Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 154 Yang Yong, die!

Chapter 154 Yang Yong, die!

There was a moment of clarity in her beautiful eyes, and Mei Wu'er's face revealed an expression of grief.

Even after her closest brother was crippled in her dantian, she had never experienced such despair. It was at this moment that she finally understood what she wanted.

It turned out that at some point, this little man had completely occupied her heart and became an indispensable part of her life.

When an assassin is really emotional, death is probably the only ending.

All thoughts were lost, Mei Wuer actually felt lifeless, if she didn't have a younger brother, she might choose to die with Yang Shouyang.

The slender waist was twisted, and at this moment, a terrifying power that was completely incompatible with that delicate and beautiful body erupted. The charming heart in the body was crazy at this moment, absorbing Mei Wuer's martial soul essence and life, Through touches of emerald green, it is transformed into unimaginable power!
With both palms out, she was supposed to fall into Yang Shouyang's underworld, but Mei Wu'er escaped in an extremely reversed posture, and hit Yang Shouyang's back with both palms. Wherever they passed, the space cracked and cracked !

Caught off guard, how could Yang Shouyang stop him?

A majestic force exploded from his back, his whole body seemed to be electrocuted, and his body stiffened instantly. Then, a series of crackling sounds sounded like fried beans, Yang Shouyang's eyes widened, and his complexion began to turn purple.

He couldn't imagine that Mei Wu'er could launch such an attack, and he couldn't even imagine how he would bear this blow.

bang bang. .

Two explosions came from his body, two blood holes in his chest, shocking, unbearable pain spread to every corner of his body, as if every bone was broken, and there was endless noise in his ears, There was a daze in front of him, and Yang Shouyang smelled the smell of death.

The entire Tianyuan City seemed to be silent at this moment. This kind of attack can be said to be a big move, almost like a king's power. It can be seen that this charming heart has overdrawn how much Mei Wuer's strength and life.

Following this shocking blow, the fluctuations in Mei Wu'er's body suddenly stopped, from the previous strong and unparalleled to lifeless!
The wings on the back were quickly retracted, and she returned to the dantian. Once again imprisoned by the charming heart, Mei Wuer fell to the ground powerlessly.

The breath was very weak, and Mei Wu'er fell into a coma immediately, and at this moment, an anxious cry sounded from the surrounding of tens of thousands of corpses, and then, a figure in green clothes flashed like a god, Holding the black halberd, who else is it but Lin Chen? !

Surrounded by tens of thousands of corpses, for ordinary people, there is no doubt that death is inevitable. However, surrounded by shoulder to shoulder, everything within this radius is covered by shadows, and Lin Chen has the magical ability to escape shadows!
Almost at the moment of being surrounded, Lin Chen escaped into the shadows and rushed towards the periphery. However, Mei Wuer overdrawn her strength, and it was also a matter of blink of an eye, and Lin Chen could not stop it at all.


The magic halberd swept across, and corpses flew out one after another. Lin Chen seemed to turn into a cloud of mist, and came to Mei Wuer, caught her and helped her up.


This scene once again gave everyone a huge shock and question. When they looked at Lin Chen, they seemed to have seen a ghost. How did Lin Chen get out of the siege of tens of thousands of corpses?
This, this is absolutely impossible!
And above the sky, Yang Shouyang, who was still standing dumbfounded, also saw this scene, became furious, and spit out a mouthful of blood again, which contained a lot of internal organ fragments.

Eyes protruding, looking at Lin Chen and Mei Wu'er, he really couldn't figure out how they did it.

This time the plan to flatten Tianyuan City not only failed completely, but he is very likely to die. If such an injury is not treated in time, he will surely die.

Apart from the tens of thousands of corpses, this time, Yang Shouyang and Yang Yong, the two extraordinary powerhouses of Qingmingzong, were both seriously injured!

This result was unexpected by everyone.

The city lord Xu Tianyuan, Chen Ling, Shi Duo and others, members of the Zhao family, Ji Xue, Cui Chenlin, Song Tiancheng, He Xiao, and the entire Tianyuan City were all stunned.

At this moment, Yang Yong came to Yang Shouyang's side, supported him, and looked at the two hideous blood holes in his chest and the shattered viscera in his body, he couldn't help but be shocked.

This type of injury is almost fatal, and Yang Shouyang barely survived when he reached the state of a half-step king.

He hurriedly took out the elixir and was about to feed it to Yang Shouyang, but at this moment, a scene that shocked the whole city happened again.

A smoldering look suddenly flashed in his eyes, and Yang Shouyang raised his palm suddenly, already covered with a touch of dark green, turning his palm into a knife, and with a snort, like Tang Woxue, he inserted into Yang Yong's chest!

"I can't die, I can't die! I'm going to refine you!" With a hoarse roar, Yang Shouyang's eyes were scarlet, frantically refining all of Yang Yong's strength and vitality.

And Yang Yong looked at Yang Shouyang with disbelief in his eyes, and felt the breath of death. He never thought that it was his elder brother who killed him!
This scene also left everyone speechless.

This Yang Shouyang is really an omnipotent person, even his confidant brother, he will not hesitate to kill.

In just a breath, the vitality of Yang Yong's whole body dissipated completely, replaced by a strange corpse aura, lingering around the body, green hairs grew on the skin, emitting a stench, Yang Yong At this moment, it turned into a corpse.

A corpse of extraordinary strength!
The palm was pulled out from Yang Yong's chest. Yang Shouyang's injury had recovered a bit, and no emotion could be seen in his eyes. He turned and stepped into the gate of the underworld that had not completely dissipated, leaving only a catastrophic sentence discourse.

"Kill! It's not just Tianyuan City, it has a radius of thousands of miles, kill anyone you see, kill until the last person! Let them fall into the netherworld forever!!!"

The space closed, and Yang Shouyang's body disappeared. It was only at this moment that everyone reacted. At the same time, Yang Yong, who had turned into a corpse, had scarlet eyes, and a roar of resentment spread across the sky.

Immediately, tens of thousands of corpses rioted!
I don't know who took the lead, the whole Tianyuan City was in a mess at this moment, countless people swarmed and ran out of the city, crowded, and even a large number of people were crushed to death, but facing the terrifying corpse, these guys had already been crushed. I was so frightened that I lost my mind, how could I take care of these things.

"Tianyuan City is over..."

Xu Tianyuan seemed to have aged dozens of years all of a sudden, looking at the corpse below, his eyes were full of depression and powerlessness.

Yang Shouyang's goal is to flatten Tianyuan City, and now, although he has suffered heavy losses, he can still do it after all. After all, tens of thousands of corpses are too terrifying. Yanhuang City is here!
Seeing this scene, Lin Chen hugged Mei Wuer, and fled out of the city in a flash. He felt that Mei Wuer's vitality was very weak.

(End of this chapter)

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