Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 183 Give birth to a child like forest dust!

Chapter 183 Give birth to a child like forest dust!

At the same time, Ye Chenxing spat out a mouthful of blood, and his entire aura instantly sank. However, compared to the backlash to his body, what was more serious was the shock in his heart!
He immediately understood the reason for his failure.

Lin Chen!

Lin Chen is also a star soul master, and he also has the vision of the star sea, and it is far beyond his own vision of the star luan!

Although the ranking among the Xinghai visions is not very strict, it can be said that the rankings are close to each other. It can be said that each has its own advantages and disadvantages, but the gap between No. 2 and the top 100 is absolutely irreparable!

"You, you..." Looking at Lin Chen in disbelief, Ye Chenxing couldn't even speak. He couldn't imagine that a person with a holy martial spirit also possessed the power of Xingluan that far surpassed him. The powerful star sea vision of the elephant!
Such a talent, even a monster can't describe it.

Although others could see that Ye Chenxing's failure was inseparable from Lin Chen, but they were still in the fog and couldn't figure out how Lin Chen affected Ye Chenxing.


Yan Mengyue's heart is like a bright mirror. She is also a star soul master herself, and she also has visions. When Lin Chen influences Ye Chenxing, even though there is a distance, she still feels the same way!
It can be roughly inferred that what Lin Chen possesses is definitely at least the top fifty visions among the star sea visions.

Shocked in her heart, Yan Mengyue stared fixedly at Lin Chen with her beautiful eyes. It was hard to imagine that the holy martial spirit and the tyrannical vision would appear on the same person at the same time.

There was a dead silence in the audience, and most of the people were still immersed in surprise and did not come back to their senses.

Yan Zhen's expression froze on his horse face, and Xia Tian's mouth opened wide. He only knew that Lin Chen possessed the Trapped Dragon Martial Soul, but he didn't know that he was also a star soul master.

Cui Ba and Cui Yuan were also dumbfounded, no one expected such a scene to happen, even Yan Nantian was stunned for a while.

However, it was the lord of the country who reacted first, and immediately clapped his hands and laughed.

"Hahaha, wonderful, wonderful!" The voice was full of enthusiasm, and Yan Nantian's eyebrows danced brightly, "Little friend Shen Xing is indeed a peerless genius of the Starry Sky Dynasty. Such a power of vision can be called a miracle!"


This is already an undisguised mockery. Peerless genius, these four words are a fierce slap, which slapped Ye Chenxing's face fiercely, and also slapped Starry Sky Dynasty's face.

Aren't you a genius prince cultivated by Starry Sky Dynasty?Don't you have the vision of Xingluan?Do you still want to marry our princess?

Just kidding, you can't even unfold the vision, and you still suffer from backlash and vomit blood, what face do you have to stay here, what face do you have to talk about marrying the princess?

Hearing this, Ye Chenxing didn't bring it up even in one breath, blood gushed up and gushed out wildly, dizziness bursts in front of his eyes, and he almost passed out.

Forcibly holding on, so as not to fall to the ground, Ye Chenxing looked pale and stared at Lin Chen.

"Hehe, Prince Shen Xing is really powerful, he actually caused the change of the world. This Xingluan vision is supposed to be so powerful that even the heaven and the earth can't tolerate it, so he sent down the punishment of the heavens. I have seen it!" Some of the stupid people who didn't know what was going on there even believed it a little bit.

But most people understood that Lin Chen's ridicule was sharper than Yan Nantian's.

There was a burst of blackness in front of Ye Chenxing's ears, and the sea of ​​stars between his brows was a little unsteady, and he felt a sense of dizziness. He opened his mouth in vain, but couldn't say anything. hold him, lest he might fall to the ground.

"Thank you Prince Chen Xing for his wonderful performance, why don't you help the prince down to rest!" With a big hand wave, Yan Nantian said with a long smile.

Ye Chenxing's servant dared not hesitate, he quickly supported him and left the hall.

And it was only at this moment that everyone came back to their senses completely, and looked at Lin Chen one by one, full of surprise and envy once again.

Even if it is not very clear why this happened, there is no doubt that this is definitely Lin Chen's handwriting, and when they think about Lin Chen's previous words carefully, everyone is even more shocked.

"As long as I see Prince Shen Xing's vision of the star sea, I will naturally display a holy rank martial soul."

Everything is under Lin Chen's control!
From the very beginning, Lin Chen had no intention of displaying a holy martial spirit. After all, how could these people see the biggest secret, the biggest hole card.

Immediately, Yan Zhen, Xia Tian, ​​Cui Yuan, Cui Ba and others, as well as some people who hated Lin Chen, felt tense in their hearts, Lin Chen is too scary!

"Lin Chen, I offer you a toast!" Yan Nantian poured a glass of wine himself and handed it to Lin Chen.

You must know that the strength of the Dayan Dynasty has never been very strong, and many dynasties around it are eyeing it. This time, the Starry Sky Dynasty showed its fangs.

The appearance of Lin Chen undoubtedly gave Yan Nantian hope.

To be honest, Yan Nantian is not optimistic about the five people selected this time. Yan Zhen, Yan Mingyu and Yan Mengyue, he knows the basics, Cui Ba only has brute force, but no brains. Not great either.

Even if they were considered geniuses in the Great Yan Dynasty, Yan Nantian didn't think they could stand out when they actually participated in the selection of Xingnan College.

As long as there is a talent who can join Xingnan College, then he will have confidence in the Yan Dynasty, and the surrounding dynasties will have to weigh in if they want to invade.

There is no doubt that Lin Chen at this moment has the potential to join Xingnan College. In other words, Lin Chen can be said to be a life-saving straw for the Dayan Dynasty.

This scene made everyone almost petrified. The king's toast had many meanings. In fact, if conditions allowed, Yan Nantian even wanted to pass on the throne to Lin Chen.

He saw endless possibilities in this young man.

"Lin Chen is terrified, thank you, Your Majesty." Lin Chen took the wine glass with both hands, performed all the courtesy, and then drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

Yan Nantian also drank the wine, threw the wine glass out, and spoke with pride.

"Bringing a child is like forest dust!"

Hearing this, although Yan Mingyu felt a little apprehensive, he was still happy for Lin Chen and his father. With such a genius, he had more confidence in dealing with Cui Shi, while Yan Zhen's eyes burst into flames.

"Okay, then, next, I will announce the matter of the second round of exams!" Yan Nantian continued to speak, pulling everyone's thoughts back.

Immediately, everyone's eyes flashed with excitement, eager to try.

Even though Lin Chen's talent is amazing, Yan Nantian can't directly give him the spot. Although Lin Chen beat everyone in the first round, who can guarantee that he will not miss in the next round?

So what if Yan Nantian was optimistic about him, he stepped back ten thousand steps and said, the current Dayan Dynasty is in dire straits and the situation is grim. Whether Yan Nantian can keep his throne is still a matter of debate!

(End of this chapter)

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