Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 155 Out of the City, Flying Eagle Town!

Chapter 155 Out of the City, Flying Eagle Town!
Holding Mei Wu'er in his arms, he headed out of the city with all his strength, and Lin Chen felt a sense of sadness in his heart.

Before he could cultivate, he had been longing to become stronger, to let his relatives live a better life, and to follow in the footsteps of that girl who was drifting away.

However, as he began to cultivate, he was indeed becoming stronger. He knew better than anyone how outstanding his talent was, but the enemies he provoked became stronger and stronger each time.

Xia Tian, ​​Gu Jianzong, Qing Mingzong, Zhao family, and even Cui family.

The idea of ​​protecting the people around me never seems to be realized.

Parents are dying, relying on the broken body to barely maintain their lives, Xiaoyu died physically, leaving only a soul hidden in his dantian, and now, Mei Wuer has also been severely injured.

In all directions, tens of thousands of corpses scattered, biting anyone they saw, the blood and corpse smell, accompanied by screams and wailing, spread throughout Tianyuan City, even though many warriors stood up to resist, but very few people How long can it last.

If Yang Shouyang was killed, maybe it would be okay, after all, he controlled the corpses, and now, following his order, today's Tianyuan City is doomed to be full of corpses!

"Little bastard, give back my son's life!"

With a shout of anger, Zhao Han stepped forward, crushing Lin Chen with momentum, and at the same time, the other two members of the Zhao family quickly approached.

"Protect little friend Lin Chen!"

Chen Ling came up against the sky with a wooden knife in his hand, and slashed at Zhao Han, while the elders of the wooden knife dojo stopped the Zhao family again.

Seeing this scene, the Mori Monument within Lin Chen's dantian was suspended, and black flames rose from the surface of the Monument, causing a violent killing intent to arise in his heart for no reason.

Those guys who want to stand in their way will die!
Thinking of this, there was no resistance at all, the fierce demonic nature from within the demon tablet had once again covered Lin Chen, and the wind of forest rose from the ground, embracing Mei Wu'er with one hand, and the other hand clenched the demon. The halberd stabs out suddenly!

With an angry blow, it was like the silver bottle was broken suddenly, and the cavalry stood out!

The blade of the halberd was glowing with flames, carrying Lin Chen's killing intent and anger, and swept towards Zhao Han. At the same time, the power of life and death flooded more and more.

From Zhao Han's appearance to Lin Chen's attack, which can be called a rabbit's ups and downs, Zhao Han never imagined that Lin Chen would be so fierce and take the initiative to attack himself, and, unlike the previous spectators, he faced this devilish wave The momentum, facing this power of life and death, Zhao Han felt an irresistible feeling in his heart.

It seemed that in front of him was not just a kid in the innate realm, but an ancient monster.

Caught off guard, Zhao Han retreated again and again, and the force of life and death exploded on him. Although it didn't cause any substantial damage, it affected him a lot.

Although his realm was higher, he might not be much stronger than Yang Yong. Affected by the power of life and death, Zhao Han was immediately at a loss, and retreated steadily under the attack of Chen Ling and others.

"Little friend Lin Chen, get out of the city! There is Feiying Town not far from the east. There is an old man living in seclusion in the northwest corner of the town. Maybe he can save this girl. Leave the affairs in the city to us!" Quick voice transmission For Lin Chen, Chen Ling frantically attacked Zhao Han.

In the sky, Ji Xue was still restraining Cui Chenlin, while Xu Tianyuan, who was free, was madly sweeping these corpses.

In the half-step realm of kings, it can be said that one man is in charge and ten thousand men are not open, and there will be no danger in this wave of corpses. However, it is very difficult to kill them all.

Unless one has cultivated a Martial Soul that can attack in groups with the power of flame or thunder, it is possible to kill corpses in a large area.

Hearing this, without any further hesitation, Lin Chen held Mei Wu'er in his arms, and rushed out with misty steps.

With his current strength, although he can influence and even deal with extraordinary powerhouses, but in a real battle, he will definitely not be able to kill him head-on. Whether it is Yang Yong or Zhao Han, he is no match.

After all, the strength of the second-order congenital is still a lot worse.

And when everyone was running away or fighting the corpse, that Shi Duo quietly followed Lin Chen.

With just a few words, Lin Chen gave the control of the Wooden Knife Dojo to his opponent Chen Ling. How could he be reconciled, and it would be difficult to vent his anger if he didn't kill Lin Chen!

At this time, with the battle after battle, the sky gradually darkened, and the entire Tianyuan City was plunged into darkness. The eyes of a large number of corpses shone with faint green lights, making this place look like a hell on earth.

Those who could escape escaped, and those who couldn't escape naturally became the food of the corpses and were refined by Yang Shouyang with evil methods. This group of corpses' desire for fresh flesh and blood has reached the point of madness.

Under the darkness of night, Lin Chen's figure slipped into the shadows, and he moved faster towards the east. Mei Wu'er's delicate body trembled in her arms. She had taken a lot of pills as soon as possible, but she didn't get better. Instead, the black hair His long hair has turned into a silvery white color.

"Damn it, what the hell is that charming heart!"

Can feel the breath of the person in his arms, still in extreme weakness, Lin Chen couldn't help cursing secretly.

The palm that almost killed Yang Shouyang seemed to have jumped out of the extraordinary level and truly reached the level of a king, and with Mei Wuer's power, to make such an attack would naturally overdraw a lot of life.

Taking advantage of the darkness, Lin Chen had already seen a few sparks in front of him. Obviously, the so-called Feiying Town was almost here.

The speed was a little faster, and Lin Chen rushed to the northwest corner of the town. At this time, most of the people had already fallen asleep, and had no idea of ​​the disaster in Tianyuan City in the distance. It was actually brightly lit, illuminating a bamboo forest.

Before he had time to think about it, he rushed towards the bamboo forest. Lin Chen shouted: "Boy Lin Chen, you dare to bother senior, but your life is at stake. I implore senior to help my friend!"

The sound reverberated in the bamboo forest, and the wind blew the bamboo leaves rustling. Lin Chen stepped forward and ran, but found that the bamboo forest seemed to have no end.

"No, this is a formation!"

Lin Chen came back to his senses, it was obvious that this bamboo forest was a formation that could trap people, his brows were furrowed, Lin Chen looked at the towering bamboos all around, but couldn't see any clues.

But at this time, outside the bamboo forest, a hale and hearty old man was drinking wine with a smile on his face. What was reflected in the pool in front of him was Lin Chen in the bamboo forest at this moment.

"It's hard to get out even if it takes three days and three nights to enter the jade bamboo maze of this old man. This kid is so reckless and murderous. I have to teach him a lesson." There was a hint of teasing in his eyes, and the old man stroked his gray hair Beard, obviously very proud.

And in the pool in front of him, on the screen, Lin Chen had already taken out the Senluo Demon Halberd, and was about to chop at the bamboos that exuded the luster of jade. "Hehe, although this weapon is fierce, but the old man's golden jade bamboo is not... what?!"

Before he finished speaking, the old man's eyes widened and he stood up abruptly, spilling the drink in his hand all over the floor, looking at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

ps: Congratulations to Chunqing.Become the first rudder owner in this book!
(End of this chapter)

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