Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 161 Without hesitation, go to the royal city!

Chapter 161 Without hesitation, go to the royal city!
Lin Chen is back!
Moreover, returning through the space channel in this way undoubtedly surprised everyone. Only Chen Ling was relatively calm. After all, he had seen Su Rang's methods before.

Holding Mei Wu'er in his arms, Lin Chen also smiled when he came in front of the crowd.

He had already seen the scene in the city, and he was even more surprised. It seems that Su Jin'er really killed all the corpses by himself. Including Yang Yong, tens of thousands of corpses failed to escape!

One must know that it took a lot of painstaking effort for Yang Shouyang to refine so many corpses. Every corpse is connected with his mind, and now, he who has been severely injured is even weaker.

"Little friend Lin Chen, not long after you left, a girl came, who was actually a mighty king. With the strike, the holy light shone all over the city, and all the corpses turned into green water while howling. !" Chen Ling stepped forward and said.

Holy light?

Lin Chen said to himself, Su Jin'er's martial spirit should be related to the light, so, just restraining these corpses, where the light passes, these filthy things will naturally not be able to continue to exist.

"I would also like to thank Senior Chen Ling. If you hadn't pointed out the direction, Tianyuan City would be in danger this time. That woman is actually the granddaughter of that old senior." Weak, but Meiwuer can already walk by herself.

Ji Xue hurried forward and supported Mei Wu'er with a concerned look on her face, while Chen Ling was completely stunned.

A few years ago, he met Su Rang and Su Jin'er by chance, and was saved by Su Rang. At that time, Su Jiner was wearing a veil. He didn't expect that this seemingly weak woman was also a powerful king!
"It's better not to publicize their affairs. I can only say that their background is far beyond your imagination." Lin Chen looked at Chen Ling and said, "Also, Shi Duo chased and killed me, and I have already beheaded him. Dojo, you are fully responsible."

This sentence also contained a lot of information. Chen Ling had already deduced it, but at this moment, he was even more sure that Yu Jibo must be dead.

For him, this is an opportunity, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!
However, the joy on his face faded away, and he immediately said: "I forgot to say, when you were unconscious, the five geniuses from Tianyuan City had already rushed to Dayan King City, Shi Duo suppressed your quota and let him Nephew Shi Jian went for you!"

Hearing this, Lin Chen's expression darkened.

For the rest of the time, he was full of time, and he could barely reach Dayan King City, and it was more likely that he would be half a step slower. If Shi Jian had arrived by then, he might miss the quota!

"It seems that Shi Duo really killed the right one. He wants to grab my spot. I want to see who has this ability!"

When Sen Ran opened his mouth, Lin Chen had already had a murderous intent in his heart.

The quota is very important, not only that he agreed to Xia Xinxuan, but also related to the safety of his parents!
Whoever dares to play the idea of ​​the quota is to kill Lin Chen's parents, how can he be merciful?

In a flash, Lin Chen had given that Shi Jian the death penalty.

"Tian Cheng, He Xiao, what are your plans?" Taking a deep breath and calming down, Lin Chen looked at the two of them.

They came together from Pingshan City, but these two were not able to get the quota, and they almost died tragically, and encountered many accidents.

"I'm planning to go out!" Both of them said in unison.

In Pingshan City before, both of them were first-class geniuses, but as they went to a bigger world, they saw Lin Chen and even Su Jin'er, an evil character like Su Jin'er, and they couldn't feel the slightest arrogance in their hearts.

This bit of talent is far from enough. If one is always complacent, it may be difficult to improve on the road of martial arts.

It was already expected that they would not get the quota, but the Eastern Great Continent is vast and abundant, and there is not only one Xingnan College, the two of them have already decided to go all the way north to explore the boundless martial arts.

Sensing the determination of the two, Lin Chen also nodded secretly. No matter what the result is, this ambition is already worthy of respect.

"We plan to go back to Qixiu's base camp to discuss the future." Ji Xue said when she saw Lin Chen's gaze.

Indeed, this action damaged Meng Xing'er, and Mei Wu'er also lost her combat effectiveness, and even offended Cui Shi, Qixiu had to think about her options.

Lin Chen understood that he owed Mei Wuer too much, and it was the hardest to bear the beauty's favor. He made up his mind to help Mei Wuer.

"I will find a way, but before you are absolutely sure, don't act rashly, so as not to touch the printing method of old senior Su, and the thousand-leaf cloud root grass. If there is a chance, I will get it." With burning eyes, Lin Dust said.

Even if this Qianye Yungencao is in Cui's hands, sooner or later he and Cui will have a confrontation!
Feeling the Xiaosha rising from Lin Chen's body, everyone was also secretly startled. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, who would have believed that this young man already possessed the strength to fight against the superpowers, and even more so, he was going to be the most powerful man in the dynasty. Huge forces against each other!

Moreover, the most shocking thing is that in the hearts of everyone, they even faintly feel that maybe he can really do it!
It seems that in this young man, there has never been a lack of something called a miracle.

"Yang Shouyang escaped this time. It is a big problem for this person not to die. I know him too well. His heart is big and wild. The small Tianyuan City is definitely not his goal. This time, after he cultivates, he may Replenish your energy and store up your strength to attack Dayan King City!" Xu Tianyuan said seriously.

A long time ago, he fought with Yang Shouyang, but at that time, Yang Shouyang didn't get this evil technique and was overwhelmed by him, but now, he has such an opportunity, he will definitely not be willing to dormant!

"Based on my understanding of his character, he will definitely choose to make a move at the most shining moment, and this moment should be the time when the last member of the Great Yan Dynasty was born!"

"Besides, among the eight major cities, it is conservatively estimated that half of them are controlled by the Cui family. If they want to take any action, I am afraid it will be at that time. Therefore, little friend Lin Chen, this trip is dangerous and unpredictable! "

Hearing these words, Lin Chen realized that the water in Dayan King City is definitely not that deep. If a small innate warrior wants to step in, he might be crushed into powder.

Over the years, Cui's wolfish ambitions have been infiltrating in secret, and it's time to close the net at this time. In addition, Yang Shouyang, who was born out of nowhere, may have many hidden forces. The situation of the Dayan Dynasty can really be called treacherous. Cloudy.

But Lin Chen had no choice, and had to rush to Dayan King City as quickly as possible.

After some conversation, everyone settled down, and everything in the city was going on in an orderly manner. Soon, night fell.

And as the sky completely darkened, there was also a figure hiding in the shadows, quickly darting towards the outside of the city, in the direction of Dayan King City.

Lin Chen didn't like parting, so he chose to leave quietly in this way. He knew that there was a possibility of death, but he had no hesitation.

Because, some things must always be done, this is his insistence.

Inside the City Lord's Mansion, Xu Tianyuan seemed to have noticed something, his eyes pierced the vast night sky, his thoughts drifted away, outside Feiying Town, Su Rang sipped the wine glass on his lips, and also smiled lightly.

"Lin Chen, will you, a sleepy dragon, be able to ascend to heaven? This old man is really looking forward to it!"

ps: The third update today, please support!
(End of this chapter)

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