Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 167 Breakthrough, Innate Tier 3!

Chapter 167 Breakthrough, Innate Level [-]!
Sell ​​a big price?
Lin Chen couldn't help slandering himself secretly. Although Su Rang's methods were superb, the profiteer's temperament that originated from his bones still did not escape his eyes.

Indeed, in the Lingxiu Xiaoqianjie, although Su Rang is known as a master of medicine and wine, more people are more willing to call him a bone cutter!

He can eat anything, but he can't suffer. If you ask him to do something, if you don't pay enough, he won't even look at you. If you want to spit out something in his hand, it will be very difficult.

There was once a strong man who begged him to do something and mortgaged his sword, but he wanted to redeem it afterwards, but he couldn't produce the corresponding treasure. Su Rang forced him to even cut off three of his ribs, and then he got his sword back. sword.

And Su Rang hung the three ribs in front of the door to warn everyone. Since then, the name of bone cutter has spread like wildfire.

This old guy is not as kind as he appears on the surface.

If others found out that in order to help Lin Chen, he even took out the life essence and sent him a messenger jade talisman for Lin Chen to ask at any time, his jaw would probably drop in shock.

At this moment, Lin Chen did not agree with Su Rang's proposal. First of all, he would not collect the fire source in the center of the earth. Even with Su Rang's guidance, he probably did not have sufficient conditions and means.

Secondly, in his heart, he couldn't bear to let such a treasure of the essence of heaven and earth fall into the hands of others!

Although this thing is only useful for those who practice fire-type martial spirits, Lin Chen has always been an exception!
He has Jielong Transformation!
The power of life and death obtained by Jibo's hard work was directly plundered by him. This robbery transformation was originally to absorb the power of others to perfect himself!

Seeing that Lin Chen didn't answer, an unbelievable thought suddenly appeared in Su Rang's heart. Reflected by the fire, he saw the excitement and madness in the young man's eyes, and he couldn't help but be speechless.

This kid actually wants to absorb the source of fire in the center of the earth by himself? !
"Boy, are you crazy? Forcibly absorbing the incompatible power will make your body explode, even if you have a holy martial soul!" Su Rang quickly stopped.

Jin'er's illness depends on this kid. Before he reaches the seventh level of extraordinary, Su Rang will not allow him to make any mistakes, which is why Su Rang left the jade talisman.

"Mr. Su, don't worry, I have my own measure." Lin Chen didn't stop, but accelerated forward instead.

The temperature was getting higher and higher, and the scorching heat wave made his sweat drenched his clothes. When he stepped on it, there would be a sizzling sound and white smoke. In front of him, there was a brilliant flame among the red, It finally came into view.

Suddenly, a larger and wider space was filled with red color, and surrounding this flame, in all directions, there were huge ant nests with pale gold color everywhere!
Obviously, the ant nest is built with the fire source in the center of the earth, and these mountain-crossing ants absorb the essence of the fire source to strengthen themselves.

Having to exert his energy to resist the temperature here, Lin Chen stared at the gorgeous flame with his eyes, and what filled his heart was an unstoppable longing.

On the side, Su Rang looked ugly.

"Boy, you have to think about it. Forcibly absorbing unabsorbable power will only lead to destruction. With your talent, this fire source in the center of the earth is nothing!"

Hearing this, Lin Chen chuckled lightly.But there was no wavering in his heart: "Senior, do you think I'm that kind of reckless person?"

With a simple sentence, Su Rang was immediately stopped.

Indeed, even though he didn't have much contact and didn't know each other for a long time, Su Rang's evaluation of this young man was still very high, not only because of his talent of twin saint ranks, but also because of his character.

Su Rang was also concerned and confused, for fear that something might happen to Lin Chen, but thinking about it now, Lin Chen is definitely not the kind of idiot who forgets everything when he sees a treasure.

Although he knew about Lin Chen's sleepy dragon martial soul, he didn't know much about this martial soul's natal soul skill. Therefore, Su Rang's doubts were reasonable. It's unbelievable, it's unheard of.

Seeing that Su Rang didn't answer, Lin Chen also stepped out, heading towards the flame.

The source of fire in the center of the earth, born from absorbing the essence of the center of the earth, is a treasure that all fire-type martial soul practitioners dream of. The flame in front of them seems to appear out of thin air, and it is almost condensed into substance, which shows its strength.

As he got closer to the flame, the temperature also doubled, and the air inhaled into his lungs was scorching unbearably. This high temperature was already enough to roast a person.

Lin Chen no longer hesitated, and with a thought, he immediately performed the Dragon Tribulation Transformation!
It was like a prehistoric dragon's roar, spreading out, and then, a wave of extreme blue surged, wrapping around Lin Chen's body, while protecting him, it suddenly began to absorb and assimilate this high temperature!
"Supreme power to rob dragons!" With an exclamation, Su Rang stared straight at Lin Chen and opened his mouth wide.

You know, Jielong Wuhun also has different ranks, like Ye Tianchen, his Jielong is white, Fan Zhenhao's Jielong is black, and Lin Chen's blue Jielong is the most advanced , known as the Supreme Tribulation Dragon!
Similarly, the natal soul skill of Jielong Transformation is also unique!
It wasn't until this moment that Su Rang truly believed that Lin Chen had the ability to absorb the fire source in the center of the earth. If he had sensed correctly, Lin Chen's dragon-robbing martial soul had already absorbed a unique power of life and death. , If you want to come to this mere flame, it's no problem.

And the facts also proved his conjecture.

As Jielong transformed, the all-pervasive and terrifying high temperature immediately couldn't affect Lin Chen. As Lin Chen approached, while Jielong roared, the power of pure fire essence also poured in crazily. into his body, assimilated by him.

The high temperature that was unbearable before, now seems like a hot current, surging in his body, making his whole body warm, and at the same time, nourishing him, making him, who has reached the critical point, almost Want to break through.

Finally, the last step was taken, and the palm of the hand finally reached into the gorgeous red flames. Jielong Transformation was used to the extreme, and the flames were quickly absorbed by Lin Chen at a speed visible to the naked eye!
The temperature in the entire underground cave suddenly dropped at this moment. At the same time, the ant king who was chasing Guo Zhentian and Guo Zhenyu brothers suddenly sensed something was wrong, and immediately withdrew and led the entire ant colony back to the nest!
At this time, Lin Chen's body was glowing with blue light, and he sat down cross-legged on the spot. After finally absorbing the power of the fire source in the center of the earth, it was a matter of course. Innate third order!

This scene can be said to have deeply shocked Su Rang. It is no exaggeration to say that he has never seen such an amazingly talented person.

From his point of view, even in the Lingxiu Xiaoqianjie, there are not many geniuses who can be admired, and Lin Chen is definitely ranked first.

At this moment, Lin Chen breathed a sigh of relief, stood up with joy in his heart, and was about to walk out, but in the cave, accompanied by an angry roar, the ant king flapped his wings and rushed straight into the forest. Before Chen's eyes!
(End of this chapter)

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