Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 158 What I Want Is Not Extraordinary!

Chapter 158 What I Want Is Not Extraordinary!
Hearing Su Rang's words, and thinking about what he heard before, such as Jin'er's illness, Lin Chen could guess all kinds of things in his heart.

The background of these two people must be not small. Lin Chen has never heard of the beautiful little world that the old man said. The reason why they came to this small place was to wait for someone, to wait for someone who would help Jin'er's condition. people.

The reason why this Pohun Pond was set up was to select people with holy-rank martial souls, and to Su Rang's surprise, Lin Chen not only possessed holy-rank martial souls, but also one.

"That young man Chen Ling asked you to come. Older Tianji's hexagrams also show this person, otherwise, I would not have saved him at the beginning." The old man stroked his beard, and looked like he was determined by Lin Chen. appearance.

When Chen Ling was mentioned, Lin Chen's heart suddenly tightened.

"Senior, Tianyuan City has encountered a catastrophe, tens of thousands of corpses attacked the city, blood flowed like a river, and I hope that senior can come out to rescue him!"

Corpse man?

Su Rang raised his brows when he heard the words, and after listening to the detailed description, he shook his head slowly, his face becoming serious.

"Such evil skills are not common even in Lingxiu Xiaoqianjie. It seems that this small place has a lot of secrets!" After a moment of hesitation, the old man waved his hand, "Jin'er, go there."

"Yeah." Jin'er responded.

Lin Chen was surprised when he heard the words: "Let Jin'er go? Those corpses are very ferocious, and there are so many of them. They bite anyone they see. It's hard to kill them completely. Return..."

However, before he finished speaking, he opened his mouth wide in surprise, looking at the scene in front of him, his eyes were full of disbelief.

Jin'er took a step forward, and the space in front of her was torn apart like thin paper, avoiding a space passage, and the pure power of space filled the air, completely stunned Lin Chen.

The king is powerful!
This seemingly pure and sweet Su Jin'er, like the little girl next door, turned out to be a king-level power!

It's not that Lin Chen has never seen a king, he has even come into contact with the stronger clone of Ye Tianchen, but he has never been so shocked before. It was beyond Lin Chen's imagination.

With bitterness in his mouth, he wondered how Chen Ling knew about these two guys. You must know that even in the entire Dayan Dynasty, there were not many kings, and now. .

"Hehe, don't worry, Jin'er is gone, those corpses are definitely not enough to look at." Su Rang patted Lin Chen's shoulder, "The king is nothing, your talent, the state you can reach in the future, will definitely be Far beyond the king."

A piece of cake. .

Lin Chen smiled wryly. Now he is too far away from the king, so it is too early to say these words.

Looking at Mei Wu'er, Lin Chen was able to step forward. At this time, Mei Wu'er was much better, her charming heart was suppressed, and the vitality that was consumed was completely restored. However, that silver hair, But failed to change back.

"This girl's life is fine in a short period of time, but what is really powerful about that thing is not absorbing life, but Wuhun!" Su Rang sighed.

"Martial soul?"

"Yes, absorb the source of the martial soul! This girl can no longer use the power of the martial soul, otherwise, the previous situation will reappear, and I think it will be difficult to seal it at that time." He said solemnly.

"Senior, how should I take this thing out..." Lin Chen asked quickly.

Shaking his head slowly, Su Rang said in a low voice, "Even now, I can't do anything. All of this depends on the good fortune of this girl."

"This..." Lin Chen was about to speak, but was interrupted by Mei Wuer's weak voice.

"Little man!" Mei Wu'er's face was still pale, her eyes were like water, but they shone with an unprecedented light, "Thank you..."

Martial spirit was sealed, she had lost the most basic strength as a warrior, but at this moment, Mei Wuer's heart was at peace like never before.

It was as if the feeling of being an assassin who was always on tenterhooks could no longer find her. Looking at Lin Chen, she seemed to own the whole world, with peace and comfort in her heart.

This was a relaxation she had never experienced before, except for the moment when she was hugged by Lin Chen on the Eagle's Nest on the cliff of the Shrouding Mountains, she had never felt this kind of feeling.

When she was ready to die, but found that she was still alive, and in front of her was the person she missed day and night, Mei Wuer could give up the whole world at this moment.

"Wu'er, as long as you're fine." Lin Chen looked at Mei Wu'er with complicated eyes.

Lin Chen naturally noticed Mei Wuer's expression, but he didn't know how to face it.

Since childhood, he has always liked Xia Xinxuan, and Xia Xinxuan also liked him, so much so that Lin Chen could only turn a blind eye to Li Lianyu's affection, but now, there is another Mei Wuer.

Su Rang also seemed to see that Lin Chen was in a bit of embarrassment, stroked his beard, took out a jug of fine wine and took a sip.

"Boy, you can't love your sons and daughters. You must improve your strength as soon as possible. I can't even see through your halberd. I think it is a great opportunity. To cure Jin'er's illness, you still need the help of your holy martial soul. Two years Within that time, you must reach the seventh rank of extraordinary, and visualize the martial spirit!"

Martial spirit is embodied!
As we all know, at the seventh level of the day after tomorrow, the martial soul can be released, but the martial soul at this time is just a phantom, not very strong.

However, after reaching the seventh level of extraordinary, the solidity of the martial soul is almost the same as the real thing. At that time, if Lin Chen released the martial soul, he would have a real golden koi and a real sleepy carp. dragon.

What's more, it's still uncertain what kind of changes will happen to his martial soul by then, after all, the eight claws on the koi's belly have become more and more impressive.

Lin Chen's heart moved when he heard the words. Since the old man needs him to reach the seventh level of extraordinary, then he should not allow himself to have an accident before the seventh level of extraordinary. After all, holy level martial souls are not so easy to find.

This also means that he will have an extra super bodyguard!
Relying on the old man's means, and the things revealed between the lines in his words, are far beyond Lin Chen's imagination, and must have a great background.

"Hmph, bastard, your strength is achieved by yourself. If you want to be a turtle, you will live up to this talent, and you will not be able to become a real strong. If you are willing, I can help you break into the extraordinary right now. Let me ask you, are you willing?" With Su Rang's experience, it was natural to know what Lin Chen was thinking.

Do you want to?

The simple four words shocked Lin Chen. If it was spread, it would be difficult for any warrior to refuse the opportunity to step into the extraordinary, but Lin Chen knew very well that there is no such thing as strength that can be obtained for nothing in the world. !
It is not impossible for him to step into the extraordinary step by step, but it is absolutely difficult to make an inch of progress!

And how could Lin Chen's ambition stop at mere transcendence?

"What I want is not transcendence." Lin Chen said the second half of the sentence in a voice that only he could hear, his eyes were piercing, as if he wanted to penetrate the night sky.

"What I want is the one who is unique in the world!"

(End of this chapter)

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