Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 186 The Scary Extraordinary Corpse

Chapter 186 The Scary Extraordinary Corpse
Even though there was still some distance, the shocking scene had already caught everyone's eyes.

Corpses are everywhere!

Tianshui City is one of the eight big cities that guard the Royal City, and it is the same in size as Tianyuan City. But at this moment, this city is facing an unprecedented threat.

Looking around, under the city wall, densely packed corpses roared unconsciously and piled up, almost turning into a mountain peak. Above the city wall, soldiers kept pouring kerosene down, shooting arrows, and throwing stones.

But there are too many corpses!
The whole body has green hair, and there is a red glow in the eyes. Most of the corpses are wearing ordinary clothes. It is obvious that they are some civilians who have been refined into corpses.

And the most frightening thing is that these people who were originally powerless, after refining, their physical strength has become comparable to that of innate, burning flames all over their bodies, but they will not die. Although strict precautions have been taken, many corpses have mixed into the city !

There have already been a large number of casualties, and they are still continuing. If this situation continues, the entire Tianshui City may fall into a terrible disaster.

On the other side, a sky-shattering eagle came up. The genius of Shuicheng that day had long been red-eyed. To others, Tianshui City was nothing, but this was their home!

Zhao Hai, Zhao Tuo and others who failed the assessment before were about to jump off the Sky Breaking Eagle, but fortunately they were stopped in time. If they jumped from such a height, they would die in vain and fall into a pile of flesh.

"This Yang Shouyang, how many people did he kill..." Secretly speechless, Lin Chen once again had an uncontrollable murderous intent.

For his own ambition, this person refined at least tens of thousands of ordinary people and turned them into such horrible corpses. This method can really be called a magic word.

In contrast, this is the real way of demons. As for Lin Chen, his demons are completely different.

The Sky Breaking Eagle landed, and after scanning, Lin Chen didn't find any trace of Yang Shouyang. However, with his current strength, he might be able to hide into the space anytime and anywhere.

After refining Yang Yong, Yang Shouyang's injuries that should have killed him recovered a lot in an instant. At that time, Lin Chen knew that this evil skill was terrible.

After refining such a large number of corpses again, Yang Shouyang's strength must be even stronger.

"Hey, let's find a way to deal with these corpses." Lin Chen sighed. Looking around, there are probably twenty to thirty thousand corpses.

Originally, he still had some fighting spirit, but now, seeing so many innocent people turned into corpses, Lin Chen felt very sad, how could he have the mind to take care of other things.

The so-called competition for quotas seemed insignificant in the face of this kind of disaster.

But it's a pity that Lin Chen has this awareness, but others don't. With a loud shout, Yan Zhen and Xia Tian have already broken into the crowd of corpses and started killing.

Yan Zhen's weapon was actually a sickle, every time he made a move, he could cut off the head of a corpse, and he put it in the Ruomu card in an instant.

And Xia Tian is not weak at all, the fire unicorn martial spirit emerges from behind, and all the corpses who dare to approach are instantly scorched, and when the hand is pinched, red flames are shot out from the unicorn's mouth, sweeping away In the meantime, rows of corpse heads flew up.

The other geniuses also used their own means to join the battle circle, and immediately formed a one-sided massacre.

These are all the elite geniuses of the entire Great Yan Dynasty. Compared with ordinary soldiers, they are naturally different, and with the help of these geniuses, the originally somewhat hopeless atmosphere suddenly escalated!

Lin Chen was holding the magic halberd, relying solely on the sharpness of the magic halberd, every time he sprinted, a row of corpse heads would be raised up, and in a short while, the originally menacing army of corpses fell down one after another.

Immediately, the heads of corpses flew up one after another, and their bodies fell to the ground, showing a sweeping momentum. With such a posture, I am afraid that these corpses will be killed before long.

However, within the army of corpses, it is naturally impossible to only have these ordinary corpses. Apart from the corpses refined by a large number of ordinary people, there are also many corpses refined by warriors!
These are two completely different concepts. The attacks of many geniuses can easily deal with ordinary corpses, but it is not so easy to encounter corpses refined by warriors.


With a strange roar, dozens of more powerful corpses rushed out of the army of corpses. Everywhere they passed, ordinary corpses avoided them, showing a state of submission.

And most of these dozens of corpses have extraordinary strength. This evil method can refine the bodies of ordinary people to innate strength, and naturally it can also refine the bodies of innately strong people to extraordinary levels!
Immediately, the pressure of many geniuses soared, and they were even caught off guard and injured.

Among the army of corpses, the genius from Tianshui City, Zhao Hai, is displaying his martial soul to deal with an oncoming corpse with extraordinary strength.

Zhao Hai's martial soul is a water attribute martial soul, and as we all know, the water attribute martial soul has always been inferior to the fire attribute martial soul, such as Xia Tian's fire unicorn.

With a shout, Zhao Hai moved his handprints, and there seemed to be waves rolling in front of him, slapping the corpse with extraordinary strength forward, but no matter how talented he is, he is also an innate warrior, and he is not as evil as Lin Chen.

And the other party's corpse man is real, his body strength has reached an extraordinary level, what does this mean?
The body strength of this corpse, the innate level of attack, can't hurt it!


The water wave was broken in an instant, and the tyrannical corpse rushed directly to Zhao Hai in a tyrannical posture, and without hesitation, he punched directly in his chest.

He vomited blood on the spot, his chest collapsed, and Zhao Hai's body flew upside down, knocking down a bunch of corpses, and then he could barely stop, but his momentum was completely sluggish, obviously seriously injured, unable to fight anymore.

Although Zhao Hai did not pass the test, he was considered a relatively powerful genius, but under the hands of this extraordinary corpse man, he couldn't even hold a single move!
Although the extraordinary corpse man is not as powerful as the extraordinary warriors of human beings, and cannot walk in the air, but it is also refined by innate strong men. The strength of the body and the strength of the attack have reached the threshold of extraordinary, so, Ordinary innate abilities cannot be dealt with.

As these dozens of powerful corpses joined the battle circle, the originally one-sided situation immediately changed.

In just a few breaths, several geniuses were injured, even lost their combat effectiveness, and fell into danger.

Lin Chen also fought with a Transcendent Corpse Man, and he was able to gain some upper hand in a duel. After all, this Transcendent Corpse Man was not a real Transcendent, and even if it was a real Transcendent Elementary, From Lin Chen's place, he couldn't get any benefits.

The footsteps retreated, but from the corner of his eyes, he saw that Zhao Hai, who was seriously injured, was lying on the spot, and the extraordinary corpse came to him with a leap, and then stepped on the sole of his foot, instantly smashing his head. Step on it and go!

(End of this chapter)

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