Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 159 Tianyan Eagle Puppet

Chapter 159 Tianyan Eagle Puppet
No one in the world!

Although Su Rang didn't hear these four words, the bright look in the young man's eyes made him think about it and make his heart flutter.

Once upon a time, he was so smug!

Mei Wuer was even more intimidated by this demeanor. Even when she saw Lin Chen from the first time, she felt that this young man was extraordinary, but the speed of such growth had far exceeded Mei Wuer's imagination .

Taking a deep breath, Lin Chen understood that there was still a long way to go before reaching the so-called unrivaled world, and it was very likely that he would fall down on this road, but he had no hesitation.

"Senior, you don't need to help me break into the extraordinary. I have the soul body of a wind-riding eagle. I want to help it regain its life. I don't know if you have any way?" Naturally, Lin Chen would not forget Xiao Yu, but at this moment With Su Rang here, how could he waste resources.

"The Condor of the Wind?" Su Rang raised his eyebrows, "As far as I know, this should be a low-level monster without a soul. Could it be that your Condor of the Wind has reached the innate state?"

"That's right, Xiaoyu has indeed broken through the innate realm." Lin Chen nodded.

"It seems that this Wind-Controlling Condor is somewhat extraordinary. However, the soul of the innate level is still indestructible and cannot exist for a long time. Where did you put it?"

"This, it's in my dantian..." While Lin Chen was speaking, his mind moved, Xiaoyu's soul, which was floating beside the Senluo Demon Stele, had appeared in front of Su Rang in his dantian.

Wow. .

Immediately, a somewhat savage demonic aura rushed over, and even Su Rang looked solemn.

"Boy, you seem to have a lot of secrets, but this aura is full of magic, which is a misfortune rather than a blessing. If possible, I hope you can change a skill to practice!" With Su Rang's eyes, Immediately noticed the peculiarity of this devilish energy.

However, for Lin Chen, the Wanxiang Senluo Jue and the Senluo Demon Stele cannot be discarded, not only because of the needs of the Martial Dragon Martial Soul, but also Lin Chen feels that in the whole world, there is probably no skill that can surpass it. Vientiane Sun Luo Jue.

Seeing that Lin Chen didn't answer, Su Rang didn't force him, but just took a deep look at him before continuing to speak.

"Coincidentally, the old man seems to have an eagle puppet here, which should be able to be used to seize the house, but there is a missing soul melting flower!" Su Rang made a move with the palm of his hand, and in the courtyard, it appeared out of thin air. A huge black shadow appeared, surrounded by terrifying arrogance.

Su Rang has long forgotten who asked him to do something, and sent a pile of garbage, which he casually collected into the wooden card, but the garbage in his eyes, in Lin Chen's view, was undoubtedly extremely powerful.

This is a puppet refined by the Sky Flame Eagle, and it still retains a trace of consciousness in its mind, so it is most suitable for use as a snatch.

And this Tianyan Eagle is a powerful monster that can grow to an extraordinary level. Its body is pitch black, its height is nearly three meters, and there are black flames burning on its wings.

Even the entire Yan dynasty had difficulty finding such a powerful and special monster, but at this moment, Su Rang took it out casually.

This also made Lin Chen more curious about the background of these two people, and what kind of existence the so-called Lingxiu Xiaoqianjie was.

"Sky Eagle, Soul Melting Flower..." Lin Chen murmured, he had never heard of this Soul Melting Flower.

"It's still a bit difficult to find the Soul Melting Flower in this small place, so don't worry, you keep the Tianyan Eagle Puppet for now, and when you find the Soul Melting Flower, I'll help you snatch it for the Wind Riding Eagle!" Su Rang He waved his hand, very proudly.

Hearing this, Lin Chen was no longer pretentious. He understood that this so-called eagle puppet must be the bottom of Su Rang's place, and the real precious things like the life essence.

"By the way, when you crossed Pohun Pond, a friend came looking for you." Seeing Lin Chen put away the eagle puppet and Xiao Yu returned to his dantian, Su Rang said with a smile.

"Friend?" Lin Chen's heart tightened. Could it be that among the people in Tianyuan City, who escaped?

But the next moment, Su Rang moved his palm, the space in front of him split open, and a terrified figure fell down, but Lin Chen frowned suddenly.

This person was Shi Duo who had been following Lin Chen all the way. Even though Lin Chen was going all the way, Shi Duo couldn't catch up. However, he was not as capable as Lin Chen, but was trapped in it.

Until just now, Su Rang directly used his supernatural powers to capture this guy from the bamboo forest.

Looking at this person, Lin Chen could think with his toes, what exactly he wanted to do with him, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

At this moment, Shi Duo was scared out of his wits. The old man in front of him did not show mountains or waters, but it gave him a sense of trembling in the depths of his soul, as if the other party could easily pinch him to death with a single finger.

His face was pale, Shi Duo's legs trembled, and he was speechless.

"It is enough for the Wooden Knife Dojo to be in charge of Chen Ling. Of course, this is not what that old fellow Yu Jibo said. A dead person cannot make a decision, so I have to help him decide!" Looking at Shi Duo, Lin Chen said, The magic halberd was already pointing at him.

"Yes, yes, brother Lin Chen, I promise that I will never get involved in the matter of the Wooden Knife Dojo, and I am not here to hunt you down, I..." Shi Duo said incoherently.

Even though the news that Jibo was dead was almost certain, Lin Chen still gave him a strong shock when it came out of his mouth.

But Lin Chen sneered, even he said it himself, didn't he come to kill him?
Since the other party wanted to kill him, Lin Chen naturally didn't have to be merciful.

Lin Chen always remembered what Ye Tianchen said.

"When killed, don't stay!"

The magic halberd slapped Shi Duo on the back, and without any precaution, a huge force acted on him, and he went straight forward and fell into the pool of broken souls!

The screams like killing a pig echoed in the small courtyard almost immediately. I saw Shi Duo sitting in the pool of broken souls. In between, there is no trace.

His face was ashes, and Shi Duo was in great pain all over his body. He was shocked to find that his martial soul had evaporated out of thin air under this terrifying force!

At the same time, an unbearable pain and a sense of emptiness swept over his entire body, and he spat out a mouthful of blood, and he passed out directly, with no life left.

Martial soul can be said to be the life of a martial artist. When caught off guard, Shi Duo undoubtedly suffered the most serious injury and died directly.

This scene also made Lin Chen speechless secretly, recalling the scene when he stepped into the pool of broken souls, he felt terrified.

If it weren't for his powerful martial spirit, his fate would definitely not be better than Shi Duo's.

Nodding secretly at the side, although Su Rang felt that Lin Chen was a bit ruthless, but such a decisive and merciless character to the enemy would undoubtedly allow him to survive better on the road of warriors fighting for the front.

And at this moment, the space was torn apart again, and a beautiful figure flashed out, it was Su Jin'er.

ps: The update in November will be awesome!In addition, this book has won the Star Creation Award, and it will definitely be completed normally, so you can rest assured to collect it and read it.After thinking about it for a long time, I couldn’t hold back, and I still wrote an acceptance speech. It’s all my heartfelt words. Friends who use mobile phones may not see it. If you are interested in the work, you can go and see it!
(End of this chapter)

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