Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 169 I Don't Mind Killing You!

Chapter 169 I Don't Mind Killing You!

At the same time as the voice fell, Lin Chen's palm brought up the black seal, and finally at this moment, it landed hard on the Ant King's head.

"Devil Demon Art, move!"

In an instant, the ant king's body, which was still twisting, suddenly froze. An indescribable panic flashed in a pair of golden eyes. As soon as his mouthparts were loosened, the magic halberd fell to the ground, making a pleasant sound. the sound of.

It found that it had lost the ability to act, and that devilish imprint was frantically pouring into its mind, and it wanted to control it!
He wanted to resist, but Fu Mo Jue was born for subduing monsters, so how could it be able to resist? The black seal method drove straight in, directly reaching the deepest part of its mind.

An irresistible pressure forced it to surrender!

His whole body was trembling at this moment, and his heart was finally frightened. He looked at Lin Chen, as if he was praying for something, but how could Lin Chen let it go?

From the first moment he saw the Ant King, Lin Chen wanted to subdue it. Speaking of which, it was an accident to get the fire source in the center of the earth. Lin Chen's goal was the Ant King from the beginning.

"Follow me obediently, let me take you to see the more exciting world!"

Gently stroking the ant king's head with his palm, a smile appeared on the corner of the boy's mouth, revealing not only his white teeth, but also his undisguised ambition!
In the dark eyes, there was a strange brilliance, which instantly overwhelmed the ant king, as if what was in front of it at this moment was not a mere innate kid, but a king who was about to rule the world.

No longer able to give birth to a heart of resistance, the crouching magic seal was planted in the deepest part of the ant king's mind, and at the same time, it also made the most loyal surrender in his heart.

From this moment on, Lin Chen is its master!
Feeling the extra touch of connection with the Ant King at this moment, Lin Chen also heaved a sigh of relief, and only then did he notice the pain in his back.

The previous Ant King didn't hold back at all. Some gravel had penetrated into his flesh and blood, and if he moved it, it would hurt unbearably.

However, this little flesh injury is nothing compared to the harvest this time. He jumped off the head of the Ant King and put away the magic halberd. Lin Chen was smiling all over his face.

It wasn't until this moment that Su Rang, who was on the side, came back to his senses.

Shock, apart from shock, he had no other emotions in his heart.

He has never underestimated this young man, but now it seems that it is still not enough.

Possessing twin holy-level martial souls, one is the supreme dragon robber, and the soul skill of his life is even more perverted. He can absorb the essence of heaven and earth and the fire source of the earth's core for his own use. Strong or not.

Temporary adaptation during the battle, not only can display a fighting power far beyond the realm, but also has a very high fighting talent. It can be said that this person was born for fighting!

And what Su Rang couldn't let go of for a long time was Lin Chen's ambition.

This kid's heart is too big, even though he has already seen that this kid is definitely not a thing in the pool, and will soar into the sky sooner or later, but he is still shocked. He has never met such a proud man.

"Hey, I have to thank Mr. Su this time!" Lin Chen bowed his hands to Su Rang and thanked him.

Indeed, if it weren't for Su Rang's guidance, he wouldn't have been able to get the fire source in the center of the earth. It has to be said that with this jade talisman, he can contact him at any time. For Lin Chen, it is indeed an extra teacher who knows everything.

After waving his hand, Su Rang was speechless, his heart was still shaking, but he naturally wouldn't let Lin Chen see it.

"Okay, you kid is good enough, don't risk your life like this in the future, I'm going to drink if I have nothing to do." Said angrily, Su Rang's phantom also dissipated out of thin air without a trace.

At the same time, in the small courtyard of Feiying Town, the old man sitting on the wicker chair opened his eyes and drank the wine in his glass, but remained silent for a long time.

In the cave, after briefly treating his injuries, Lin Chen also understood that he had wasted a lot of time and had to speed up.

But after thinking about it, his understanding of the shadow-escaping supernatural power has been improved to a higher level, and with the help of the Ant King, the speed should not be a problem.

He quickly adjusted his breath, and let the Ant King heal his injuries. Lin Chen also gave it a non-level name, Chuanshan.

The name is Chuanshan Ant, and Lin Chen didn't bother to think of the name, so he just called it Chuanshan. Through the crouching magic seal method, he could have some simple communication with Chuanshan, and immediately ordered the tens of thousands of Chuanshan's people to quietly Underground, sneaking towards the direction of the royal city.

As for himself, he used the shadow-escaping supernatural power to leave quickly.

Then Guo Zhentian and Guo Zhenyu could return at any time, and one more thing is worse than one less thing. If they wait until Lin Chen subdues Chuanshan and also obtains the source of fire in the center of the earth, they will definitely not let it go.

Lin Chen's guess was right. Less than half an hour after he left, the two of them turned back. This time, they were surprised to find that there was no longer a mountain ant in the entire nest.

And in the cave, some bloodstains, traces of fighting, and signs left by the burning of the fire source in the center of the earth were found, all indicating that they were robbed this time!

At this time, Lin Chen had already swept hundreds of miles away.

Unceasingly cast shadow-escaping supernatural powers, and let Chuanshan lead him to sneak into the ground when he was tired. Lin Chen was surprised to find that this mountain-piercing ant really lived up to its name. Supernatural powers are not much slower, and are safer.

After all, in this underground, there are very few monsters, so it can be said that the world of mountain ants.

Rao Guo Zhentian and Guo Zhenyu were furious, they searched around, but they couldn't find any clues at all, and Song Qing, no matter how unwilling he was, he had to go back to the sect and dared not continue to do anything to Lin Chen.

After such a day and night rush, half a month passed in the blink of an eye, and the selection of the royal city was not far away. Lin Chen could vaguely see the majestic and magnificent city gate in the distance.

His heart was excited, not only because he finally reached his destination after such a long journey, but also because Lin Chen also saw a few figures rushing to the city gate, they were all the people in Tianyuan City!
"Huh, it's finally here!"

"Yeah, this time, the damage was really heavy. I didn't expect that there would be so many dangers on this plain, even Lord Star Soul Master..." Wu Zhuoheng's voice was a little low.

Indeed, they encountered a lot of obstacles, one of the five star soul masters responsible for guarding them was lost, and these star soul masters were not so much from Tianyuan City, but more from his City Lord's Mansion.

"But it's finally here. We will definitely pass the next selection and win glory for Tianyuan City!" A young man with a broad knife on his back looked excited, and he didn't take the death of the star soul master at all.

"Shi Jian, you took Lin Chen's quota abruptly. If he catches up..." said a person next to him.

Hearing this, Shi Jian panicked, but immediately snorted coldly.

"Impossible. He is seriously injured and unconscious. Even if he wakes up, how can he cross the plain alone? Besides, with my uncle Shi Duo around, he will never be able to turn the tables!" In Shi Jian's heart, for his uncle Shi Duo, that is A hundred adoration.

He also understood very well that since Yu Jibo was dead, Shi Duo must have seized power this time and controlled the Wooden Knife Dojo. Therefore, it is impossible for Lin Chen to make any waves. This quota belongs to Shi Jian!

However, at the next moment, accompanied by a sharp sound of piercing through the air, a figure in a green shirt holding a black halberd flew straight out and appeared in front of everyone, with the halberd point across his throat, Shi Jian again I can't even speak a word!

"Shi Duo? If you want to see him, I don't mind beheading you now." The young man raised his head, and the smile on the corner of his mouth made Shi Jian feel cold all over his body.

(End of this chapter)

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