Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 157: Twin Saint Rank, Machine Linglong Seal!

Chapter 157: Twin Saint Stage, Thousand Chance Exquisite Seal!

"Broken Soul Pond has passed, I implore seniors to help me!"

Lin Chen hugged Mei Wu'er and looked at the old man, but at this moment, the old man was still in extreme shock and couldn't speak.

On the contrary, Jin'er at the side was more calm.

"It's not that there are no Martial Spirits that can pass through Pohun Pond safely. As we all know, there are thirteen ranks of Martial Spirits in the world, but these thirteen ranks are not among them, and this kind only exists in legends. A martial spirit of the thirteenth rank is called..."

"Holy rank martial soul." The old man took a deep breath and said after taking Jin'er's words.

Saint rank martial soul!

Even though Lin Chen had expected that his martial spirit was special, he was still shocked when he heard the words of the two of them.

"You are not only a holy-rank martial soul, but also twin holy-rank martial souls. One is the supreme robbery dragon, and the other is the other. Even the old man can't see the clue." calm.

"Tianji old man is not lying to me. It seems that Jin'er's illness should be on your kid. Come on, let me show you this girl!" The old man was obviously very excited, and put the flagon on the table They threw them all out, took Mei Wu'er, and lay flat on the table.

Lin Chen's head was still a little confused, and he was confused by what the old man said, but as long as he was willing to treat Mei Wu'er, this trip would not be in vain.

Looking at the old man, Lin Chen was very nervous at the moment. Tianyuan City was in a catastrophe at the moment, and he had nowhere to go. If the old man couldn't save Mei Wu'er, he really couldn't help it.

Fortunately, Chen Ling is quite reliable. The old man obviously has a lot of skills. Pressing his palm on Mei Wuer's dantian, the old man's generous palm has already summoned a powerful force and poured into her body.

Just now, he still didn't look normal, but in an instant, the old man's complexion became serious, his brows were tightly frowned, and the surprise that had just calmed down in his heart became uncontrollable again.

"This, it turned out to be this thing!" Exclaimed, the old man looked at Mei Wu'er with burning eyes, his eyes were extremely complicated.

"Boy, where did this thing come from?"

Lin Chen didn't dare to be negligent when he heard the words, and immediately confessed everything. After hearing this, the old man's face became more serious.

"This girl's martial spirit is also very special. It is the devil's wings of a different martial spirit. This time, someone deliberately set a stumbling block and asked her to die. I didn't expect to accidentally bring this thing with me. Come out!" The old man obviously knew something.

Lin Chen naturally understands that there are many things involved behind this matter, related to the Cui family, and even more related to ancient events, but these are not what he cares about, the most urgent thing is to save Mei Wuer's life!

"Senior, how is my friend?"

Seeing Lin Chen's appearance, the old man also understood that this kid's eagerness was driven by vanity, so he stroked his beard, pretending to be profound.

"Hmph, your friend, you were absorbed by that piece of body, absorbing a lot of life force and the origin of the martial soul, even if a god came, it would be difficult to cure!" As he said, looking at Lin Chen's nervous expression, the old man secretly felt complacent. , "However, if you are looking for this old man, you have found the right person. My name, Su Rang, is well-known even in Lingxiu Xiaoqianjie..."

"Oh, grandpa, don't say these clichés, save people quickly!" On the contrary, Su Jin'er, with a coquettish look on her face, punched the old man with her fist and said in a daze.

In this scene, even Lin Chen was a little absent-minded. This woman was like a lotus out of water, she was charming but not demonic, but her coquettish appearance was fatal.

If it were an ordinary man here, he would probably have a nosebleed.

"Smelly girl, you want to kill me, an old bone? You won't be attracted to this kid, but he came with a lover. If you want to snatch him, you have to work hard!" This old guy is really serious. Disrespect for the old.

Su Jin'er's pretty face was flushed, and she wanted to find a crack in the ground to sneak in. She stomped her feet shyly and lowered her head, but she secretly glanced at Lin Chen with her big clear eyes.

Before coming to this small place, she could be said to be surrounded by stars. She has seen many so-called geniuses, but she has never had anyone who can compare with the young man in front of her.

It's not about twin holy rank martial souls, but an indescribable feeling and temperament!

Seeing this, the old man Su Rang didn't say much anymore, but looked at Mei Wu'er solemnly, and quickly tapped out dozens of fingers on her flat and smooth belly, each finger piercing out, the surrounding space, All seem to fluctuate.

When Lin Chen's pupils shrank suddenly, above Mei Wu'er's lower abdomen, there was already an extremely complicated light print forming, and as it slowly rotated, it was completely natural, giving people a feeling of broad and profound.

The old man's face was serious, and he patted it with his palm. This light print went straight into Mei Wu'er's lower abdomen, and a mysterious wave rippled out, forming spatial ripples visible to the naked eye.

"Thousand Machine Exquisite Seal, seal it!"

A seal fell, and the sky above the house suddenly changed color. It was even more intense than the sleepy dragon manifesting just now. Immediately afterwards, Mei Wuer's body trembled violently. She, who was in a coma, suddenly opened her eyes. Eyes opened.

In the pupils of the eyes, an astonishing emerald green is fading at an extreme speed under the force of a golden light, and it is replaced by real clarity.

Obviously, the Charming Heart has been sealed by this seal and cannot continue to affect Mei Wu'er.

Seeing this, the old man heaved a sigh of relief, and with a swipe of his palm, a jade bottle appeared. He opened the cork, and the fragrance overflowed, which lifted his spirits. The old man immediately closed the plug.

And following the entrance of this drop of transparent liquid, a majestic vitality spread out, spreading towards Mei Wu'er's limbs and bones, greatly replenishing the vitality she had consumed.

"Grandpa, you are so stingy, just give me a drop!" Su Jin'er said, looking at the old man Su Rang with pursed lips.

Hearing this, Su Rang immediately blew his nose and stared, his old face almost distorted with anger: "You stinky girl, don't squeeze me out, this is the essence of life, do you know how many people ask this old man for this drop, besides, If there are too many, this girl will be overwhelmed with vitality, don't think I don't know your little thoughts!"

Sticking out her tongue, she made a face at the old man, and Su Jin'er was really cute with a smile on her face.

This girl said that on purpose at all, she naturally knew the preciousness of the life essence, and she said that just to get revenge on the old man who just teased her that she fell in love with Lin Chen.

This woman is indeed the most vengeful creature, even her own grandfather will not be spared. .

"Senior's wonderful hand rejuvenates, the great kindness is unforgettable, and the junior is willing to do like a dog and horse, and repay the kindness of saving life!" Lin Chen said when he saw that Mei Wu'er was getting better, he cupped his fists and saluted.

He waved his hand, but it was obviously very useful. Su Rang had a smile in his eyes: "Hey, what I'm waiting for is your words! Of course, this work is not for nothing. I still need you!"

Hearing this, Lin Chen's expression froze, and he suddenly felt something was wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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