Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 178 Tianyuan City, Lin Chen!

Chapter 178 Tianyuan City, Lin Chen!

Xia Tian's move was originally discussed with Yan Zhen, it was to irritate Lin Chen and let him make the best move, even if he didn't make a move, he still had to run on words and isolate Lin Chen.

But now, with Yan Nantian's stance, everything is self-defeating.

Yan Nantian is the ruler of the dynasty, who would dare to disobey his attitude?
Lin Chen also didn't expect that Yan Nantianfei didn't blame him, but instead blamed Xia Tian.

The meaning of this is worth chewing.

The pride in Yan Zhen's eyes dissipated, replaced by a hint of insidiousness. He naturally understood that this third younger brother was more favored than him, which also strengthened his determination to deal with Lin Chen.

The sneer on Xia Tian's face froze, Yan Nantian's voice was not high-pitched, but it sounded like thunder in his ears, and he couldn't even believe his ears.

Why, why did Yan Nantian blame himself, shouldn't he blame Lin Chen for disrupting order?
That's not how the script was written!

However, his reaction was not slow, he saluted immediately, and said to Yan Nantian, "Your Majesty, please calm down, Caomin will conduct the test now."

Immediately, he pressed the palm of his hand on the stone pillar, and a hint of sinister flashed in his eyes again.

How to deal with Lin Chen, he had discussed with Yan Zhen for a long time, this initial verbal run was nothing, the next step was the real big deal.

The fire unicorn martial spirit in the body screamed, and all the power poured into the stone pillar. Suddenly, a beam of light rose from the ground, rising rapidly, and reached the tenth level in almost one breath.

This scene also made everyone present secretly speechless.

Those geniuses in the past, even if they reached the tenth level, were still very difficult. There was no one as easy as Xia Tian, ​​and the light stopped at the tenth level. In the blink of an eye, they broke through this barrier and broke through to the eleventh level!
Super Wuhun!

Seeing this scene, even Yan Nantian was a little surprised. He didn't expect this insidious guy to possess a super Martial Soul.

"Oh my god, it's a super martial spirit!"

"One, two, three, four, five, six, ten, eleven... I read that right, it's really the eleventh step!"

"The eleventh-order super martial spirit!"

The geniuses present all exclaimed in surprise, and they all looked at Xia Tian with deep envy or jealousy.

A sneer sneered at the corner of his mouth, and Xia Tian was secretly proud, but what no one noticed was that in his palm, a dim light quietly shot out and sneaked into the stone pillar.

This was their second tactic against Lin Chen!
Even if he already knew that Lin Chen's martial soul was a useless martial soul, but since he wanted to do it, he must do it. No matter what is special about Lin Chen's martial soul, he would be completely defeated in front of this test stone pillar!
Withdrawing his palm, he looked at Yan Zhen, both of them smiled coldly.

"Imperial Family, Xia Tian, ​​Tier [-], qualified!" The person in charge of recording also wrote down this message.

Going down, Xia Tian deliberately passed by Lin Chen, and spoke in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

"Next, it's up to you, my great genius."

Click. .

Hearing this, Lin Chen's heart skipped a beat.

After Xia Tian is me?

Lin Chen wouldn't believe it if it was said that such an order had not been tampered with, and the purpose of the other party's doing so was probably not as simple as showing a gap.

With just one thought, Lin Chen thought that the stone pillar might have been tampered with by Xia Tian.

However, before he could react, another voice sounded from above the square.

"Tianyuan City, Lin Chen!"

Taking a deep breath, realizing that he had no way out, Lin Chen had no choice but to step forward and came to the front of the stone pillar.

Looking at Xia Tian who was sneering in the crowd, Lin Chen was even more sure that there must be something wrong. However, a hint of arrogance rose in his heart immediately, and he wanted to see if there was any way to suppress his twin holy martial souls!
Is the eleventh-order super martial spirit very strong?

Then I'll smash your face today!

With this in mind, he stretched out his palm and pressed it on the stone pillar, and the power of the martial soul in Lin Chen's body was released at this moment.


With a trembling, a faint ray of light immediately lit up on the stone pillar, but the imaginary momentum did not appear, and this ray of light did not have the slightest upward trend, it just stopped in place so glaringly!

For a moment, everyone was stunned.

And then, among the crowd, there was an ear-piercing voice, it was Xia Tian.

"Abandoned Martial Soul, I heard a long time ago that your Martial Soul is an Abandoned Martial Soul. Looking at it now, it really deserves its reputation. Thank you, Brother Lin Chen, this time it really taught everyone a lot of insight!"

Hearing this, everyone started talking about it.

"Waste Martial Soul?"

"This Lin Chen, with such a domineering aura, is actually the owner of a crippled martial soul, so how did he cultivate?"

"It turned out to be the legendary waste martial soul, what confidence does he have to participate in the selection?"


Doubts and ridicules are endless.

Lin Chen's complexion also instantly became ugly.

The sleepy dragon is not a waste martial soul, but a holy rank martial soul, the highest robbery dragon, and the golden koi, which are even more extraordinary. How could it be possible to only light up such a faint brilliance?
"Hehe, it's really an eye-opener. The strength of the Yan Dynasty is really unimaginable. This kind of genius is very rare even in our Starry Sky Dynasty!" It was Chen Xing who said that night with a sneer.

The sarcasm in these words was not only aimed at Lin Chen, but also aimed at the entire Dayan Dynasty, which was a slap in the face of Dayan.

Is this the genius you have chosen out of thousands of people?

Yan Nantian's complexion was also ugly. He knew that Lin Chen's martial soul was a sleepy dragon, but he could cultivate to such an extent, how could Lin Chen really only have a useless martial soul? He had long guessed that Lin Chen might have a second Dao Wuhun.

But now it seems that everything is not as he imagined. .

All of this was like a heavy slap on Lin Chen's face, and the previous oath seemed to have become a joke.

The owner of a crippled martial soul wants to crush the owner of a super martial soul?

As for Lin Chen, his eyes were closed, and when he looked inside, he saw the koi in his dantian and the sleepy dragon hidden in the flesh and blood.

Vaguely, he seemed to be able to see an invisible barrier blocking his power from pouring into the stone pillar, making it impossible for the power of the two holy martial souls to spread out.

Think about it, this is what Xia Tian did just now.

"Old Su said that you are all holy rank martial souls, so let me take a look at your real ranks. I know that these little tricks will not be able to stop you."

While whispering softly, before the words fell, the golden koi and the sleepy dragon roared together at this moment, as if completely ignited by these words, in an instant, the sky above the entire palace changed color!

At the same time, the faint ray of light above the stone pillar suddenly moved!

(End of this chapter)

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