Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 168 Beast, did you play well?

Chapter 168 Beast, did you play well?
"Boy, the Ant King is here!"

At this moment, where does Su Rang need to remind, Lin Chen's own fighting experience made him react immediately, and his figure turned into a puff of mist and disappeared in place.

The next moment, there was already a huge golden body, with six wings trembling behind, and it swooped in. The sharp mouthparts directly blasted a hole where Lin Chen was standing just now, and the gravel flew.

Realizing the complete disappearance of the source of fire in the center of the earth, the mountain-piercing ant king was furious!

It can grow to such a state, it is absolutely inseparable from this fire source in the center of the earth, and even if it continues, it has a lot of hope that it can swallow the fire source in the center of the earth and evolve towards a higher level.

And now, everything is ruined by this kid!
With an angry roar, the Ant King's six wings trembled, and pillars of fire spewed out from his mouth, raging in the cave. Obviously, this was the power he got from absorbing the power of the fire source in the center of the earth.

While moving around, turning into smoke, Lin Chen could feel the powerful power of this ant king while dodging, and he couldn't help but feel even more eager.

Be sure to subdue it!

"The power of flames, do you think you are the only one who knows it?!"

Flashing out, the smoke condensed at this moment, turning into a figure in a green shirt, and appeared in front of the Ant King. Without giving it any time, Lin Chen pressed down with his palm, and a raging flame shot out!

Jielong Bian has perfectly absorbed the power of the fire source in the center of the earth, and in a short period of time, has completely transformed the power of the essence of the world into his own.

But after absorbing all the fire sources, Lin Chen's flame naturally far surpassed that of the Ant King.

The gorgeous and berserk red flame, like an extreme red horse, swallowed a fire snake, and spread out in an instant, covering the whole body of the ant king. The intense high temperature baked the entire cave, covering the depths of the underground. It is brightly lit.

The mountain-crossing ants that followed the ant king, even though they were far away, were affected by the high temperature and made a creaking sound, and those who got closer even burned directly!
The fire source in the center of the earth was originally gentle and quiet, and the temperature and energy emitted were the nourishment for the entire mountain-climbing ant colony. .

Fire is meant to be arrogant and domineering, burning all over the sky!
In an instant, the ant king felt an unprecedented high temperature, completely enveloping its body. It never imagined that the fire source of life it had been relying on for survival could erupt such a terrifying temperature!

The whole body shone with golden light, and the fierce high temperature, while making the blood boil, also completely ignited the ferocity deep in the ant king's blood. During the roar, he ignored the flames all over his body, and crazily attacked the forest. dust.

Since this kid's flame is stronger than his own, then use brute force to kill him!
As a monster, it is already unique in terms of brute force and physical strength. The flames obtained by using the fire source in the center of the earth are just some auxiliary means. The sharp mouthparts of the Ant King can even be compared to many treasures. Intensity up.

Between the opening and closing of the mouthparts, it was enough to cut gold and stones, and bit Lin Chen.

Not daring to be too big, he immediately sacrificed the Senluo Demon Halberd. While dodging his figure, the Demon Halberd swung and collided with the mouthpiece.

A sound of metal and stone intersecting sounded, and the ant king bit the magic halberd fiercely, but unexpectedly, there was no trace of the magic halberd, not even a trace.

You know, ordinary weapons can't even resist the full-strength bite of the ant king. After all, the title of mountain-piercing ants is not just for nothing. Thousands of mountain-piercing ants gather, not only can they go through mountains, but they can even dig them out. An empty mountain!

The Senluo Demon Halberd is naturally not an ordinary weapon. Lin Chen has never been sure about the rank of this halberd, but the only thing he can be sure of is that it is definitely not extraordinary. Luo Wanxiang's magic weapon!
How can a mere mountain-piercing ant injure this magic halberd?
Feeling a huge force, which was transmitted along the magic halberd to his arm, the mountain-piercing ant king bit the magic halberd and dragged it back tightly, trying to take the weapon away from Lin Chen.

And Lin Chen smiled grimly, how could you allow a monster of yours to take away the soldiers in your hands?

With a low shout, there were already bulging veins on the arm, and the seemingly thin body suddenly burst out with unimaginable force. Lin Chen held the magic halberd with both hands, and wanted to wrestle with this ant king!

This scene also deeply shocked Su Rang. This kind of battle is not only enough to make people's blood boil, it is also unheard of.

Even at the same level, it is extremely difficult for warriors to compare with monsters in strength, but now, Lin Chen, a kid who has just broken through the third level of congenital, wants to compete with the extraordinary fourth-level ant king?
This kid doesn't seem like a martial artist who specializes in body training. .

Su Rang was puzzled, but soon, he got the answer.

Lin Chen's strength was indeed far inferior to that of the Ant King. For almost a moment, his body, following the magic halberd, swayed under the huge force of the Ant King. The crazy Ant King did not take the opportunity to kill Lin Chen. , but continued to bite the magic halberd, and while swinging, made Lin Chen's body sway in the cave.

Lin Chen was not really reckless enough to wrestle with the Ant King, his real purpose was to subdue this guy!
At this moment, his consciousness is not in this battle at all, but is completely immersed in that subduing magic formula!

The purpose of obtaining the Fumojue was to subdue monsters and serve as his own help, but what Lin Chen didn't expect was that he would meet the Ant King so soon that he had no time to learn the Fumojue.

In desperation, he had no choice but to learn and sell it now. Fortunately, although the Demon Subduing Art was mysterious, it could not be called obscure and difficult to understand. In addition, Lin Chen's talent was outstanding, so he quickly found the way.

Bite the magic halberd and slam it violently, and Lin Chen's body was also smashed on the rock wall. The ant king's eyes were full of bloodlust, and he continued to swing the magic halberd, but Lin Chen didn't seem to know it at all. After being smashed against the rock wall for the first time, his back was already bloody.

"What the hell is this kid doing..." Su Rang was stunned, but he was just a phantom at the moment, but he couldn't do anything.

He naturally understood that Lin Chen would not be so stupid as to give up resistance and let the ant king attack, which must be reasonable, and his intuition told him that Lin Chen, this kid, must have a big picture.

Woohoo. .

Biting the magic halberd, the ant king let out a low growl in his throat, and shook his head violently again, driving the magic halberd, throwing Lin Chen's body towards the rock wall.

At this moment, the back of the ant king and above the six wings were burned by Lin Chen's flames, and there were pieces of scorched black, which made the fury in the ant king's heart reach an unprecedented peak.

It wants to strangle Lin Chen to death!

However, this time, Lin Chen, who had never made any move, suddenly dodged, stepped on the magic halberd, and jumped straight to the top of the ant king!
At the same time, on the palm of the hand, the black energy surged, as if it had condensed into a mysterious imprint. During the rotation, there was a subtle wave of air, and with Lin Chen's movement, it pressed directly towards the Ant King's chest. head.

"Bastard, did you enjoy the fight? Now, it's my turn!"

(End of this chapter)

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