Chapter 185

The size of the Breaking Eagle is about the size of a carriage, and its back is even wider enough to hold five or six people.

Lin Chen was standing on the empty eagle. After three people stood up, Yan Mengyue stood up again. In fact, there was no place left. If another person came up, it would be a bit crowded.

In this case, Yan Mengyue could have chosen another Broken Eagle, but she chose to go to Lin Chen's place. In an instant, Lin Chen became the target of public criticism again.

Sighing secretly in his heart, Lin Chen really didn't want to have any entanglements with this princess, even if her appearance, temperament, identity and strength were no less than Xia Xinxuan.

"Mr. Lin Chen, Ming Yu." Nodding to the two, Yan Mengyue's voice was ethereal and clear, falling in her ears, which actually made people feel refreshed.

Looking at it from a close distance, Lin Chen felt the wonderful feeling conveyed by this woman, pure yet charming, every frown and smile contained an irresistible temptation for a man.

The title of the most beautiful woman in the Great Yan Dynasty is definitely not for nothing.

"Sister, you don't really like Brother Lin Chen, do you? I think you are a perfect match!" Yan Mingyu and Yan Mengyue obviously have a good relationship, so he also came over to tease him at this time.

When Yan Mengyue heard the words, her pretty face flushed slightly, adding a bit of charming demeanor, she spit lightly, and glared at Yan Mingyu.

Immediately afterwards, he looked towards Yan Zhen, and saw that Yan Zhen was already sitting on the back of a broken eagle with Xia Tian, ​​and his horse face was full of coldness, looking over.

"Let's go!" Yan Nantian gave an order, and immediately, the piercing eagle spread its wings and led everyone towards Tiantian Shuicheng.

Hoo hoo. .

The wind howled, the clothes fluttered, Lin Chen looked down, the magnificent and huge palace, and even the entire palace, were rapidly shrinking, and finally turned into a black spot.

Being on a high place, Lin Chen also overlooked almost half of the territory of the Great Yan Dynasty, and with that map, he also had some understanding in his heart.

Of course, the Dayan Dynasty is only a very weak force in this vast northern land. Among the many dynasties, it is almost the bottom level. In Lin Chen's mind, this is just a springboard. Xingnan College is even further away. A stronger place is what he yearns for.

On the eagle's back, Yan Mengyue looked at Wu Zhuoheng, hesitated to speak, Lin Chen understood what was happening, and immediately smiled.

"Princess, it's okay to say, Zhuo Heng is one of my own." Saying this sentence, Wu Zhuoheng was also very moved. The three words "my own" can represent many meanings.

If Lin Chen can put aside the previous suspicions, Wu Zhuoheng is naturally more determined!
"This time, you have to be careful. Yan Zhen has already made many plans to plot the imperial power. Third brother, you and Lin Chen are his primary targets, even the father..." Yan Mengyue whispered, her beautiful eyes Among them, full of sorrow.

She didn't dare to say it before, but now, in this high altitude, above the eagle's back, it is impossible for others to hear it, only those present can hear it, so she has no scruples.

Hearing this, Yan Mingyu was shocked.

"I know he wants to attack me, but Father... Could it be that Yan Zhen can be so vicious?" His eyes were full of shock, Yan Mingyu never thought that Yan Zhen could actually attack Yan Nantianxia.

As for Lin Chen, although he was a little surprised, he soon felt relieved.

Since ancient times, the struggle for imperial power has always been the darkest. It is not uncommon in history to kill brothers and fathers, but Yan Zhen can be regarded as a hero if he can do this.

"I also hope that this is false, but it is the case. Sister Xiangfei told me that the father has been poisoned by Yan Zhen's ten fragrances and seven absolutes. If the father does not pass the throne to him in the end, I am afraid he will immediately Trigger this strange poison and kill the emperor!" Yan Mengyue said.

"Xiangfei?" Yan Mingyu was surprised, "Isn't this the concubine Yan Zhen gave to the emperor?"

"Yes, Concubine Xiang is a famous beauty in the Yan Dynasty because of her natural fragrance. In order to capture her, Yan Zhen secretly sent someone to destroy Concubine Xiang's entire family!" Yan Mengyue's words shocked Lin Chen. .

Yan Zhen's hands are really covered with the blood of innocent people.

"Sister Xiangfei was also poisoned by the poison of ten fragrances and seven absolutes, but she didn't know it. Inevitably, when the father favored him, the poison entered the father's body!"

"And this strange poison, even the father, the king, cannot detect it. According to what Xiangfei said, behind Yan Zhen, there is probably a terrible black hand!"

What Yan Mengyue said turned Yan Mingyu's heart upside down. He thought it was just a fight between the two of them, but now it has risen to another level.

Even though Lin Chen had already understood that the water in the Dayan Dynasty was not as deep as usual, he was even more worried now.

He just wanted to simply get the quota and get the thousand-year-old Tianshan lotus seed, but now it seems that it will definitely not be so easy.

With stern eyes, standing on the eagle's back with his hands behind his back, Lin Chen looked at the ground below, lost in thought.

The enemy is in the dark, I am in the light, and the difference in strength is too great. This is obviously a tough battle. Not to mention the ambitious Cui family, and Yang Shouyang who has already started to act, Yan Zhen's side alone is enough to make people laugh. Desperate.

Right now, there is no other way but to take one step at a time.

Frowning tightly, Lin Chen's heart moved, but he thought of Mr. Su, and immediately took out the Jade Talisman of Communication, and asked.

But this time there were other people present, so the old man naturally didn't manifest the phantom, but in the small courtyard of Feiying Town, the old man stood up directly, a murderous intent surged, his eyes burst out with brilliance, The surrounding space fluctuated.

There is no other reason, but because the poison of the ten fragrances and seven quintessences is not from the East Pole Continent, but from the Lingxiu Small Thousand Realm. This poison was not refined by others, but it came from Su Rang!

"Okay, after so long, you've finally shown your horse's feet!" Su Rang's eyes were startled, and the wine glass in Su Rang's hand was crushed into a ball of powder by him!
From Lingxiu Xiaoqianjie to this so-called East Pole Continent, not only because of Jin'er's illness, but also because of this culprit!
"I'll be waiting for you in Wangcheng."

Just six words, but Lin Chen was very surprised. Mr. Su actually wanted to come in person, but soon he also gained confidence.

The strength of Elder Su, within the Great Yan Dynasty, I am afraid that there are absolutely few opponents. Since he wants to come to the royal city in person, Lin Chen has a little more confidence.

"The soldiers will block the water and cover them with earth. There is an expert on my side who may be able to cure this strange poison. Princess, don't worry too much. Right now, what we have to do is to overwhelm them in the next battle!"

Lie Lie in the green shirt, the confident words of the young man instantly gave people a sense of steadfastness. A moment ago, Yan Mengyue was still suppressing her melancholy, but in an instant, Lin Chen's words were like a powerful big hand pushing aside for her. Dark clouds all over the sky!

For some reason, she was willing to believe in this boy, that he had the strength to change everything.

And just during this speech, on the ground below, there is also a huge city, which appears in everyone's field of vision, and under the city wall, there is an endless stretch of green corpses that are as shocking as the ocean.

Tianshui City, here we come.

ps: Thank you book friends for the recommendation tickets, and the rewards and comments from Brother Shiyan S over at Qidian. I can’t manage the book review area of ​​Qidian, otherwise I will improve it for you, hehe.

(End of this chapter)

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