Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 152 In front of Sen Luo, who dares to call a demon?

Chapter 152 In front of Sen Luo, who dares to call a demon?
It is extremely unbelievable for the innate level to face the extraordinary head-on, but for Lin Chen, it is a bit normal.

Looking back, he has been fighting against an enemy whose strength is far superior to his own!

Above the sky, Mei Wuer and Xu Tianyuan fought against Yang Shouyang and suppressed him, Cui Chenlin fought against Ji Xue, everyone from the Zhao family fought with the Wooden Knife Dojo, strong fluctuations were everywhere, and many onlookers had already avoided it far away to avoid being affected.

Song Tiancheng and He Xiao had been dumbfounded for a long time, not to mention these people who didn't know much about Lin Chen, those with discerning eyes could see that Lin Chen was actually the main center of such chaotic battles!

Whoosh whoosh.

Black and white rays of light continuously emanated from the Senluo Demon Halberd, presenting a crescent shape in which yin and yang complement each other, shooting at Yang Yong, making him tired of coping.

Even if he has reached an extraordinary state, the profoundness of the way of life and death can still suppress him.

Anyone, unless they are powerful enough to ignore such power of life and death, will be affected.

At this moment, Yang Yong was exerting force with both hands to break up the attacks one after another, but he was affected more and more again and again. His left arm was almost dead, unable to raise any strength, while his right arm was full of vitality, wanting to Burst in general.

This feeling of death and life made him feel that his whole body was about to be split apart. The extreme imbalance also made him have a big problem with the control of power, his body was shaking, and he even fell from the air. down.

Lin Chen's eyes lit up, he didn't expect that this attack with the power of life and death could achieve such a miraculous effect, so that he might even kill Yang Yong!

In fact, Yu Jibo's Dao of Life and Death Sword is very extraordinary. The two characters of life and death include the Dao. If he did not rely on the Forest of Illusory Steles, it would be absolutely impossible for Yu Jibo to comprehend such a way.

It's a pity that in the end, Lin Chen was taken advantage of. Jielong became so special that he didn't need to comprehend it at all. Instead, he plundered this power with an arrogant attitude and took it for his own use!
"Idiot, use your left hand to touch the side of life, and your right hand to touch the side of death, so that life and death are balanced!"

Just when Yang Yong was anxious and helpless, Yang Shouyang's voice exploded into his ears, giving him a shock, like enlightenment.


Swap the left and right to achieve a balance, isn't it all right?
With ecstasy in his eyes, Yang Yong crossed his arms and faced a ray of life and death in front of him. This time, his left hand touched the white vitality part, and his right hand went to meet the black death part.

This attack was scattered by him, but the power of life and death spread along his hands again. In an instant, he felt that on his left arm, which was already dry and lifeless, had recovered a little. The right arm that was about to explode was also relieved.

"It really works, as expected of the suzerain!" Yang Yong laughed and couldn't help admiring.

Some things are really simple, but he can't think of them. It has to be said that this may be the so-called combat talent.

"Fool, hurry up!" Yang Shouyang yelled. Under Mei Wu'er's desperate confrontation and Xu Tianyuan's all-pervasive attack, he has already shown signs of failure. If this continues, he may fall to the ground Here it is.

I thought Yang Yong could subdue Lin Chen quickly, but I didn't expect that this idiot would be faintly suppressed by Lin Chen. Even Yang Shouyang felt ashamed for him and felt ashamed.

Hearing Yang Shouyang's scolding, Yang Yong put his mind away, looked at Lin Chen, waved his arms, and received the rays of life and death one by one, and his arms also recovered a lot.

Seeing this, Lin Chen gritted his teeth. Obviously, the power of life and death cannot be used anymore. He did not expect that Yang Shouyang's fighting talent is so powerful. Not only can he stop Xu Tianyuan and Mei Wuer by himself, but he can see through it at a glance Lin Chen's attack.

At this time, the power of life and death in Yang Yong's body could no longer affect him, and he took Lin Chen straight in his body, and he wanted to return this shame twice!
Gritting his teeth, his body was surrounded by corpse aura. At this moment, Yang Yong's fat body also looked like a horrible corpse. The waves belonging to the extraordinary power crushed Lin Chen and locked him tightly.

The handprint changed, and it was already a dark green skull. It rushed towards Lin Chen with a grinning grin, and Yang Yong shouted angrily.

"Evil Corpse Mark Death Skeleton!"

Obviously, this is the same evil method as Yang Shouyang's Evil Corpse Seal - Introduction to the Underworld, and it needs to rely on corpse energy to cultivate.

Feeling the cold corpse aura, Lin Chen's face was solemn. With his current strength, it was too far-fetched to fight against the extraordinary powerhouse in his heyday. It's not a broken arm, nor is it overdrawn.

Even if it's only the third level of Transcendence, Yang Yong can undoubtedly crush Lin Chen!

"Fuck to death, boy!"

As if he had seen Lin Chen's head being bitten by this skeleton, Yang Yong's eyes flashed with excitement, and his figure also flew over. You must know that the benefits of a person who has just died are immeasurable for practicing the evil corpse technique of.

The reason why Yang Shouyang became a half-step king so quickly was because of the tens of thousands of corpses below. After the massacre, he carried out sacrifices. It can be said that he absorbed the essence of tens of thousands of people!

"It's a very magical skill, but who dares to call it a demon in front of me?" He muttered in a voice that only he could hear, but in Lin Chen's eyes, there was a rising flame of magic. A figure of a Demon Lord who is alone in the world!

Mori Mori, unrivaled in the world!
Lin Chen at this moment is very similar to Ye Tianchen back then. In front of Sen Luo, no one dared to say a magic word!
Crash. .

An astonishing black flame rose up into the sky, condensed on the edge of the Senluo Demon Halberd, and turned into a wave of extreme blackness, with the ultimate splendor of magic, spreading out.

No matter how insidious and weird the corpse aura is, under this black demonic aura, you must bow your head and surrender.

In an instant, the menacing skull was suppressed. Even though the strength was tyrannical, in terms of momentum, he had already lost.

Sweeping away with a halberd, it drew an extreme black awn, brought up a black flame tail, and affected the dark green corpse-like skeleton with a very visually shocking gesture.

"That power..."

"What kind of exercises did Lin Chen practice?!"

"What a terrible breath!"


Everyone exclaimed one after another, even a little bit disregarding the battle in front of them, they stared at that black halberd light, as if at this moment, only this attack was left in the entire Tianyuan City.

Even if the power contained in this blow is not so powerful, but the aura of being the one who can beat me surpasses everything else!
There is no doubt that Yang Yong will never be able to escape the fate of being instantly killed if he is fighting at the same level!
boom. .

Immediately afterwards, in the eyes of everyone, the black halberd light and the dark green skull collided fiercely, and the black and green rays of light soared into the sky, and radiated with a violent fluctuation.

(End of this chapter)

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