Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 173 Vent my hostility!

Chapter 173 Vent my hostility!

Lin Chen turned cold and looked at this person.

This trick of killing people and silence is really wonderful. In this way, there will be no proof. After all, Lin Chen's testimony doesn't make sense at all.

Elder Chen slapped himself and killed himself?

Tell it, who will believe it?

As soon as the words came out, this person also looked at Yan Mingyu with a smile in his eyes.

Let you be the prince, what can you do about this matter?
Yan Mingyu's face also became ugly. How could he not understand this kind of method, although it is simple, but he can't find a flaw!
"Prince, we can all testify that Lin Chen has already obtained my quota in Tianyuan City, and there is no such thing as snatching the quota. Then Elder Chen really slapped himself!" Wu Zhuoheng stepped forward and said through gritted teeth.

After some hesitation, he also had a decision in his heart, to help Lin Chen!

Even though he once stood against Lin Chen because of Zhao Zixuan, but was trained by the city lord as his successor, he still has a strong view of the overall situation. He understands the importance of a good relationship with Lin Chen.

Hearing this, Yan Mingyu felt relieved. Although Wu Zhuoheng and Lin Chen must be together, this one-sided statement may not have much effect, but it is still good to have witnesses.

"Nonsense! You are really a nest of snakes and rats, and you are working together. I, Shi Jian, originally belonged to me. It was Lin Chen who wanted to steal it. Elder Chen wanted to help me, but he was beaten to death by this guy!" Among the crowd , jumped out to shout and curse, it was Shi Jian!

After being thrown out of the city by everyone, Shi Jian was extremely resentful. He was unwilling to reconcile, and after waking up, he chased after him, but he happened to meet this scene.

He wasn't stupid at all, and when he understood the situation in an instant, he jumped out naturally. Even if he didn't get the quota, he definitely couldn't let Lin Chen get it!
Hearing this, the extraordinary powerhouse of the Cui family also looked happy. According to the plan, there would have been such a character on their side to testify against Lin Chen. Of course, the final fate would be the same as that of Elder Chen.

But now, someone jumped out automatically, and he naturally wouldn't refuse.

"That's right, Lin Chen is arrogant and domineering. He doesn't have the heart that a warrior should have at all. He is very despicable. His quota was taken from Shi Jianjian. Elder Chen wanted to uphold justice, but he was murdered!" Hit the snake with the stick, the super strong man immediately said so.

Seeing the presence of an extraordinary powerhouse, Shi Jian suddenly gained confidence. No matter how strong Lin Chen was, how dare he face the extraordinary powerhouse in such a situation?
Immediately jumping in front of Lin Chen, Shi Jian pointed at Lin Chen's nose and cursed.

"Lin Chen, I didn't expect you to be this kind of person. I regarded you as a friend, but you set up a frame, took my place, even bribed everyone in Tianyuan City, and even killed the innocent Elder Chen. You are still human. Is it?" This kind of framing is so easy to come by, Shi Jian opened his mouth like a cannonball.

On the other hand, Lin Chen looked terribly calm. He raised his head and looked at Shi Jian. Hearing his fabricated words, a smile slowly rose from the corner of his mouth.

"If you want to break my way, don't you think about it? Such a consequence, but you can bear it? If you left your life outside the city, don't you really think that I dare not kill you?"

Before the words fell, there was already a monstrous killing intent, soaring into the sky, and immediately after that, the black flame burning on the magic halberd was infinitely magnified in Shi Jian's terrified eyes.

This time, Lin Chen was really angry. He was worried all the way, worrying that Shi Jian had entered the city to sign up and completely occupied his quota, but finally arrived and stopped Shi Jian. Because of his ambition and courage, he moved a little compassion and spared his life.

But this guy not only didn't appreciate it at all, he even bit back!
The quota matter is very important to Lin Chen, but there have always been people who have obstructed him, and the hostility in his heart has long been born.

The magic halberd has been released, if it is not stained with blood, how can it be taken back?

Today, I will use Shi Jian's blood to vent the hostility in his heart!

No one expected that Lin Chen would actually make a move without hesitation.

When the halberd came out, it was as fast as lightning, like a flaming black thunderbolt, carrying the wrath of the burning sky and falling heavily, like punishment from the day, with an astonishing momentum.

Everyone only had time to see a black flame tail still rising in the air, and in the next second, this imposing and angry halberd struck down from the center of Shi Jian's eyebrows!


With such a voice coming from his ears, Shi Jian was surprised to find that the world in front of him was spinning around at this moment, and it seemed to be collapsing to both sides. Then, he felt an irresistible pain, pulling his Consciousness, falling into boundless darkness.

The astonishing black flame, scorchingly burning, danced in everyone's eyes, but that Shi Jian's body suddenly parted a black flame mark from the center, and the whole person was actually divided into two halves at this moment, falling to both sides Down!

split into two!
Lin Chen's angry halberd split Shi Jian's whole body in half!
There was no fresh blood on the section, not even the slightest smell of blood, and the black flame was still rising, burning everything in Shi Jian.

There was a smell of barbecue in the air, but it was full of burnt smell. Obviously, the temperature of the black flame had reached a terrifying level.

Silent as a cicada.

No one expected that Lin Chen would strike directly, and he was so vicious that he cut Shi Jian in half!

The hundreds of soldiers sent by the Cui family all felt a cold air running down the spine to the scalp at this moment, and their whole bodies were numb. You must know that Lin Chen rushed into them just now. If Yan Mingyu hadn't appeared in time, I'm afraid everyone Anyone who blocked Lin Chen would end up like Shi Jian.

Even though he had already heard that Lin Chen's strength was extraordinary, and that he had killed extraordinary powerhouses, Yan Mingyu no longer doubted it until seeing him make a move with his own eyes.

This person's fighting power is indeed extremely terrifying. This black halberd, as well as the black flame, are undoubtedly extremely terrifying.

On the opposite side, the superpowers who belonged to the Cui family were also secretly dumbfounded. It was rumored that Cui Hu died at the hands of this son, and even Cui Ming suffered a big loss. It seems that it is not groundless!
After beheading Shi Jian with a halberd, Lin Chen stood on the spot, holding a black halberd in his hand, his eyes were indifferent, and he swept away with a murderous intent.

"The quota is mine. Whoever wants to tell lies and take my quota and cut off my path, I, Lin Chen, swear that if I go to heaven and earth, I will also need him to die without a burial place!" The murderous intent in those words can't help but make everyone fearful.

Dazed, everyone has not recovered from this shocking scene, many people even doubted their eyes, however, on the ground, the corpse of Shi Jian, which turned into two halves, still had black flames Burning, but silently told everyone that all this is not an illusion.

"You, you actually killed people in the royal city. It's not enough to kill Elder Chen. You took Shi Jian's place, and you still have to kill people! Such a traitor, everyone can be punished. My Dayan Dynasty can't tolerate you. Demons!" The leader of the Cui family pushed Lin Chen into the abyss again before speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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