Chapter 156

Since this maze can't be solved in a short time, it can only be broken out by brute force. Lin Chen still doesn't believe it. If you cut down these bamboos, can't you get out?

In fact, there are indeed two ways to break the formation, one is to rely on the understanding of the formation to find a way out, and the other is to destroy it with brute force.

However, the old man was obviously confident in his golden jade bamboo, so the latter was naturally ignored by him.

However, Lin Chen has never been a person who can guess with common sense.

With the magic halberd in hand, as he swept across, the astonishing sharpness raged, and he chopped at a golden jade bamboo tree in front of him, only to hear the sound of gold and iron, and there were faint sparks, and then, the golden jade tree The bamboo fell down in response, and the incision was as smooth as a mirror!


Lin Chen was excited, and immediately struck again, the magic halberd danced with the sound of wind, and within a breath, he chopped down several golden jade bamboo plants again.

Cut down this piece of bamboo forest, and you can go out naturally!

Seeing Lin Chen's attack like this, the old man panicked. He cultivated these golden jade bamboos with great care. Every time Lin Chen cut down a plant, his heart ached.

Regardless of the spilled wine, the wrinkles on the old man's face were gathered together. Looking at the young man who kept making shots in the picture of the pool in front of him, and the magic halberd glowing with black flames, he seemed to have thought of something.

"Grandpa, it's so late, what are you fussing about?" A playful voice sounded, and a slim young girl was already standing beside the old man.

The beautiful eyes looked towards the water pool, the girl let out a light snort, surprise appeared on her pure face, and in her clear eyes, the figure of the young man in the green shirt who kept making shots was reflected.

"Jin'er, maybe your illness is due to this person!" The old man said, looking at Lin Chen with more meaning.

"Him?" Jin'er's calm heart also had a slight ripple.

"Old man Tianji's hexagrams can't make mistakes. Calculate the time, it's almost the same. The appearance of this kid is definitely not accidental!"

With this old man's identity and strength, he lived in this small town because of the girl's illness. Lin Chen at this time naturally didn't know about it, and while he was waving the magic halberd, pieces of golden jade bamboo fell down.

"Bastard! The old man's golden jade bamboo, each plant is priceless, and you can cut it very quickly!"

With a cold snort, the old man waved his hand, and in front of Lin Chen, the bamboo forest automatically moved away, revealing a path.

Lin Chen's eyes lit up, and he saw an old man and a pure young girl looking at him across a pool of water.

"This junior is eager to save people, please don't blame seniors, human life is at stake, I implore seniors to help!" Lin Chen said quickly, and along the road, he had already arrived at the side of the water pool, looking into the distance with the two of them.

"Let's talk after you pass this pool first!"

The old man waved his hand, sat down, refilled the drink, his eyes flickered, and he looked at Lin Chen with great interest.

"Grandpa, how can you make things difficult for others." On the other hand, Jin'er acted coquettishly, blaming the old man, "This broken soul pool is disastrous for Wuhun. It’s possible! Besides, that woman seems to be seriously injured, so you should help her.”

"Hmph, you stinky girl, your elbow is turning out now? If this kid can't even get through the pool of broken souls, what will he use to cure your illness?" The old man blew his beard and stared angrily, picked up the wine glass and drank it down. .

However, Lin Chen naturally saw that the old and the young were not malicious. The old man was like a disrespectful old urchin, while the young girl was like a lotus blooming in water, beautiful and pure, with a sense of holiness.

Among the women Lin Chen knew, only Xia Xinxuan could match this temperament.

Hearing this, Lin Chen didn't hesitate at all, and stepped into the pool in front of him with Mei Wu'er in his arms.

He naturally heard Jin'er's words, and he also understood the horror of this broken soul pool, knowing that the other party was reminding him not to go in, but if he retreated at this time, the old man might not easily make a move.

Before Chen Ling's words, he had the attitude of treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor, but when he came to the Golden Jade Bamboo Forest and saw the pool of water, and the old man himself, Lin Chen also had hope in his heart.

This old man is definitely a master.

Seeing that he really stepped into the pool, Jin'er couldn't help covering her mouth and let out a coquettish cry, even the old man was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, this kid is really ignorant and fearless, and he stepped into the pool of broken souls like this.

As the name suggests, Pohun Pond's blow to the martial soul is devastating. If ordinary people are even slightly contaminated, the martial soul may collapse, and they will not be able to cultivate in this life!

Although Lin Chen was a bit special, in the eyes of the old man, he might not be able to resist the destructive power of Pohun Pond. He immediately made a move to rescue Lin Chen, but with his palm hanging in the air, he was already stunned.

As he stepped into the Pond of Broken Soul, Lin Chen instantly felt a destructive force rushing from the pool, madly entering his body, and the severe pain spread. Compared with the previous Spring of Broken Body , that's all drizzle.

And the real effect of this pool of water is not the flesh and blood, but the martial soul!

Suddenly, an irresistible force charged towards the martial soul, and while the koi martial soul was jumping in the dantian, it also felt a terrible threat for the first time, overflowing with golden light, it was released independently .

Release the martial spirit!

This is the first time Lin Chen has released the koi martial spirit in front of outsiders other than the mine!

The Koi Martial Soul is his biggest secret. Before he has absolute strength, he doesn't intend to let anyone know the existence of this Martial Soul, but he never thought that this Pohun Pond is so strange that he can force out his Koi Martial Soul. Wuhun.

And that's just the beginning!
The power from Pohun Pond poured in through every pore, frantically crowding into every inch of Lin Chen's flesh and blood. Immediately, the imprisoned Dragon Martial Soul let out an angry roar while struggling.

In an instant, the situation changed, and the sky above the small town was filled with wind and clouds, and even the calm water in the ancient well was filled with ripples. Then, a cyan dragon trapped by black chains, showing a ferocious expression. , appeared behind Lin Chen out of thin air, echoing the koi!
Sleepy Dragon, Golden Koi!
This was the first time that two martial spirits appeared at the same time except for the awakening of the martial spirits back then, and this scene stunned the old man and Jin'er.

The wine glass fell to the ground again, but this time he was more surprised than last time. The old man opened his mouth wide and looked at the two martial spirits, his heart filled with turmoil.

Unbelievable was also written on Jin'er's exquisite face. Looking at Lin Chen's figure standing in the pool, it was a kind of demeanor she had never seen before!
Gritting his teeth and taking a step forward, Lin Chen could feel the rage of the two martial spirits. The pool of water seemed to have greatly harmed them, but at the same time, there was a kind of tempering and improvement.

If it was a normal time, Lin Chen would probably study whether this pool of water is good for the evolution of the martial soul, but now, he directly took three steps and made two steps, crossed the pool, and came to the old man.

As he stepped out of the Pohun Lake, the two martial spirits behind him were also put away at this moment, and they returned to Lin Chen's body. They were a little tired, but Lin Chen didn't care about these, and hugged Mei Wu in his arms Son, look at the old man.

"Broken Soul Pond has passed, I implore seniors to help me!"

(End of this chapter)

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