Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 180 The Vision of Xingluan

Chapter 180 The Vision of Xingluan
qualified. .

Because the first test can only be divided into two levels: pass and fail. However, even the person who read the result felt that it was extremely inappropriate, but he had no choice but to read it with a little hesitation. Out of these two words.

Feeling the bad breath in his heart, a lot has come out, seeing Xia Tian's almost distorted face, Lin Chen stepped over.

Passing by each other, and at the same time as shoulders collided, Lin Chen's voice containing killing intent also sounded quietly.

"Xiamen, you are dead."

Now that the oath has been made, it must be fulfilled. The short six words contain extremely terrifying murderous intent. In an instant, it makes Xia Tian feel cold all over.

For a moment, he even regretted that he was going to be an enemy of Lin Chen.

Before, no matter how strong Lin Chen was, he still had a little luck in his heart, because Lin Chen's martial soul was a sleepy dragon, a useless martial soul that was recognized as impossible to cultivate, while his Xia Tian possessed an eleventh-order super martial soul. genius.

But now, Lin Chen told him with undeniable facts that the so-called waste martial soul was just a ridiculous joke, what Lin Chen possessed was the legendary holy rank martial soul!
At this moment, all of Xia Tian's pride was ruthlessly dragged down from the sky by Lin Chen, and trampled over!

Are you a genius?

What a joke, the biggest capital you are proud of, in my eyes, is just a humble joke!

Clenching his fists tightly, he couldn't say anything, because Xia Tian found out sadly that at this moment, he couldn't say anything to refute Lin Chen.

"Okay, okay! It turned out to be the legendary holy rank martial soul. I never thought that such a genius would appear in my Dayan Dynasty. In this round of tests, Lin Chen must be the first!" Yan Nantian clapped his palms and laughed loudly. During this time, he made no secret of his optimism towards Lin Chen.

Yan Mingyu's eyes flashed with brilliance. Even though he was extremely optimistic about Lin Chen, he never thought that Lin Chen actually possessed a holy martial soul.

And Yan Zhen's complexion has long been extremely ugly. He thought that Xia Tian, ​​who had recruited a super martial soul, would be able to beat his third brother in the next competition, but he did not expect that Yan Mingyu would win over a more tyrannical forest dust.

That night Shen Xing's face was also hot, the cold water that was poured out before seemed to be boiled at this moment, drenching him thoroughly from head to toe.

And at this moment, Yan Nantian's voice sounded again, which also gave Ye Chenxing a blow in the head.

"However, Lin Chen, talent is important, but hard work is also indispensable. You must know that although you are a holy martial soul, let alone Xingnan College's talents, take the Star Dynasty as an example. Martial spirits of the holy rank are probably not worth mentioning. This Prince Ye Chenxing is an unworldly genius, you must not be proud."

The sarcasm in these words is very strong, this is also Yan Nantian's attitude, his aversion to Starry Sky Dynasty and Ye Chenxing.

Hearing this, Lin Chen naturally understood, and immediately saluted: "Your Majesty's words are very true, you must keep them in mind, the world is full of talents, and you dare not make mistakes."

These words were extremely humble, and once again slapped Ye Chenxing in the face severely.

"Hehe, Your Majesty was joking. Brother Lin Chen is amazingly talented, and we can't compare with them. However, our Star Dynasty, which mainly focuses on star soul masters, does not value martial souls, and I am not talented. Although Xinghaitiancheng, with the vision of Xingluan, but he never dares to be an incomparable talent." Ye Chenxing looked at Lin Chen coldly, and said immediately.

Xinghai Tiancheng, Xingluan vision!
It was said that Yan Nantian was also stunned. Although he didn't know much about star soul masters, his talent was definitely comparable to a super martial soul.

And before, before Ye Shenxing came to Dayan Dynasty, he had never even heard of this person's name. Obviously, this was a trump card secretly cultivated by Starry Sky Dynasty.

In fact, this is exactly the case. This is Ye Chenxing's first time out of the mountains. His mission is to marry the princess Yan Mengyue and complete the first step of eroding the Great Yan Dynasty!
Moreover, choosing Yan Mengyue as the target is not only because she is a princess, but also because she is also a star soul master, and also possesses a strange vision.

His eyes were full of complacency, and he looked at Lin Chen, but Ye Chenxing was not in his eyes, seeing the slightest surprise, the young man's eyes were flat, as if this Xingluan vision was not worth mentioning at all.

What Ye Chenxing didn't know was that, in front of Lin Chen, the so-called "Xing Luan Vision" was really nothing in front of Lin Chen.

"Next, Cui Shi, Cui Yuan!"

After receiving Yan Nantian's hint, the person who read out also read out the name of the next person, which was Cui Yuan.

With an ugly face, Cui Yuan walked up.

In the last battle of Pingshan City, he was not only frightened by Lin Chen, but also frightened by Lao Wang's sudden intrusion, and he never recovered. At this moment, he wanted to suppress Lin Chen, but directly Shocked by the holy martial spirit, he couldn't speak a word.

God, what kind of enemy he has provoked!
Cui Yuan's martial spirit is the tenth-rank Yinyue Bow, and he passed the test, but he didn't feel the slightest joy, because he could feel Lin Chen's cold gaze from below during the whole process.

With Lin Chen, Cui Yuan was also someone who must be killed, and he would never let him go.

When Cui Yuan went down, another person walked up, the test continued, and due to the climax caused by Lin Chen before, the atmosphere seemed a bit dull, even if another eleventh-level super martial spirit appeared, it was no longer so Shocked.

In the end, the test was over, leaving only 57 people, and the rest of the geniuses were all eliminated. In Tianyuan City, except for Lin Chen and Wu Zhuoheng, the other three people were actually eliminated. .

"Okay, that's the end of today's test. It can be described as an eye-opener. My Dayan Dynasty has been standing for so many years, but it is the first time that a genius with a holy martial spirit has appeared. We will hold a banquet tonight. All those who pass the test Geniuses, you have to be there, and then I will announce about the second round of tests!" Yan Nantian said with a smile.

He was very happy to slap Ye Chenxing in the face.

This Ye Chenxing, although he is only a prince, is extremely proud of his talents, and he doesn't even give Yan Nantian the face of the emperor. If he was not afraid of the Xingkong Dynasty, with Yan Nantian's temper, he would have slapped him to death long ago. up.

After waving, everyone dispersed, Yan Mingyu quickly came to Lin Chen's side, and Yan Zhen looked at Lin Chen viciously, and left with Xia Tian, ​​and Cui Yuan also dodged behind Cui Ba, leave together.

Ye Chenxing's eyes were cold and cold, and he had already made plans, so he left immediately.

"Brother Lin Chen, I really didn't expect it to be hidden. Holy rank, is the trapped dragon the martial soul of the holy rank?" Patting Lin Chen's shoulder, Yan Mingyu was really happy for Lin Chen from the bottom of his heart.

But immediately, he also reminded Lin Chen in a low voice: "For tonight's banquet, I'm afraid that Shen Xing, Yan Zhen, and Cui Shi will all target you that night, so be careful at that time."

Hearing this, the corners of Lin Chen's mouth raised slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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