Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 153 Besieged by tens of thousands of corpses

Chapter 153 Besieged by tens of thousands of corpses
The demonic aura was strong, and as it spread, everyone felt a heartfelt shock.

Bearing the brunt of the blow, Yang Yong's heart was filled with turmoil, and his slightly fat body couldn't help but take a few steps back, as if the black magic flame was about to burn him, fear flashed in his eyes.

Extraordinary powers are forced to retreat by the innate realm!

Who would believe it if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes?

The extraordinary power, first of all, can crush the innate in terms of aura, and the second is to suppress in terms of strength, but now, Yang Yong is forced to retreat by Lin Chen's aura!

It's not that Yang Yong is too unbearable, but that his demonic nature is too domineering!

boom. .

As the black and green fluctuations spread, the stone slabs on the ground below shattered. Even though they had already hidden in the distance, some people were still affected, their chests felt tight, and they spit out blood.

Some houses that are close to each other are all crumbling.

Of course, Lin Chen didn't feel well either.

Sen Luo's arrogance only made him surpass Yang Yong in momentum, but the power released by the extraordinary powerhouse was real.

Stepping back again and again, each step made a deep footprint, Lin Chen's body was full of energy and blood, and his complexion turned pale.

This impact can be described as tyrannical. With Lin Chen's current strength, it is naturally a little bit reluctant to take it hard. After dozens of footprints in a row, Lin Chen barely stopped, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

Under such a confrontation, he was naturally at a disadvantage, but he was able to take this move and force Yang Yong to retreat, which is almost impossible for a person in the innate realm.

"Trash, what are you doing? Kill him immediately, kill him!" Almost growling, Yang Shouyang was furious.

It was hard for him to imagine how terrifying Lin Chen would be if he grew up. At the same level, even he himself would not dare to say that he could defeat Lin Chen.

That black flame seemed to be deeply planted in everyone's heart, giving birth to an indelible fear!

"Lin Chen is a demon!"

"His power is terrifying, it's the power of the devil!"

"Terrible, terrible!"

Everyone looked at Lin Chen with terrified eyes. The fear from Demon Flame deeply affected them. Until now, Lin Chen truly understood that Sen Luo Demon Lord, Ye Tianchen who was alone in the world.

And, that sentence. Since everyone in the world calls me a devil, then simply, I, Ye Tianchen, am a devil!

On the surface, the seemingly domineering sentence contained too much desolation and loneliness. At this moment, Lin Chen really understood Ye Tianchen's state of mind.

Compared with corpse aura, this magical power is even less accepted by people!
"No matter how many tricks you have, you can't escape death today!"

Frightened away by Lin Chen's aura, his face was already hot, but now he was scolded by Yang Shouyang. Anger was born in Yang Yong's heart, and he swooped down on Lin Chen again.

At this moment, most of the people were still in shock, only Mei Wu'er, with emerald green light surging in her eyes, and the devil's intention behind her fanning, brought an uproar and rushed towards Yang Yong.

Lost for a moment, Yang Shouyang was unable to stop Mei Wuer. He was almost exhausted to stop the two of them by himself, and it was even more impossible to catch up with Mei Wuer at this moment.

"Yang Yong, be careful!"

With a loud roar, even though he kept scolding Yang Yong on the surface, Yang Yong was still Qing Mingzong's second child and Yang Shouyang's right-hand man.

Why should Yang Shouyang remind at this time, Yang Yong has already felt a chill in his back, the hairs all over his body stand on his head, and a terrible energy has locked him.

There was no need to attack Lin Chen, he forcibly twisted his body in mid-air, trying to dodge while moving, but he was still half a step too slow.


Mei Wu'er swiped down with both hands, as if she wanted to tear the sky apart. Between the moves, there was even a slight fluctuation in space. Although Yang Yong narrowly escaped the vital point, he was still scratched at the back of the waist. There was a gash that was as deep as the bone, and blood gushed like a spring.

The screams like killing a pig echoed in the sky, and the blood sprayed down made everyone stunned. An extraordinary third-order powerhouse was so weak in Mei Wuer's hands that he was almost crushed Claw tearing!
Seeing this, Lin Chen also secretly heaved a sigh of relief. After severely injuring Yang Yong, the situation will become clearer, at least he will not be attacked by the superpower.

Without external force and the opponent is in full strength, he is still too far away from the extraordinary powerhouse. If Yang Yong strikes again, it may be difficult for Lin Chen to take it.

However, it is not easy to fight to such a level. There are few geniuses who can reach the level of Lin Chen.

And after Yang Yong was severely injured with one blow, Mei Wuer rushed towards the Zhao family members again, her consciousness was blurred, she only knew that anyone who wanted to attack Lin Chen had to die!
At this moment, Zhao Han was scared out of his wits. He didn't care about fighting Chen Ling and the others, so he quickly backed away. The other two superpowers also looked horrified.

In this way, the scene is even more favorable for Lin Chen. Ji Xue and Cui Chenlin dare not kill Cui Chenlin, but it is easy to contain this guy with brute force. On the other side, Xu Tianyuan also suppressed Live in Yang Shouyang!
"Damn it, I wanted to flatten Tianyuan City, but such an accident happened, Lin Chen, Lin Chen, it's all because of you!" Yang Shouyang's eyes were scarlet, and the murderous intent towards Lin Chen in his heart had skyrocketed to the extreme.

The capture of Pingshan City was blocked, and the capture of Tianyuan City was blocked again, both times because of Lin Chen!
"I'll kill you no matter what I say today! Tens of thousands of corpses, besiege!" The palms slapped down angrily, Yang Shouyang was already desperate.

Immediately, tens of thousands of corpses roared, rushing towards Lin Chen from all directions in the city, like a boundless green ocean, enveloping Lin Chen heavily!
The corpses had already broken through the gate of the city and slaughtered wantonly in the city. Although the city lord Xu Tianyuan ordered to intercept them, the army in the city, as well as many innocent people, had suffered heavy casualties.

At this time, the tens of thousands of corpses had already been stimulated by blood to the greatest extent, and were refined by Yang Shouyang's evil methods. They could no longer be called life, but walking corpses.

Unless their heads were blown, these corpses would not fall down. They exuded a strong smell of corpses. During the roars, the city was like a hell on earth. Such a scene was more shocking than Lin Chen's fierce battle.

If one's personal combat strength does not reach a certain level, one still cannot face thousands of troops. This mighty scene is enough to make people despair. Even an extraordinary strong man will definitely be overwhelmed if he does not have the ability to fly in the sky .

The doomsday-like scene is imprinted in everyone's hearts. The corpses passed by, the crowd fled, and those who were a little slower were torn apart by countless arms with green hair. When they encountered buildings, they were directly trampled away!

Soon, Lin Chen was completely surrounded.

In the air, Mei Wuer fell down and wanted to rescue Lin Chen. These corpses were stronger than innate, and they couldn't fly at all. As long as they were in the air, they were helpless. However, Yang Shouyang was obviously crazy.

He slapped his chest with his backhand, spit out a stream of blood essence, and his fingerprints changed. Behind him, there was already a dark green door of light spinning, appearing in the sky above Tianyuan City.

"The lead of the underworld, move! The gate of the underworld, open to me!!!"

In an instant, an irresistible and terrifying suction appeared from within the light gate. Even Mei Wu'er at this moment could hardly resist, and her delicate body immediately went uncontrollably towards the light gate.

And before falling into the light gate, the last scene she saw was Lin Chen's body completely buried by tens of thousands of corpses.

(End of this chapter)

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