Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 162 Meeting Heilian Again

Chapter 162 Meeting Heilian Again
Swish Swish. .

In the dark night, the stars above the sky are all covered by dark clouds, making them look extremely gloomy. It is very difficult for star soul masters to meditate and absorb the power of stars in such a night.

Of course, at this moment, Lin Chen didn't have time to meditate at all. Speaking of which, he was still inferior to Yuanli in the cultivation of star soul masters.

His figure melted into the shadows and flew across the ground at high speed. It had been five days since Lin Chen left Tianyuan City.

Non-stop, except for the necessary rest, he has been on his way, anxious in his heart, he understands that Shi Jian must be stopped before he arrives in the king's city and regain his quota, otherwise things will be very troublesome.

At the same time, under such anxiety, the murderous intent in his heart became more and more intense. It would be fine if that Shi Jian was sensible, but if this person was not knowledgeable, Lin Chen would have left a deep impression on him.

If he wanted to win the spot, he would cut Lin Chen's way and kill his parents. He would never show the slightest mercy!
After going all out like this, a large plain in front of Lin Chen finally came into view.

In the Dayan Dynasty, Tianyuan City was already the second largest city after the Wangcheng, and it was called one of the eight major cities. Below Tianyuan City, there was a small city like Pingshan City, and there was a gap between Tianyuan City and Wangcheng. With a plain.

Although compared to the entire East Pole Continent, the Dayan Dynasty might still be a tiny place, but, having said that, for tiny humans, such an area is still huge.

The king's city is located in the middle of the plain, welcoming worship from all directions. Although it is on the plain, the construction of the king's city is obviously done by experts. It occupies an extremely favorable terrain, easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it is as stable as a rock.

The plain is vast, but it is not peaceful. Many forces and terrifying dangers are densely covered on this plain, like the Qingshan Sword Sect and the old lair of Qingming Sect are all in this plain.

Moreover, in this plain, there are many terrifying monsters, powerful, and there are many guys with extraordinary strength, so ordinary warriors dare not cross the plain alone.

If you want to cross the plain to reach the royal city, the dangers inside are also unimaginable.

Like this time, after the selection of Tianyuan City, the five third-tier star soul masters in Tianyuan City guarded the five geniuses and went to the king city. This was also the time when Tianyuan City was besieged by corpses. The reason for the shot.

If Lin Chen wants to cross the plain and reach the royal city with his own strength, he will undoubtedly have to endure many obstacles. He knows this in his heart, so even at night, he does not dare to rest too much. Supernatural powers, hurry up.

Hoo hoo. .

The figure is hidden in the shadows, urging the power, if it is not stronger than Lin Chen, and if you observe carefully, it will be difficult to find Lin Chen.

Among the dense bushes ahead, there was a rustling sound, accompanied by a few panting sounds. Lin Chen frowned, knowing what the sound was, and couldn't help speeding up.

There are already many traces of the sect around here, and Lin Chen has also encountered many disciples in the sect seeking excitement and having sex in this bush.

At the moment, moving forward at full speed, Lin Chen flew in between, wanting to leave quickly, but suddenly felt a chill all over his body, and then, a terrifying killing intent swept over, making people feel cold all over, and unexpectedly It is somewhat familiar!

A murderous sound pierced the night, Lin Chen's figure suddenly appeared from the shadows, a green shirt appeared in the bushes, and a bloodstain was drawn on his chest unexpectedly. .

Without any hesitation, he immediately used the smoke step, his whole body turned into a puff of smoke, Lin Chen quickly dodged, and once again dodged the oncoming three deadly swords, his back was already drenched in cold sweat.

Perhaps this person's strength is not very strong, only the third-order innate level, but such an assassination method is undoubtedly the best, and it kills people!

And most importantly, Lin Chen was very familiar with this person's aura.

Because, he had been attacked and killed by this person.

Black lotus!

Lin Chen never expected that he would meet Hei Lian so soon. Back then, he was still an acquired boy. Under his assassination, he tried his best to gain a chance of life. Now, Hei Lian is still a third-order congenital. But himself, he is no longer what he used to be.

Attacking and killing already took advantage of a surprise, but now that Lin Chen had reacted, it would not be so easy for Heilian to gain the upper hand.

Once again dodging the oncoming knife, the Sen Luo Demon Halberd was already in his hand, and Lin Chen smiled arrogantly. Today, he will definitely eat the black lotus.

He is not afraid of Chaofan, let alone a guy with a third-order innate talent, he wants to see who it is that ordered Hei Lian to assassinate him.

When the magic halberd was in his hand, Lin Chen's aura froze, and a strong demonic nature swept away in an instant. Even Hei Lian's hands were covered with blood, and he felt a moment of fear at this moment.

The turbulent waves in my heart were not only because of this demonic nature, but also because Hei Lian also recognized Lin Chen!
Even though he has already seen that this kid is definitely not a thing in the pool, but in a short period of time, he has already broken into the second level of Xiantian. Judging from this posture, his combat power is definitely not weak. The most important thing is that Lin Chen also Can escape shadows and supernatural powers!
The Phantom Beast can be said to be a once-in-a-lifetime event, and he only got an inner alchemy by chance because of his great luck. He even suspected that he had misread it, but Lin Chen's figure did indeed emerge from the shadows. really.

"Eclipse of the Black Lotus!"

Without hesitation, he unleashed the most powerful attack, and a black lotus swirled out, like the darkest night, flying towards Lin Chen with a strong murderous intent.

Naturally, he recognized this trick. Lin Chen had been entered by a black lotus back then, and if it wasn't for the koi spirit, he might have suffered serious injuries.

But now, he can completely ignore such attacks.

Assassins are not good at fighting head-on. This black lotus eclipse seemed extremely tyrannical to Lin Chen back then, but at this moment, it was like a joke.

Taking a step forward, the magic halberd swept across, bringing up a purer black flame, and the fire snake rolled, like a prehistoric monster in the dark night, crazily biting at this black lotus.

In the next moment, fierce energy raged wildly, and a wave of extreme demonic arrogance enveloped the black lotus. The black lotus didn't even have a breath, but was burnt into nothingness!

Eyes widened, pupils shrunk suddenly, Hei Lian didn't hesitate at all, her whole body had turned into a black shadow, escaped into the shadow, instantly spread out the shadowy figure, and swept towards the distance.

At this moment, he couldn't care less about why Lin Chen was so powerful, and the most urgent thing was how to escape with his life!

When Lin Chen saw this, he smiled playfully, even more murderous.

"Do you think that you are the only one who can escape shadows?"

(End of this chapter)

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