary powerhouses, there are more than one!
Holding the magic halberd in his hand, the flames were soaring, Lin Chen looked at Yang Yong with fighting spirit.

"All the elders of the Wooden Knife Dojo, follow me and protect little friend Lin Chen!" At this moment, Chen Ling finally decided to make a move, holding a wooden knife, he rushed towards the members of the Zhao family.

Some elders followed him closely, and some others followed after hesitating for a moment. In the end, that Shi Duo, with two elders, stood in place without moving.

"I can guarantee that the old boy Yu Jibo is dead. All of this is Lin Chen's feint. Following that idiot Chen Ling is definitely a dead end!" Shi Duo looked at Lin Chen with sinister eyes.

He has already seen that if Lin Chen is killed in such a situation, it will definitely be greatly changed. This kid in the innate realm is the center of the whole city!

Moreover, from the moment Lin Chen lied and let Chen Ling take control of the Wooden Sword Dojo, he had already had a killing intent towards Lin Chen.

He had coveted the Wooden Knife Dojo for a long time, but Chen Ling succeeded because Lin Chen fell short. How could he go along with it and hide in the crowd like a poisonous snake. He was ready to deal with Lin Chen at any time.

With the addition of Chen Ling and the others, in cooperation with Ji Xue, they immediately stopped the members of the Zhao family and Yang Yong. However, above the sky, Cui Chenlin rushed directly to Ji Xue when he saw this.

"I will not accept the military order abroad! This is an opportunity, capturing Mei Wu'er and Lin Chen must be a great achievement!"

Pure physical strength seemed to be able to shake the mountains. Wherever it passed, there was a terrible explosion in the space. When people were in midair, cracks had already formed on the ground below.

A pair of iron fists went straight for Ji Xue, without the slightest sympathy, Cui Chenlin's eyes shone with excitement. What he likes the most is to torture and kill women in battle. The pleasure is even more satisfying than real communion. .

This is also the reason why he didn't go directly to arrest Lin Chen. In his opinion, the situation was completely under control, and Lin Chen couldn't fly. Therefore, it didn't delay his killing Ji Xue. He could even imagine crushing Ji Xue with his thick palm. That wonderful crisp sound on the delicate neck.

"You, catch that kid for me!"

He shouted at Yang Yong, Cui Chenlin doesn't care about Qing Mingzong, in the eyes of Cui's people, other forces are also a joke, this Yang Yong has no right to violate his words.

Besides, Cui wanted Lin Chen, so how could Qing Mingzong dare to snatch him?

However, Cui Chenlin ignored Qing Mingzong's ambition, mastered the method of refining corpses, and could create a steady stream of corpses, which also gave Yang Shouyang confidence.

As long as he takes half a step again, reaches the state of king, and cooperates with countless corpses, by then, the entire Dayan Dynasty will not be his world?

A punch came out with regret, so powerful that it was almost impossible to resist, making most of Ji Xue's body numb, she kept retreating, and blood flowed from the corner of her mouth.

As an assassin, he was weak in strength, so he lost to Cui Chenlin in close combat. With a dodge, Ji Xueyu waved her palm, and suddenly, snowflakes fell from the sky, and her figure disappeared at this moment.

"Snow Maiden of Qixiu, Ji Xue, the Martial Soul of Snow!"

Cui Chenlin's pupils shrank suddenly, and when he looked around, there was no sign of Ji Xue at all. He was not at all afraid of a head-on battle, but Ji Xue showed his skills as an assassin, and with his brute strength, he might not be able to get any benefits.

Pieces of snowflakes fell on his body, bringing a bone-piercing cold, which actually made him feel paralyzed all over his body, his movements slowed down, and it was difficult to exert all his strength. It was obvious that the snowflakes contained toxins.

Not daring to be careless, Cui Chenlin's whole body tensed up, looking around, but in an instant, a beautiful figure flashed behind him, Yuzhi pointed out that a sharp ice pick had formed, stabbing hard at his back.

Panicked, Cui Chenlin's intuition formed through years of fighting made Cui Chenlin dodge in an instant, but Ji Xue's ice pick was obviously a bit faster, piercing Cui Chenlin's left arm and making a cut.

If it were an ordinary person, the sharpness of this ice pick would probably be enough to penetrate the entire arm and cause serious damage, but for Cui Chenlin, it was just a bloody gash.

This person cultivated his body, and his physical strength was astonishingly extraordinary!
Turning around, Cui Chenlin's heart was burning with anger, but Ji Xue's body disappeared again, right under his nose, scattered into the sky full of snow, and disappeared without a trace.

His chest felt tight, and he felt like he was being punched in the air. Cui Chenlin was very depressed. In a face-to-face fight, he was sure to beat Ji Xue down for a few rounds, but he was extremely disadvantaged by the opponent's devious tactics.

At the same time, there was a tingling from the wound on his arm. Obviously, the toxin on the ice pick had begun to penetrate.

Gritting his teeth, Cui Chenlin looked at Yang Yong who was still in a daze, and roared: "What are you still standing there for, grab that kid and give it to me, Cui Shi, otherwise, I will slaughter your sect!"

Yang Yong frowned. As Yang Shouyang's confidant, he naturally knew of Yang Shouyang's ambitions. Not to mention the Cui family, even the entire Dayan Dynasty, had already been regarded by him as something in his pocket.

Right now, a mere fool with brute force wants to yell at him?
A sarcasm flashed in Yang Yong's eyes, but his figure swooped down and grabbed Lin Chen.

Lin Chen naturally has to deal with this son. If he can, Yang Yong will choose to kill him on the spot. After all, the potential revealed in Lin Chen is too terrifying. This is the innate level. If he continues to grow, no one will I don't know how far he can go.

Such a monstrosity must not be left behind!
"Boy, take your life!" The killing intent soared, Yang Yong had already flew in front of Lin Chen, and grabbed Lin Chen with his palms in the air, above his ten fingers, a dark green gloomy corpse appeared.

Naturally, he has already cultivated this kind of evil technique. Although it can't reach Yang Shouyang's level, it is already very powerful.

With the help of this weird corpse aura, the level of the third level of extraordinary is probably enough to touch the fourth level of extraordinary, let alone Lin Chen, who was born at the second level.

The magic flame rises up, Lin Chen holds the magic halberd, and sweeps across, a black and white light of life and death shoots out, straight at Yang Yong, at the same time, a misty smoke rises under his feet, and the already accomplished misty step is also The capital he is dealing with.

Using Jielong Bian, he has already integrated Jibo's Dao of Life and Death into his own use, and it is naturally handy to use it. The Golden Scale Bian has already been used, and the double power makes Lin Chen full of a kind of unsatisfactory feeling. Feel.

Although it may not be possible to defeat Yang Yong, there is still no problem after playing around.

The black and white light of life and death flew by, and hit Yang Yong in an instant. With a cold sneer, he exerted force with both hands, and directly tore the light away, but at the same time, the power of life and death was like a maggot attached to the bone. Spread out along his arms.

The left arm is withered and dying, while the right arm is full of vitality, even the hairs are growing crazily. This scene made Yang Yong stand in midair, and then, a series of sounds of piercing the sky sounded, and black and white lights came one after another. It has been shot from all directions!
Pingshan City's palm to destroy Chaofan relied on the power of Fan Zhenhao's palm.

The mysterious space Red Earth forced Yu Jibo to blew himself up, also because his arm was severed by the fox demon, and the strength in his body was exhausted.

But this time, Yang Yong is in his heyday!

This is also Lin Chen's first time in a real sense, relying on his own strength, to face the extraordinary powerhouse head-on!
(End of this chapter)

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