Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 160 Chapter City

Chapter 160
"Jin'er, how's it going?" Su Rang asked without raising his head.

But Lin Chen looked at Su Jin'er, but was shocked again.

Although he still had the pure appearance of the girl next door, Lin Chen clearly felt an unconcealable killing intent. His white dress was spotless, but what is certain is that those corpses would probably not leave one.

"The strongest corpse man is nothing more than extraordinary. I have already purified all of them. However, there were heavy casualties in the city. Many innocent people were bitten to death."

The eyes were a little red, and the girl seemed to have cried. Although she had the strength of a king, she was still a girl at heart after all, and she couldn't see cruel scenes.

"Okay, this is all fate, the way of heaven is vast, and there is a certain number of things, so there is no need to be too emotional." Su Rang comforted.

"Jin'er, I think little friend Lin Chen wants to participate in the selection of Xingnan College. Speaking of which, that old guy Ying Tianxing still has some friendship with me. Otherwise, you can go with little friend Lin Chen! "Su Rang said, as if he was talking about the most trivial thing.

Lin Chen was startled, thinking that the Ying Tianxing that Su Rang was talking about would definitely not be an ordinary person. He even had a feeling that this person's status in Xingnan College should be unimaginable.

"You can graduate from Xingnan College when you reach Transcendence. It's not interesting, unless you go to the inner courtyard..." Jin'er blushed pretty, and lowered her head, not daring to look at Lin Chen.

With a smile, Su Rang naturally knew that his granddaughter was embarrassed, so he stopped teasing and looked at Lin Chen.

"Little friend Lin Chen, I also helped you save people. You also said that you would do your best. To tell you the truth, although Jin'er is the king, she suffers from a chronic disease that even this old man cannot heal." Su Rang sighed.

"But if it's useful, senior just order it!" Not to mention anything else, just because Jin'er shot and killed all the corpses deserves Lin Chen's reward, not to mention that Su Rang also saved Mei Wu'er.

"It's still too early to tell. You will be able to help me when you reach the seventh level of Transcendent and your martial spirit becomes concrete. However, Jin'er may not have much time. You must reach the seventh level of Transcendent in two years at the latest. If there is anything in between, the old man can protect you once, but only once, you must not act recklessly!" Seriously told Lin Chen, Su Rang was very serious.

Indeed, if Lin Chen used him as a backer to do whatever he wanted, it would deviate from the original intention of this protection.

Of course, Su Rang just said that, he knew in his heart that Lin Chen was not that kind of person, this young man had a big heart.

"Two years is enough, I will definitely reach the seventh level of extraordinary!" Lin Chen said.

"Okay, you have your own way to go, and it's inconvenient for the old man to interfere. Jin'er and I will wait for you here for two years!" While speaking, Su Rang threw a white jade talisman, "If you have any questions, you can pass this jade talisman." Fu communicate with me, I will answer for you!"

After receiving the jade talisman, Lin Chen's eyes flashed with joy. Compared with some treasures and the like, Su Rang's cultivation experience and experience are undoubtedly more precious. If you don't understand, you can ask for advice. This is equivalent to having an extra high-level teacher!

Putting away the jade talisman, Lin Chen cupped his fists again to thank him. He never thought that this trip would yield such a huge harvest.

"Okay, I want to thank me, so let's practice quickly, the time is almost up, and the selection for Dayan King City will start in one month, you have to hurry up." Su Rang patted Lin Chen on the shoulder.

He has seen countless young and handsome people like Tianjiao, but the one he is most optimistic about is Lin Chen.

Lin Chen couldn't be trapped in this small place, nor could Xingnan College, and even the beautiful Little Thousand Realm he was talking about wouldn't be the end of this young man!
"Wuer..." Looking at Mei Wuer, Lin Chen opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.

Going to Dayan King City, he can imagine the danger. After all, it is the stronghold of the Cui family. Although the Cui family does not dare to blatantly deal with the geniuses participating in the selection under the feet of the emperor, it is still too easy to use their hands and feet. .

Therefore, Lin Chen must not be able to bring Mei Wu'er, but could only go by himself.

"Let's go back to Tianyuan City first, Ji Xue will take me back, you can participate in the selection with peace of mind." Mei Wuer smiled sweetly, without force, at this moment she is like a sweet girl, not a life and death. Assassin in the room.

"I will definitely find a way to take out the heart of charm!" Nodding his head, Lin Chen also thought so, Tianyuan City must go back and make arrangements.

Hearing that, Su Rang also made a move with his palm, and a space channel has appeared.

"Thank you, senior!" Holding Mei Wu'er in his arms, Lin Chen stepped into the space passage, nodding to Su Rang and Su Jin'er.

This night's experience made his heart grow bigger. Capable people emerge in large numbers, geniuses gather, this world is wonderful, and what he has come into contact with is still only the tip of the iceberg.

Jin'er's beautiful eyes twinkled, and she felt a little bit reluctant in her heart. Su Rang took out a jug of fine wine again and poured it with her head up. The passageway was slowly closed, and hearty laughter came from the small courtyard.

. .

Tianyuan City.

Amidst the chaos, corpses were strewn across the field. On the ground, there were puddles of foul-smelling green corpse water, which made people want to vomit. In the City Lord's Mansion, all the people were seriously injured.

Cui Chenlin has been entangled by Ji Xue all the time, has been seriously poisoned, and has already regretted not listening to Cui Zheng's words. With the appearance of Su Jin'er, he was completely panicked and had already run away at this time.

The members of the Zhao family also suffered heavy losses, and many died. The three superhumans were all seriously injured, and Chen Ling and others in the Wooden Sword Dojo were not much better.

Song Tiancheng and He Xiao only suffered minor injuries. At this moment, Xu Tianyuan's face turned ashen. The loss this time was enough to greatly reduce the strength of the entire Tianyuan City.

"Oh, I don't know who that girl is. Yang Shouyang is not dead, so it is a disaster after all." Xu Tianyuan frowned.

"Chen Ling, where do you think Lin Chen took Mei Wu'er?" He asked.

"I was fortunate enough to meet a reclusive senior expert with superb medical skills. I thought, if anyone else could save Miss Mae Wuer, he would be the only one."

Ji Xue's complexion was pale and she was exhausted. She was most worried about Mei Wuer. Qixiu had already lost Meng Xinger this time. If something happened to Mei Wuer, they would lose two people.

"Fortunately, the geniuses who participated in the selection have already left, otherwise they would have been seriously injured." Xu Tianyuan said.

Before Lin Chen came back from the space of the mysterious red earth, he fell into a coma after killing Zhao Zixuan on the top of Lion Tiger Mountain. During that time, Wu Zhuoheng and other five geniuses had already gone to Dayan King City.

As for the Wooden Knife Dojo, Lin Chen's quota was suppressed, and Shi Duo sent one of his nephews, Shi Jian, to go.

In other words, this quota still does not have Lin Chen's share!
Time is running out, once the selection starts, even if Lin Chen has great ability, he can't break the rules.

The east was already pale, Xu Tianyuan sighed, ordered rest and reconstruction, resettled the injured, cleaned up the corpses and corpse water, counted the death toll, and so on.

The others, on the other hand, have been waiting for Lin Chen.

At this moment, a space passage appeared, and a figure in a green shirt stepped out with a woman in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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