Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 179 Lin Chen, Holy Order! ! !

Chapter 179 Lin Chen, Holy Order! ! !
The wind is blowing!

Such a vision of heaven and earth instantly sealed everyone's mouths.

Xia Tian wanted to say something, but it stopped abruptly at this moment. This is not the first time he has seen such a scene. It was like this when Lin Chen's martial soul was awakened!

"Phenomenon of heaven and earth, twelfth-order super martial spirit!" Someone shouted first, and immediately after, the atmosphere of the audience suddenly boiled.

As we all know, only the twelfth-order super Martial Spirit, and even higher thirteenth-order, or holy-order, can trigger the phenomena of heaven and earth.

Right now, this kind of vision is definitely not groundless. There is no doubt that it was caused by Lin Chen!

The strong contrast caused a more intense shock, and left a strong stroke in everyone's heart.

Yan Nantian once again stood up from the throne, staring fixedly at the stone pillar. The king of the dynasty was actually a little nervous at this moment.

Because, an intuition deep in his heart told him that Lin Chen's martial soul might not be as simple as the twelfth rank.

The sneer on Ye Chenxing's face suddenly froze, and the ridicule just now turned into a big slap, hitting his face, making him feel hot.

Yan Mingyu breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, with a smile on his face, and looked at Yan Zhen. The latter's face had turned into a reddish purple at the moment. It was originally a horse's face, and it was about to droop to the ground at this moment up.

"Impossible, the light can't be turned on, the sleepy dragon is a waste martial soul!" Xia Tian gritted his teeth and whispered to himself.

But this kind of verbal self-comfort obviously cannot change any facts, so when that flash of brilliant light burst into an uproar and rose rapidly in a state of soaring to the sky, he could no longer speak.

In an instant, the situation changed, and this ray of light, in the blink of an eye, directly broke through the eleventh-order level, completely surpassing Xia Tian!

However, this momentum has not weakened at all, but has become more and more crazy.

The koi is jumping, its body shape has grown a lot compared to when it was just awakened, the golden scales around its body are becoming finer and firmer, and the sharpness of the eight small claws under the abdomen is probably no less sharp than usual The magic weapon.

While the sleepy dragon roared, the black chains trembled, revealing a kind of power that could shake the world.

Following Lin Chen's arm, the power of the holy martial soul that belongs exclusively to him spared no effort to break through all obstacles!

No matter how strong the conspiracy is, it will be wiped out in front of absolute strength!

The hands and feet made by Xia Tian, ​​the obstacles in the arrangement, didn't even last for a moment, it was shattered and turned into powder, and this ray of light lit up, after surpassing Xia Tian, ​​it was once again extremely shocking. Stance, breaking through the twelfth step!

Tier [-]!
The vast majority of people were so shocked that they were speechless. A moment ago, Xia Tian was still yelling, saying that Lin Chen was a useless martial soul, but the next moment, Lin Chen told everyone with practical actions. , What is his Martial Soul?

However, this is not over yet, and everyone has not had time to exclaim in the future, because that ray of light, after rushing into the twelfth step, still did not stop, but became more violent, carrying an unprecedented enthusiasm, and continued to rise.

All of a sudden, the light burst out, and the entire stone pillar was lit up with extremely dazzling light, which radiated in all directions, but the light that had climbed to the twelfth level was in everyone's dull eyes. Broke into the thirteenth step!

Tier [-] Martial Soul!
This, this already represents the pinnacle of super martial spirits. Not to mention the little Yan Dynasty, even in the Northern Territory, or even the entire East Pole Continent, such talents are definitely at the top level.

Compared with it, Xia Tian's so-called eleventh-order martial spirit is far behind.

The audience was dead silent, only the sound of panting could be heard, everyone's eyes widened, some couldn't believe it, they actually witnessed the eruption of the thirteenth-order top super martial spirit.

"Ten, thirteen steps..."

"The peak level of a super martial soul, what kind of waste martial soul is Lin Chen, he is the darling of heaven!"

"This kind of talent, probably already allows Xingnan College to be admitted without an exam..."


An inconceivable sound sounded one after another, and everyone's eyes widened, ignoring the dazzling light, staring at the stone pillar that had already shone to the thirteenth level.

The sky over the entire palace was already covered with dark clouds, covering the sun, and the wind was howling, blowing people's clothes down. In the center of the square, there was a young man in a green shirt fluttering, with long hair fluttering in the wind, showing a special elegance.

However, while everyone exclaimed in surprise, they were also surprised to notice that the radiance did not fade in the slightest. Instead, it seemed that something was brewing, and it became more and more intense and shining.

hum. .

The stone pillar trembled, as if it couldn't bear it. The powerful force came from Lin Chen's body, but the young man didn't intend to stop at all. Since he was destined to win the first place, he decided to use the most shining posture , crush everyone!

"Come on, let them see what a holy step is!" Lin Chen meditated in his heart at the same time, the koi and the trapped dragon moved together at this moment. Suddenly, there seemed to be thunder roaring in the sky, and That ray of light that was stuck at the peak of the thirteenth step suddenly soared at this moment!

The real light escaped and exploded in an instant. With an unbelievable gesture, it rushed to the No. 14 floor, representing the top of the holy martial spirit!
Holy Order! ! !

The brilliance scattered in all directions, making people feel like they were in a dream. The entire stone pillar was lit up with dreamlike brilliance, shining in everyone's eyes.

Totally lit!

This is the first time this stone pillar stands here, it is fully lit, and it must be the last time.

Everyone, including Yan Nantian, was petrified at this moment. Many geniuses instinctively refused to believe it, but this scene has been deeply imprinted in their hearts.

Even in Xia Tian, ​​a sense of frustration was unavoidable, even if he possessed a super Martial Soul, but in front of the holy rank, the word super seemed like a joke.

The light slowly dissipated, and when the vision in the sky faded, the sun appeared again, shining on the vigorous figure in the blue shirt.

Lin Chen, Holy Order!
This result can be said to have exceeded everyone's expectations, and also broke all previous records. With the most unquestionable facts and the most sturdy posture, it smashed Xia Tian's face and made everyone The questioning and ridicule are all self-defeating.

The boy withdrew his palm, turned around, and looked at Xia Tian, ​​the brilliance in his eyes made people dare not look directly at him.

After a long time, a slightly hoarse voice sounded a little sluggish because he hadn't recovered his senses, and only then did everyone's thoughts be pulled back from the boundless shock.

"Lin Chen of Tianyuan City, Martial Soul Saint Rank, fit, pass!"

ps: Brothers from the starting point, 'Storm Sky' voted for two monthly tickets, thank you!Although I still dare not think about the monthly ticket list, but seeing the votes of my brothers, my heart is still warm, thank you again!And Brother Bloodthirsty Warlord rewarded again, thank you very much!In addition, I wish everyone a happy Singles' Day and get out of singles as soon as possible!
(End of this chapter)

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