Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 176 The Quiz Begins! 【Part 3】

Chapter 176 The Quiz Begins! 【Third update】

And under such a situation, three days passed quietly.

Within three days, Lin Chen had no distractions, concentrated on cultivating, completely stabilized at the level of the third innate level, and took a big step. It has to be said that such a speed of cultivation is simply monstrous.

At the same time, the power of life and death absorbed by the trapped dragon, as well as the power of the fire source in the center of the earth, have also been perfectly controlled. These are Lin Chen's trump cards.

When the first rays of sunlight shone on the earth in the early morning, the entire royal city quietly boiled up. Geniuses from the eight major cities, as well as all sects and sects, all flocked to the center of the royal city at this moment. Inside the huge palace.

That's right, the final selection is in the Dayan Palace!
It can also be seen from this that the royal family attaches great importance to this selection. After all, as long as someone can stand out and truly enter Xingnan College, it can be said that the future is boundless, and the benefits to the entire dynasty are immeasurable.

Although this is just a corner of the country, it is still a dynasty. Therefore, there are still hundreds of geniuses who are qualified to participate in the selection, and the eight major cities only occupy forty.

And among these hundreds of people, only one person will be selected in the end to study together with the other five pre-determined quotas. In the best condition, one year later, he will go to Xingnan College for the final competition.

And that will be the most exciting place, including the strongest geniuses selected from dozens or even hundreds of dynasties around, and that kind of competition will be the most intense.

Looking at a pillar standing on the square in front of him, Lin Chen understood that everything will start from here!
And in front of the square, on a shining golden throne, was a man sitting upright with an extremely majestic appearance, and the aura he revealed was full of the level of a king's power, full of domineering aura.

This person is the ruler of the dynasty, Yan Nantian!

He is definitely not a foolish king, this whole world was brought down by his fists.

Behind the throne, there are five people standing upright. On Yan Mingyu's side, Lin Chen has already known that these are the five people who have already obtained the default quota, namely the eldest prince Yan Zhen, the princess Yan Mengyue, and the three. The prince Yan Mingyu, Cui Ba of the Cui family, and a genius in the hidden sect called Wang Yang.

Further back, there are some civil and military ministers and the like, and what is worth mentioning is that there is a separate seat beside the throne. Although it is slightly behind, it is also the second only to the king. .

And on that seat was a man with an unruly complexion, holding a folding fan, looking at the many geniuses present with disdain in his eyes.

Starry Sky Dynasty, Ye Shenxing!

This time, it was said that he came to Dayan Dynasty specially to propose marriage, and the target of his marriage proposal was Princess Yan Mengyue.

However, according to Yan Mingyu, the Starry Sky Dynasty has always had a lot of ambitions, and the so-called marriage proposal is probably just the first step in trying to erode and annex the Dayan Dynasty. Therefore, within the dynasty, they will try their best to find excuses Reject him.

Of course, these things are nothing to Lin Chen. All he wants is the quota and the thousand-year-old Tianshan lotus seeds. As long as these people don't block him, it doesn't matter.

At this moment, hundreds of geniuses have come to the front of the square, either curious, anticipating, or timid, looking at the stone pillar and Yan Nantian on the throne.

The palm was raised and pressed down, a tyrannical aura enveloped the audience, and the fierce and domineering aura was even more frightening.

Yan Nantian stood up from the throne and looked at these hundreds of geniuses. He understood that these people represented the top young forces of his Dayan Dynasty.

As if returning to the age of youth and frivolity at this moment, the lord of the country also had a slightly flamboyant smile on his face at this moment.

"Young people, I am very happy to see you here. You represent the strongest force of my Dayan's younger generation. You will compete here and represent my Dayan to the legendary Xingnan College , break into a wider world!" Just a few words have set everyone present on fire.

"And the winner will not only have rich rewards, but also get the full support of my Dayan, and even a chance to marry the princess!"

When these words came out, the scene became even more heated. How many people's lifelong dream is it to rise to the top and become a son-in-law quickly?

But now, this opportunity is right in front of you, it is so close, as if you can touch it as soon as you stretch out your hand.

This is probably an honor that no one can refuse.

As for Lin Chen, his heart was clear. Among these words, the last sentence was probably the only one that Yan Nantian wanted to express. This was not only for the many geniuses, but also for Shen Xing that night.

Looking at Shen Xing that night, sure enough, that handsome face was already full of gloom.

When he came to Dayan this time, his task was to marry the princess. If he failed, not only would he lose face, but he would also lose face of Starry Sky Dynasty.

Now, Yan Nantian made it clear that he didn't want to agree to him directly, so with such a show, the final winner might also become the target of Ye Chenxing.

This can't help but give Lin Chen some headaches. He is bound to get the quota, and as long as he gets the quota, he will definitely get involved with the princess, and then offend Ye Chenxing, which will only increase a lot of trouble.

"Okay, now, let's start the first test, the level of Wuhun! If the level of Wuhun is less than tenth level, then sorry, you have no chance to enter Xingnan College!" With a big wave of his hand, Yan Nantian had already sat down. Go back to the throne, and have your own servants to arrange the test.

I saw that a square table had been lifted up, two people were sitting upright, one was holding a roster, and the other was holding a pen to record.

"Tian Shui City, Zhang Hai!"

Apparently, Zhang Hai from Tianshui City was the first to take the Martial Soul test. Hearing his name, Zhang Hai was obviously very nervous. He tremblingly walked towards the stone pillar in the center of the square. go up.

"Don't be nervous, this is the same as the awakening of the martial soul, just let go of your mind, and testing the stone pillar will show the strength of your martial soul." Seeing Zhao Hai's embarrassment, the person calling the name comforted him.

Hearing this, Zhao Hai took a deep breath, he was a genius after all, he closed his eyes, relaxed his mind, and soon, a faint ray of light lit up on the stone pillar, and it rose rapidly.

Even in the daytime, the light of the stone pillars is still brilliant and very dazzling.

The entire stone pillar was divided into fourteen layers, corresponding to the first to thirteenth steps, and the legendary holy martial soul. However, the induction stone pillar standing here has never been seen. Fully lit.

The light continued to rise, and finally in the eyes of everyone, it could barely stay in the middle of the ninth floor, which also meant that this Zhao Hai only had a ninth-order martial soul, which was not up to the standard.

"Zhao Hai in Tianshui City, Martial Soul Ninth Rank, unqualified!" The cold voice broke the last hope in Zhao Hai's heart. His face was pale and his back was soaked. He walked down in a daze. Everything has nothing to do with himself.

"Tian Shui City, Zhao Tuo!"

The reality has always been cruel, and the test will not stop because of anyone. This voice made everyone nervous.

ps: It's the third update, please support!
(End of this chapter)

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