Chapter 174

Hearing this word, Lin Chen smiled.

Since you call me a demon, then I am simply a demon!

If you don't pay attention to the oath I just made, then I will tell you with practical actions, I, Lin Chen, never lie!

With the magic halberd in hand, the arrogance is overwhelming!
At this moment, Lin Chen looked like a demon crawling out of the abyss of hell. He wanted to baptize with blood to tell the whole world his inviolable majesty!

On the ground, Shi Jian's body was still burning, and the scorching flame was silent, but it was the most powerful threat, making everyone dare not take a breath.

Even the extraordinary strong man who took the lead immediately regretted it. Being forced back by this arrogance, he didn't even dare to look at Lin Chen, and didn't dare to look at those eyes that were glowing with black flames.

"Brother Lin Chen, don't be impulsive!" Only then did Yan Mingyu come to his senses and hold Lin Chen back.

Killing Shi Jian in public could be said to be in the arms of Cui Shi, and if he continues to attack, I am afraid that even if he is a prince, he will not be able to suppress this matter.

After all, he is just a prince, but he is not the current emperor. Moreover, the Cui family is so powerful that they have great influence among the high-level officials of the Dayan Dynasty. Many things are under the control of the Cui family.

Being held back by Yan Mingyu, Lin Chen calmed down. If he took action against Cui's people this time, the matter would only develop to a more irreversible point. Killing a Shi Jian, such a deterrent force is enough up.

And as the killing intent slowly subsided, even though he was still terrified, the extraordinary powerhouse on the other side still spoke again, targeting Lin Chen.

"Your Highness, the prince, is aware that this person is stealing and plundering, and his methods are even more vicious, and he is still openly killing people in the royal city. What is the law of the king? If such a person gets the quota, what is the fairness?" I have to say, this person was killed by the Cui family. It is very reasonable to appoint him to deal with Lin Chen. The ability to turn black and white alone is not something ordinary people can achieve.

"The quota is for those who are capable, not to mention, the friends from Tianyuan City have also said that the quota belongs to Lin Chen, and it is clearly this Shi Jian who turned black and white and was jealous of Lin Chen. This kind of scum, beheaded." Just cut it off!" Yan Mingyu said.

"Besides, what are you, dare to talk about the king's law in front of this prince? Even if you, the high-ranking Cui family, see me, how can you not worship me! You are so grandiose, and you are talking nonsense against the genius of the dynasty, what is your intention? Openly mobilizing private troops in broad daylight is really a wolf's ambition and should be executed according to the law!"


I thought Yan Mingyu was a kind person, but I didn't expect that he would be more ruthless than Lin Chen when he really made a move. With just a few words, he could drive the other party into a situation where there would be no redemption.

His legs trembled, and he knelt down directly. Yan Mingyu's words were a big hat, which was put on the top of this person's head. It is not an exaggeration to say that he should be beheaded according to the law.

It has been heard for a long time that Prince Yan Mingyu's talent is great, he recruits talents, and intends to deal with the Cui family. Now it seems that it is true.

"Come here, take down these traitors!" With a wave of his hand, someone had already appeared, and from the very beginning, Yan Mingyu secretly sent orders and made all preparations.

With pale faces, these eight superpowers had no room to resist, so they were directly dragged down, and even the hundreds of troops were driven away towards Cui's mansion.

This is a big trick, Yan Mingyu has long wanted to show his sword against Cui Shi, this time he will take advantage of this matter to catch Cui Shi by surprise!
"Brother Lin Chen, don't worry, I want to see who dares to do anything, as long as I, Yan Mingyu, are still there, your quota will not be lost!" Said to Lin Chen, Yan Mingyu's eyes glowed Flashes like a sharp sword.

He has been waiting for an opportunity, waiting for Cui Shi to show his flaws, and now, the appearance of this army is undoubtedly a good opportunity. I am afraid that Cui Shi never expected that Lin Chen had already aroused Yan Mingyu's attention. focus on.

