Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 193 The Body of Fiendish Blood

Chapter 193 The Body of Fiendish Blood
"Overdrawing your life? Then I will tell you today, some people, even if you run out of life, you can't defeat them!"

Lin Chen's previous words echoed in his ears again, and Cui Ba finally understood that what Lin Chen said was by no means false, but truly possessed this strength and confidence!

The effectiveness of Huaxue Pill was almost exhausted, Cui Ba's burly body shriveled up abruptly, and all the flesh, bones, and life essence in his body were transformed into strength, but even so, he still couldn't beat Lin Chen.

This is really a hopeless opponent!
For a moment, Cui Ba even had a feeling that if the Cui family was really going to be destroyed, it must be because of this young man in front of him!

It's a pity that he has no chance to verify this idea.

After the powerful eruption, there was a wave of weakness that made him fall into an abyss, emanating from every corner of his body. This feeling of powerlessness made people crazy.

It's hard to imagine that a martial artist with a body-training style will end up barely able to stand up!

However, Lin Chen, during the previous indiscriminate bombardment, had been gaining momentum all the time. Cui Ba's entire power was poured on him, and he used it to sharpen his body.

At this moment, the cyan dragon shadow on the surface of the body became more solid, and the sleepy dragon's ascension formula continued to run, which also made Lin Chen feel indescribably smooth and powerful. Those who come to practice.

Standing still, Lin Chen shook his head looking at Cui Ba who was already staggering in front of him.

Both arms were numb from the shock, and there were blood spots on the front of the fist and the tiger's mouth. Obviously, Lin Chen also suffered some flesh injuries during the confrontation just now, but this is naturally not worth mentioning. .

As the dragon pattern wandered away, he felt a powerful force that couldn't wait to spit it out!

Taking a step, the stone slab under his feet instantly turned into powder, and Lin Chen's figure, in Cui Ba's eyes, seemed to be the frightening ancient god and demon, directly charging towards him.

"Fall down!"

Lin Chen's fist was still brewing with nine layers of dark energy, but compared to before, it was more than a little bit more tyrannical. He instinctively wanted to fight back, but in Cui Ba's current state, he could only watch helplessly as this bird that represented death The fist keeps expanding in the pupil.

This punch didn't hold back at all, it contained Lin Chen's pure physical strength brewing to suppress to the extreme, wrapped in a dense ninefold dark energy, at this moment, it hit Cui Ba's chest fiercely.

A face to face, Cui Ba's chest collapsed, Lin Chen was surprised to find that Cui Ba's body seemed to have no flesh and blood at this moment, only a skeleton supporting a piece of skin.

Naturally, such a body couldn't withstand this terrifying punch. In an instant, the dark force exploded, and Cui Ba's whole body burst into pieces in a very visually impactful posture. Bones and cracked dry skin, fried everywhere.

Cui Ba, die!

Secretly stunned, Lin Chen also lamented the horror of this blood-transforming pill. Although his punch was powerful, he thought he couldn't beat a body-refining martial artist to pieces. The only reason was that the blood-transforming pill had already This made Cui Ba's body fragile to a certain extent.

Even beheading Cui Yuan and Cui Ba caused a lot of bad breath in his heart. Lin Chen felt the power rolling in his body, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

All along, Lin Chen has never been negligent in his cultivation, but he still goes further than Yuanli. The cultivation of body refinement and star soul master is not as good as Yuanli. In the final analysis, he still does not have enough time to take care of.

Now, after a hard fight with Cui Ba, the Sleepy Dragon's Ascension to Heaven Art has taken a further step, and this trip was not in vain.

He took a deep breath and turned around, but Lin Chen saw Ye Xiaotian clenched his fists tightly and looked at him with piercing eyes.

"Big brother, I want to practice with you!" Obviously, Lin Chen's strength had completely convinced the young man, and he had the idea of ​​following him to practice.

However, given Lin Chen's current situation, he naturally couldn't take such a 13-year-old boy with him, and at the moment, his attention was not on Ye Xiaotian.

Behind the young man, Ye Xiaoshi's whole body was trembling, her face was pale, and there was blood flickering in the depths of her pupils, she was actually staring at Cui Yuan's corpse on the ground.

It seemed that the next moment, she would jump out and crush Cui Yuan's body!

Lin Chen only thought that the little girl hated Cui Yuan too much, but he instinctively sensed something was wrong, so he walked over and looked at Ye Xiaoshi.

When Ye Xiaotian turned around, he also noticed the strangeness of his sister, and his complexion changed drastically.

"Oops, Xiaoshi touched blood!" With panic in his voice, Ye Xiaotian looked at Ye Xiaoshi, and he realized that he was still too careless.

When Lin Chen killed Cui Yuan just now, the blood gushed out. He only felt happy, but he ignored Ye Xiaoshi. Before his father was alive, he had repeatedly told him not to let Xiaoshi touch the blood, but he failed to take good care of it. younger sister.

"What's going on?" Lin Chen looked at Ye Xiaoshi, and he was surprised to find that there was a terrifying fluctuation coming from the little girl at this moment, which was cold and gloomy.

"Father once said that Xiaoshi is a body of evil blood, and she has a natural desire for blood, so don't let her touch blood!" Ye Xiaotian said quickly.

The body of evil blood!

Just this name alone is extremely extraordinary. He has read many books and seems to have related records, but the one that impressed him the most is the eight characters.

Once the evil blood comes out, the world will be restless!

Every time the bloody body is born, the whole world will be plunged into turmoil!

"Father said that only Wen Lingquan in Jieyang Secret Realm can relieve Xiaoshi's symptoms after being exposed to blood, let's go!" Ye Xiaotian remembered what his father said, and immediately ran forward with Xiaoshi.

However, just as his hand grasped Xiaoshi's wrist, the girl suddenly raised her head and opened her mouth to bite his neck!

Caught off guard, Ye Xiaotian felt a chill on his neck, and a piece of flesh had been bitten off. This was the result of Lin Chen's sharp eyesight and quick hands, and immediately knocked Ye Xiaoshi unconscious.

Pain struck, and I was afraid for a while, Ye Xiaotian had never seen such a scene before, there were similar situations in the past, and his father took Xiaoshi to treat him.

"Where is the Wen Lingquan you mentioned, take her there quickly!" At this moment, Ye Xiaoshi passed out, but her delicate body was still shaking, obviously not in a good condition, Lin Chen asked quickly.

"Go, I'll take you there!" Ye Xiaotian ran forward regardless of the wound on his neck.

My father said that things about the secret realm must never be known to outsiders, but Ye Xiaotian's youthful heart, he had trusted Cui Yuan and the two before, so he naturally had no defense against others, and Lin Chen saved them, and Xiaoshi's situation is critical, so she doesn't care so much.

Lin Chen hugged Ye Xiaoshi and followed behind him. In the study of the City Lord's Mansion, there was a hidden passageway, which went down quickly, and it took a long time for a stick of incense to come to the end.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Chen opened his mouth wide, unable to speak in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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