Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 182 Vision?crush!

Chapter 182 Vision?crush!
During the day, this guy was showing off his so-called Xingluan vision, which made Lin Chen very disdainful.

Only the most stupid people will show off their talents everywhere. If a tree is beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy it. If you don't even understand this truth, then you will definitely not be able to walk on the road of a warrior.

In Muyi, I learned a lot, and Lin Chen also knew very well that the Xingluan vision, among all the visions, is just a vision with more than 100 people, and it is not the same as the star-studded vision. rank.

Moreover, he knew how to deal with Ye Chenxing's vision.

Hearing this, Ye Chenxing's heart skipped a beat, because he had an inexplicable bad premonition, but immediately, he snorted coldly, waved his sleeve robe, and took a step, a strange fluctuation was already rippling around his body.

"Since you want to see and see, then I will do as you wish, but I hope that after I perform it, you will not be stage fright!" Ye Chenxing said proudly.

"That's natural. As long as I see the star sea vision of Prince Shen Xing, I will naturally display a holy martial soul." Lin Chen looked at Ye Chenxing with a half-smile.

The words have already reached this point, that is, the arrow is on the string, and it has to be said. Even if Ye Chenxing is uneasy, there is no room for retreat.

What's more, could he make any mistakes?
Everyone looked at the two of them one after another, even Yan Nantian was a little surprised, wondering what kind of medicine was sold in Lin Chen's gourd.

Hush. .

Ye Chenxing took a step forward, and his face became solemn at this moment. Since he wanted to show his vision in front of others, he had to intimidate the audience and be impressive!
With a sigh of relief in his heart, Ye Chenxing's arrogance has never been lost to anyone, even if Lin Chen has a holy martial soul!
All of a sudden, following Ye Chenxing's movements, a mysterious force seemed to descend from the night sky at this moment, turning around, making Ye Chenxing's whole temperament mysterious and ethereal.

Vaguely, behind him, dots of stars appeared, as if they were about to condense something. Seeing this scene, a hint of mockery flashed in Lin Chen's eyes, and the corners of his mouth slowly curled up.

With a movement in his heart, within the sea of ​​stars between his eyebrows, the tyrannical aura that belonged exclusively to the star-studded vision has quietly surged, as if there are endless stars rotating, gathering in Lin Chen's sea of ​​stars, and forming a more mysterious wave around him. aura.

There is no need to show the star-studded vision at all, but it can cause terrifying suppression to the opponent!

In an instant, Ye Chenxing was surprised to find that his sea of ​​stars seemed to be trembling at this moment, and the originally solid star power became crumbling, and even the vision of Xingluan seemed to have encountered something extremely terrifying Generally, very frightened.

The dots of starlight behind him immediately collapsed. Under such pressure, with Ye Chenxing's cultivation base, he couldn't summon his own vision at all!

Shocked in his heart, Ye Chenxing didn't realize at all why he failed. He immediately gritted his teeth and continued to stimulate the power in the star sea, trying to forcibly reveal his own star sea vision.

Hush. .

The power of the stars surged, and behind him, dots of stars flashed out, as if accompanied by the faint sound of crowing, the outline of an extremely mysterious phoenix had appeared!

Xingluan vision!

In an instant, Lin Chen felt a powerful force of the stars emerge, and had a slight reaction with the starry sky above Jiuye. The pure power of the stars nourishes this vision.

Obviously, Ye Chenxing borrowed the power of his natal star and used the connection and communication of the star soul to show the vision of Xingluan.

No matter how weak the natal star is, it is still a star!
Even if the starlight shot down from the distant starry sky and finally landed in the star soul master's body, none of them survived, but it was definitely an extremely impressive power.

Even Yan Mengyue felt a strange force at this moment, which affected her star sea. After all, for any star soul master, the star sea vision is a good luck that can't be met.

This Xingluan vision can be ranked over 100, and it is also extremely powerful, and the only one who can ignore it is probably only people like Lin Chen.

And Yan Mengyue's talent is not that strong yet.

Sensing the appearance of Xingluan, Ye Chenxing breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately, there was a proud smile on his face. This talent, even in the Starry Sky Dynasty, is one of the few. After all, the thing of vision , too rare.

This time, as long as Yan Mengyue is successfully married back, he will have greater confidence in fighting for the next throne and making it to the top!
The surge of star power made the vision of the star-luan behind him more and more solid. In this palace, it seemed to be a huge phoenix screaming up to the sky, about to spread its wings and soar into the sky.

At this moment, even if Yan Mengyue had reached the third-level star soul master cultivation base, she felt terrified. After all, the existence of the vision was enough to make the star soul master's strength skyrocket, and even fight beyond the level.

It is no exaggeration to say that Ye Chenxing at this moment definitely has the qualifications to fight against an extraordinary powerhouse.

However, just when the corner of his mouth was raised, Lin Chen on the other side chuckled lightly, as if this so-called tyrannical vision was just a trivial joke in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the star-studded phenomena spun crazily. In Lin Chen's sea of ​​stars, it seemed that a powerful storm of stars had formed, and on his body surface, there was an extremely tyrannical aura emanating from it. And out, in an instant, the wind blew up!
Outside the palace, the entire starry sky even dimmed at this moment. Bearing the brunt, Ye Shenxing even felt the star soul in his star sea trembling, and the vision of Xingluan that was about to appear seemed to have encountered Something extremely terrifying screamed.


Ye Chenxing's complexion turned pale instantly, as if he had suffered a punishment from heaven, he felt a great pressure, which made him unable to continue to condense his vision!
This is a phenomenon that has never been seen before!
"No, it's impossible!"

If he didn't believe in this evil, let alone lose face, Ye Chenxing let out an angry roar, and forcibly squeezed his handprints, urging the power of the stars in the entire Xinghai to rush into Xingluan's vision.

"Give it to me!"

Gritting his teeth, his voice was low, behind Ye Chenxing, the star luan fluttered and trembled, and it became more and more solid, but Ye Chenxing felt that the pressure was getting bigger and bigger, as if The entire starry sky was crushed at this moment!
"No matter what, the vision of Xingluan must be revealed!" Ye Chenxing understood that this was not just a simple show off, but also related to his face, and even the face of the entire Xingkong Dynasty, and whether he could successfully marry Yan. Mengyue!

So, he must succeed!
However, he didn't understand that the difference between No.2 and the hundredth vision is the vision of the star sea, but this is definitely a difference between clouds and mud, and there is no comparison at all, even if Lin Chen's star soul master Xiu Because he is not as good as Ye Shenxing, but there is no suspense in the confrontation of the vision.


An ear-piercing sound of cracking sounded, and then a series of explosions echoed in the entire hall, and then, under everyone's unbelievable eyes, this Xingluan who was about to fully manifest Vision, suddenly collapsed!
ps: Thanks to the brothers from Qidian, Shiyan s for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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