Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 181 The Night Banquet

Chapter 181 The Night Banquet
Ye Chenxing is a man who is proud of his talents, and Lin Chen is also very upset when he sees him. It would be better if he was more honest at the banquet. If he wants to suppress Lin Chen, then Lin Chen doesn't mind telling him that his so-called Xingluan is different. Like, how unbearable it is.

Even though Lin Chen had no sense of belonging, he was still a member of the Great Yan Dynasty. If an outsider wanted to show off his might here, he might not agree!
Leaving aside the good relationship with Yan Mingyu, just Yan Nantian's attitude today is enough to make Lin Chen do something.

A scholar dies for his confidant, this sentence has never been just a talk.

Night fell quickly, and the banquet had already been arranged. The venue was still in the palace, but it was in the main hall. This also showed that Yan Nantian attached great importance to these geniuses.

The entire palace was brightly lit and extremely gorgeous. This was a scene Lin Chen had never seen before, but now, he was no longer surprised.

This world is very big. At this time, the palace in front of him, and even the entire Dayan Dynasty, are nothing more than a speck of dust. His heart is no longer bound by this, so these so-called prosperous scenes are naturally not worth mentioning. up.

Together with Wu Zhuoheng, following Yan Mingyu into the palace, Lin Chen's eyes were calm, and Wu Zhuoheng was secretly surprised by his concentration.

In Wu Zhuoheng's heart, he was already shocked by such a gorgeous scene, and felt like a country bumpkin entering the city. Just now, he saw a tray carried by a maid, which was actually made of the legendary Tianling jade, and he was already stunned. up.

But for Yan Mingyu, these things are very common, not surprising, as for Lin Chen, he didn't care about these things at all.

Because, as he entered the palace, he already felt several dangerous eyes staring at him.

First of all, Ye Chenxing, who couldn't mock Lin Chen during the day, but was slapped in the face. He was extremely upset. Moreover, Yan Nantian's attitude was obviously unwilling to marry Yan Mengyue to him. At this moment, there was a feeling in his heart. The evil fire has nowhere to vent.

Next is Yan Zhen, sitting with Xia Tian, ​​he has a long horse face, very gloomy, his intuition tells him that if he wants to successfully overwhelm his third younger brother, this Lin Chen will be a big trouble.

Moreover, due to the failure of the Guo brothers, he also lost his chance in the second round of the test.

After that, it is naturally a member of the Cui family, Cui Yuan and Cui Ba sat together, staring at each other.

This Cui Ba is actually a martial artist of body training style. He has no clothes on his upper body, but reveals his strong muscles, which is full of visual shock. His weapon is even a giant axe, which can open mountains and crack rocks.

Sighing softly in his heart, Lin Chen never thought that he had made so many enemies unknowingly.

Sitting down with Yan Mingyu, Wu Zhuoheng also carefully sat behind Lin Chen. The eyes of everyone, also in a low voice, looked at the gate of the palace, a woman as dazzling as a star, Come right away.

Princess Yan Mengyue!
During the day, Lin Chen had no time to think about other things, but now, seeing this princess, even his eyes couldn't help admiring her.

The beauty of the country and the fragrance of the sky, these four words have never been in vain.

She was dressed in a plain white long dress, obviously plain and unpretentious, but at first glance, it seemed to be decorated with nine stars shining incomparably, setting off Yan Mengyue's exquisite face, it was like a dream.

She has always been Yan Nantian's apple of the eye. Yan Mengyue was born with a golden spoon in her mouth. She is known as the most beautiful woman in the Yan Dynasty, and her cultivation as a star soul master has reached the third level.

Get first and even have a chance to marry the princess!

Coincidentally, this sentence appeared in the hearts of everyone, and made their eyes look hot.

Not to mention anything else, just such a stunning woman is enough to make countless people go through fire and water regardless of their lives.

"Brother Lin Chen, how is it? My sister is not bad, are you interested in being my brother-in-law?" Yan Mingyu teased deliberately.

However, although the words were a joke, Yan Mingyu had a glimmer of hope in his heart. For Yan Mengyue, marrying Lin Chen was indeed much better than being with that Ye Chenxing.

Lin Chen smiled noncommittally. Naturally, he would not be tempted by Yan Mengyue. For him, Xia Xinxuan was enough, not to mention, there was Mei Wuer, who owed her too much, and Li Lianyu's side , he also had a headache all the time.

She wasn't good at women, Lin Chen's thoughts were all on top of the quota.

However, Yan Mengyue's eyes lingered on Lin Chen for a moment. After all, among the people present, only Lin Chen did not show too much surprise at her beauty. She is also very curious about the owner of the soul.

She has looked into Lin Chen's eyes, it definitely has experiences and stories, revealing a maturity and vicissitudes that do not match her age, it will definitely be the killer of girls.

And everyone also noticed that Yan Mengyue's gaze was looking at Lin Chen, and suddenly, murderous gazes shot over one after another.

This was unexpected by Lin Chen. It can only be said that the beauty's lethality is too great. He took a sip from the wine glass, but Lin Chen could only pretend to turn a blind eye.

And with Yan Mengyue's seat, the atmosphere of the audience was also pushed to a climax, and then Yan Nantian also appeared. Facing these geniuses, the lord of a country did not have any pretensions, but was very approachable .

"All of you here are the pillar talents of my Great Yan Dynasty, including the holy rank martial soul. I am very pleased. With you, why should my Great Yan not be strong!" Yan Nantian smiled and praised Lin Dust also made everyone hate him even more.

He also doesn't have three heads and six arms, so why does he have a holy martial spirit, while we only have a tenth rank?
Everyone's emotions have changed from the initial shock to the current jealousy and dissatisfaction. Lin Chen's realm is only the third level of innateness, which is not as good as many people present.

While Yan Nantian was waving his hand, a famous maid also began to serve the dishes. The palace banquet, such a ostentation, is naturally not small, and the delicacies on the plate are all Lin Chen has never tasted before, and he immediately felt a little bit hungry .

However, there are always some sluts who want to jump out and ask for trouble.

Seeing Lin Chen move his chopsticks, Ye Chenxing immediately sneered: "If there is only eating and drinking at this banquet, I'm afraid it will be inferior, why don't brothers Lin Chen show you the holy rank martial soul, it will take a long time." experience."

Hearing this, everyone paused, and then, Cui Ba of the Cui family echoed: "That's right, I am a rough man who refines the body, and the martial soul is low-level. I have long wanted to see the martial soul of the holy rank. Brother, can you show me?"

"Yes, my prince is also very curious about what your martial spirit looks like." Yan Zhen also spoke.

Frowning, he put down his chopsticks, and Lin Chen looked at Ye Chenxing, which made his heart tighten suddenly.

The koi martial soul is Lin Chen's biggest secret, and it must not be told to outsiders. As for the trapped dragon, it can't be used just by thinking about it. Although the confinement has loosened a lot, it still cannot be truly released to fight.

What's more, even if it is possible, Lin Chen is not willing to do so.

With deep eyes, with a trace of sarcasm and provocation, Lin Chen looked at Ye Chenxing, already having a plan in mind.

"Coincidentally, I am also very curious about the star sea vision of the star soul master. I wonder if Prince Chen Xing can open my eyes first?"

(End of this chapter)

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