Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 187 Sword Guard, Yan 3!

Chapter 187 Sword Guard, Yan San!
Zhao Hai, die!

Originally, this second round of tests only belonged to the 57 geniuses who passed the Martial Soul test, Zhao Hai was not included in this list, his Martial Soul was only rank nine, and had already been eliminated.

However, at the moment Tianshui City was attacked by corpses, as a person from Tianshui City, he naturally asked to accompany him and give his own strength. However, he did not expect that he would die in the hands of corpses like this. hands.

"Zhao Hai!" A stern roar came, it was Zhao Tuo, this person and Zhao Hai should also be brothers, so naturally heartbroken.

However, Zhao Tuo's strength is not as good as Zhao Hai, let alone the opponent of the extraordinary corpse!
But that Zhao Hai's head was broken, it's not over yet, I saw that extraordinary corpse man grabbed his corpse, opened his mouth to bite at the severed head, the scene was extremely bloody and terrible, Yan Mengyue couldn't help it About to throw up.

"Damn it!" Lin Chen's eyes turned cold, Zhao Hai was considered a genius, but he just died in the hands of the corpse man, without even leaving the whole body.

And these corpses turned out to be innocent people too!

My heart was burning, and I didn't keep my hand anymore. Suddenly, a black flame appeared on the magic halberd. Lin Chen stepped forward, and his whole body disappeared like a wisp of smoke. Flashing in front of the Transcendent Corpse Man in front, a black halberd shadow was as fast as lightning.

The black flame was scorching, making the air a little distorted. The Sen Luo Demon Halberd was already unparalleled in sharpness, and the effect of the black flame was even more invincible. A face-to-face was already a corpse head flying up!

"Get out!" The voice was low, and Lin Chen felt very heavy in his heart.

And this scene, in the eyes of the geniuses, brought them a new shock.

At first they thought that Lin Chen's talent was a little more transcendent, and his own realm was only the third level of congenital, so there was nothing to be afraid of, but now, after seeing the terrifying combat power he displayed, they realized that there are really people in this world who cannot be controlled by common sense. of.

This is an extraordinary corpse!

Innate corpses, everyone can crush them, but against extraordinary corpses, they can kill them in one move. Lin Chen's combat power is definitely the number one that is well-deserved!
Looking at Lin Chen with gloomy eyes, Yan Zhen had a ferocious face, and his attacks became more and more fierce, as if the corpse in front of him was Lin Chen.

Unlike Lin Chen, few of the geniuses present could feel emotionally. In their eyes, what they saw was only the second round of fighting. With such a disposition, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are short-sighted.

"The guy who made the corpses deserves to die [-] times!" Yan Mingyu's eyes were red, and he could naturally tell that the tens of thousands of corpses were ordinary people, and there were even toddlers among them!
He shot angrily and killed these corpses, but every time he killed one, Yan Mingyu's heart ached a little.

These are all the people of his Dayan Dynasty!
Compared to Yan Zhen, Yan Mingyu truly loves the people like a son, a person with great love, which is why Yan Nantian is more optimistic about him.

Yan Mengyue couldn't bear it even more. She didn't even kill many corpses, but tried to use pure star power to purify the evil power. Unfortunately, after Yang Shouyang's refining was completed, the lives of these corpses The essence power has also been absorbed by him.

Even if Yan Mengyue could purify the evil power from these corpses, she couldn't bring them back to life!

"They are all innocent people..." With a sad face, the girl could not stop crying!

On the other side, the fire unicorn roared behind Xia Tian, ​​killing vigorously, even if it was not as tyrannical as Lin Chen, but he was still able to deal with this corpse whose physical strength barely reached extraordinary.

He couldn't do instant kills, but after some twists and turns, he also successfully beheaded the Transcendent Corpse Man.

Seeing this, Yan Zhen was not to be outdone, and seized a flaw, and beheaded the extraordinary corpse man on the opposite side, and that Cui Ba, with a huge ax swung, had a vague tendency to open a mountain, and he was able to suppress it beyond his strength. Extraordinary corpse.

Cui Yuan also exhibited a mysterious footwork, constantly dodging, shooting one arrow after another, even the superhuman corpse was shot through several holes in his body, and he couldn't hold on for long.

However, there are still a few geniuses who can deal with or even kill the extraordinary corpse man. Most of the geniuses cannot fight the extraordinary corpse man. In some cases, there are even those who avoid fighting.

In such a life-and-death battle, not only can one see a person's strength and character, but also something deeper.

Charged all the way, there were thousands of corpses who died in Lin Chen's hands, and even three superhuman corpses were beheaded by him, which made everyone's eyes straight.

It is no exaggeration to say that wherever Lin Chen passed, it was like chopping vegetables, all the corpses fell down, their heads flew up, and were put into the wooden signs. Such a scene made people feel excited!
Only now did these people understand Yan Nantian's statement that giving birth to a child should be like Lin Chen's. This is definitely not a lie, Lin Chen really deserves it!

The body flickered, and Lin Chen's harvested head was even filled with a Ruomu token. He had killed many people before, Yan Yi, Liu Junyu, Zhao Zixuan, Yu Jibo, Heilian, their Ruomu tokens were all in Lin Chen's hands. Here, counting, it can be regarded as a small fortune.

But now, a Ruomu card is almost full, such a record, I am afraid that no one can beat it, but Lin Chen's heart is getting heavier and heavier.

Tianshui City is a big city, and it is still in such a miserable state. It is conceivable that those small cities must be even more unstoppable. The source of these innate corpses are small cities, small towns!

Even on Yan Nantian's map, Pingshan City has not been invaded, but it is still possible to be stepped on by corpses at any time, Lin Chen's heart tightened suddenly.

It's nothing else, but Ling Tian's Mansion absolutely can't afford to lose, let alone Song Buping's relationship, Lin Chen's parents are still in Ling Tian Mansion!
"There is something wrong here, go to Pingshan City immediately!" After making up his mind, Lin Chen's brain started to spin rapidly.

Simply relying on brute force to kill these corpses is a temporary solution but not the root cause, and the source of the corpses is the powerful Yang Shouyang. In this way, the situation seems to be unsolvable, but Lin Chen feels that the There must be a way, but he didn't think of it.

Are so many corpses really controlled by Yang Shouyang alone?

What kind of evil skill is so powerful, so heaven-defying?

Lin Chen instinctively felt that there were still many doubts about this matter, but with his current strength, it was still difficult to investigate anything.

Just as everyone was struggling to kill the corpse man, there was a sudden explosion in Tianshui City. Immediately afterwards, two figures soared into the sky, and a force that seemed to surpass the extraordinary power spread out.

One of the figures had an evil aura all over his body, and green smoke filled his face, covering his face, but Lin Chen instantly recognized that it was Yang Shouyang!

On the opposite side of him, a short-haired man in a black suit stood in the air, holding a long black sword, with an astonishing aura.

"It's the sword guard of Yanyun's Eighteen Guards, Uncle Yan San!" Yan Mingyu immediately shouted excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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