Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 177 Royal Family, Summer!

Chapter 177 Royal Family, Summer!
Simple and straightforward!
As long as your Martial Soul is not at the tenth level, even if it is only a tiny bit short, you will definitely not be able to pass this first round of tests.

But above the level of Martial Soul, there is no way to fake it, so all means are useless.

No matter how strong your fighting power is, no matter how strong your background is, the rank of your martial soul will not change.

Zhao Tuo's face was ugly, and he walked up. His martial spirit was also not tenth rank, but he still had such an illusion. He put his palm on the stone pillar and waited silently.

However, the fact mercilessly gave him a big slap in the face, the light rose, and barely stopped at the eighth level, making his whole world dark.

I have to say that sometimes, this world is really cruel. You are really far inferior to others in many things, and you have nothing to do.

Why does Lin Chen have twin saint-rank martial souls, while others can only have eighth-rank, ninth-rank, or even lower martial souls?
There is no reason, and there is no way.

It can be said that this is fate. Many times, you have to fight for a lifetime, or two lifetimes, and you can't even move your fingers.

It has nothing to do with whether you work hard or not, but what you are born with and destined to do.

Following the failure of the two geniuses, the people present also became nervous. After all, among the hundreds of people, probably only half of them have martial souls that have reached the tenth level.

This also means that in the first round of selection only, half of the people will be eliminated.

A famous genius walked up either nervously, confidently, or apprehensively. The light of the stone pillar lit up again and again.

As for those whose martial soul has reached the tenth level, there are no more than twenty or so people, and those who can reach the tenth level are not considered very strong.

"Royal family, summer!"

Another voice sounded, and a young man in a red robe strode towards the stone pillar with an arrogant look on his face.

Hearing this name, Lin Chen's whole body froze, and then his eyes widened. Looking at the figure in front of him, his whole body trembled.


Lin Chen did not expect that he would meet Xia Tian here, and with such a posture, he was also related to the royal family.

Taking one step forward, the violent murderous intent was already unstoppable and surged out.

His parents are still sealed up by the spring of breaking the body. This is a mortal enmity. With his fists clenched tightly, Lin Chen's figure was about to rush out, while Wu Zhuoheng, who was at the side, was shocked. Before he had time to think about it, he grabbed it. over him.

He has heard about Lin Chen's affairs, and understands how much he wants to do something, but since he wants to have a good relationship with him now, then naturally there is no room for loss. If Lin Chen is allowed to do something at this moment, I'm afraid everything will be over.

"Brother Lin Chen, calm down, now is not the time to do anything!"

Being held back by Wu Zhuoheng, Lin Chen took a deep breath, and black flames rose from his pupils, forcibly suppressing the murderous intent, he gritted his teeth and looked at Xia Tian ferociously.

And the people present were also shocked by this sudden scene. Most of these geniuses are pampered, and they have never seen such killing intent before.

Even Yan Nantian, who was on the throne, had surprise in his eyes.

"Who has such killing intent?" Looking at Lin Chen in the crowd, Yan Nantian was shocked again.

Ye Chenxing next to him looked at Lin Chen with great interest. Standing in his position, he was naturally afraid that the world would not be chaotic. If the geniuses of the Dayan Dynasty were to make a fool of themselves, it would be very interesting. .

Yan Mingyu looked at Lin Chen worriedly, while Yan Zhen secretly sneered, he had already expected such a scene, and let Xia Tian cover up his breath before, until now he appeared in front of Lin Chen, just to make him unable to resist .

Under such circumstances, as long as Lin Chen made a move, it would be a disaster!

And even though he was stopped, it was extremely troublesome to show his killing intent. After all, this was considered a disturbance in the selection process. If he wanted to impose a crime, it could also be said to be disrespectful to Yan Nantian.

After all, who would dare to be so presumptuous in front of the lord of the dynasty?
Xia Tian turned around and looked at Lin Chen, with a sneer on his face.

"So it's Brother Lin Chen, long time no see, don't forget to say hello to uncle and aunt for me." The voice was cold, and he spoke slowly, Xia Tian's words hit Lin Chen's back.

Breaking away from Wu Zhuoheng, he took another step, and the stone slab under his feet was smashed away by Lin Chen. A fierce killing intent, which was extremely fierce, surged out uncontrollably at this moment, soaring into the sky!

"Summer, I, Lin Chen, swear that I will smash your bones into ashes and smash you into pieces!" His fists were clenched tightly, and his nails were almost embedded in his flesh. Lin Chen knew that he had to hold back now.

"Swear? You seem to have sworn a lot, but I remember that you still want to uproot the Cui family." Xia Tian continued to sneer, these words, he had already thought about them, the purpose was to push Lin Chen away. To the land of eternal doom.

Sure enough, following these words, the complexions of most of the people present changed drastically.

This young man wants to be an enemy of Cui Shi?
The Cui family covered the sky with one hand in the Dayan Dynasty. The power is obvious to all. No force, or even anyone, dares to oppose the Cui family. Now, this Lin Chen wants to uproot the Cui family?
"This person has such a strong killing intent, how many people have he killed?"

"He wants to uproot Cui Shi, did I hear correctly?"

"Lin Chen, this name seems familiar..."


Everyone also started discussing, looking at Lin Chen, full of curiosity and doubts, even the people who were eliminated just now were no longer so disappointed, but looked at Lin Chen.

In fact, even Yan Nantian had heard of Lin Chen's name.

After all, he is not a foolish king. On the contrary, he is able to take down this country by himself, not only needing the strength of force, but also the wisdom of monsters.

Although he is located in Dayan King City, he knows all the major events in the entire dynasty.

What's more, Cui, whom he has been paying close attention to, has suffered such a big loss at the hands of a kid in the innate realm, how can he not pay attention to it.

Yan Nantian has been trying to deal with Cui's wolfish ambition, but since this Lin Chen can cause Cui's headache, he naturally has to keep it.

"Xiamen, if you don't want to take the test, you can go down." Xia Tian's words were full of sarcasm, and Yan Nantian was very upset when he heard it, so he yelled at Xia Tian.

And there are many meanings that this sentence represents.

First of all, he dislikes Cui Shi!
Since Lin Chen wanted to uproot the Cui family, Yan Nantian turned to Lin Chen. Speaking of it, Lin Chen was the first to show his killing intent, but Yan Nantian didn't pursue it, but directly blamed Xia Tian.

Secondly, it is also a subtle attitude towards the two princes. Xia Tian is from the first prince Yan Zhen, while Lin Chen is from the side of the third prince Yan Mingyu. From this, it seems that Yan Nantian is more optimistic about Yan Mingyu.

Of course, there is also the appreciation for Lin Chen. With Yan Nantian's experience and vision, it is natural to see that this son is extraordinary.

But following Yan Nantian's opening, the atmosphere of the audience changed again.

No one expected that Yan Nantian would be so direct, suppressing Xia Tian, ​​towards Lin Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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