A group of people drove together, and soon came to a luxurious mansion in the city. On the plaque in front of the door, the two big characters of Cui Mansion were written, showing a majestic look.

Naturally, Cui Shi had already noticed such a battle, and there was already a group of people standing in front of the door, looking coldly at Yan Mingyu, Lin Chen and others who came forward.

The one in charge is Cui Ming!

Lin Chen looked over, his eyes were on Cui Ming, and in an instant, a real bloody murderous intent emanated from Cui Ming's body, everyone was shocked.

Yan Mingyu secretly thought, it seems that the rumors are true, Cui Ming has indeed suffered a big loss at Lin Chen's hands, so they didn't even give Lin Chen the chance to sign up, and they had to get rid of him quickly, which revealed their flaws .

"Cui Niu, you are quite courageous. I, Cui, are a loyal family. Generations of people have been loyal to the dynasty, throwing their heads and blood. Although I am in charge of the army, I have never used a single soldier privately. How dare you Personal enmity, call out the army?" Without giving Yan Mingyu a chance to speak, Cui Ming said directly to the super strong man.

Hearing these words, Cui Niu's face turned pale.

He understood that he was regarded as an abandoned son, and this matter could not be used as an excuse, so he had no choice but to abandon his pawns to protect the commander. Unfortunately, he, Cui Niu, became the one to blame.

After saying these words, Cui Ming looked at Yan Mingyu with a smile, and the murderous intent in his heart exploded once again.

What happened this time, he just ordered him to deal with Lin Chen. He really didn't know about the hundreds of troops. Cui Niu just wanted to make sure that Lin Chen could be caught, but he didn't expect that Yan Mingyu It will appear, so, under carelessness, I suffered a big loss.

Cui Niu had done similar things before, but this time he finally got his shoes wet.

In the final analysis, without the appearance of this army, things would not be so simple, and even Lin Chen would still be banned from that quota, but nothing if.

He gritted his teeth, knowing that he was going to die, and Cui Niu was not a vegetarian, so he burst into tears and began to cry.

"Damn Cui Niu. He made a big mistake on the spur of the moment. He humiliated the loyalty of the Cui family and was ashamed of his ancestors. However, Lin Chen is a vicious man who deserves no punishment. Cruel, outrageous, and even raped and murdered many civilians in Tianyuan City, if this kind of scum, if I get a quota, I, Cui Niu, will die in peace!"

A big shit bowl was buckled down, Cui Niu looked at Lin Chen viciously, and slapped his backhand on his chest with all his strength, and immediately died of self-determination, his body limp on the ground.

However, that insidiousness made people feel cold all over.

This is Cui Shi!
Cui Niu is not the first, nor will he be the last. As long as the goal is achieved, even a person with Cui Ming's status may be regarded as an abandoned child at any time. However, every abandoned child will play his best role before death. make the most of it.

People's words are good when they are about to die. In this case, Cui Niu's words will naturally be believed by most people. In an instant, Lin Chen became a heinous villain, a bloodthirsty devil.

Seeing this, Cui Ming looked sad.

"I, a child of the Cui family, hate evil as much as hatred. I originally wanted to punish evil and promote good. The intention is good, but it is a big mistake to mobilize the strength of the army privately. If there is any delay, you will be expelled from the army!" With a wave of his hand, Cui Ming gave the order.

But Yan Mingyu came forward aggressively, but suffered from being dumb. This big reason disappeared with Cui Niu's death and such means.

Instead, it was Lin Chen who was bitten by Cui Niu's dying counterattack. Although he might not lose his spot, he would definitely become the target of public criticism and be attacked.

Looking coldly at Cui Ming, Lin Chen understood that this game had just begun, and in the first round, if Yan Mingyu hadn't appeared, he would have already lost a complete defeat.

Fighting against such a behemoth is not only about strength, but also about scheming.

This kind of game can really be said to be like facing an abyss, every step is frightening, and if you are a little careless, you will be ruined and ruined forever!

(End of this chapter)

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